Visible to the public Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm with Optimal S-box and Automated Key Generation

TitleAdvanced Encryption Standard Algorithm with Optimal S-box and Automated Key Generation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsGupta, Ashutosh, Agrawal, Anita
Conference Name2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)
Date Publishedapr
Keywords-AES, biometric encryption, biometrics (access control), Ciphertext, Computer architecture, cryptography, Data security, delays, Encryption, Heuristic algorithms, Lookup Table (LUT), Metrics, pubcrawl, Random access memory, resilience, Resiliency, Throughput

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm plays an important role in a data security application. In general S-box module in AES will give maximum confusion and diffusion measures during AES encryption and cause significant path delay overhead. In most cases, either L UTs or embedded memories are used for S- box computations which are vulnerable to attacks that pose a serious risk to real-world applications. In this paper, implementation of the composite field arithmetic-based Sub-bytes and inverse Sub-bytes operations in AES is done. The proposed work includes an efficient multiple round AES cryptosystem with higher-order transformation and composite field s-box formulation with some possible inner stage pipelining schemes which can be used for throughput rate enhancement along with path delay optimization. Finally, input biometric-driven key generation schemes are used for formulating the cipher key dynamically, which provides a higher degree of security for the computing devices.

Citation Keygupta_advanced_2022