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Gupta, Ashutosh, Agrawal, Anita.  2022.  Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm with Optimal S-box and Automated Key Generation. 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). :2112–2115.

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm plays an important role in a data security application. In general S-box module in AES will give maximum confusion and diffusion measures during AES encryption and cause significant path delay overhead. In most cases, either L UTs or embedded memories are used for S- box computations which are vulnerable to attacks that pose a serious risk to real-world applications. In this paper, implementation of the composite field arithmetic-based Sub-bytes and inverse Sub-bytes operations in AES is done. The proposed work includes an efficient multiple round AES cryptosystem with higher-order transformation and composite field s-box formulation with some possible inner stage pipelining schemes which can be used for throughput rate enhancement along with path delay optimization. Finally, input biometric-driven key generation schemes are used for formulating the cipher key dynamically, which provides a higher degree of security for the computing devices.