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Richard, D. S., Rashidzadeh, R., Ahmadi, M..  2018.  Secure Scan Architecture Using Clock and Data Recovery Technique. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). :1-5.

Design for Testability (DfT) techniques allow devices to be tested at various levels of the manufacturing process. Scan architecture is a dominantly used DfT technique, which supports a high level of fault coverage, observability and controllability. However, scan architecture can be used by hardware attackers to gain critical information stored within the device. The security threats due to an unrestricted access provided by scan architecture has to be addressed to ensure hardware security. In this work, a solution based on the Clock and Data Recovery (CDR) method has been presented to authenticate users and limit the access to the scan architecture to authorized users. As compared to the available solution the proposed method presents a robust performance and reduces the area overhead by more than 10%.

Al-hisnawi, M., Ahmadi, M..  2017.  Deep packet inspection using Cuckoo filter. 2017 Annual Conference on New Trends in Information Communications Technology Applications (NTICT). :197–202.

Nowadays, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have been depending on Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) approaches, which are the most precise techniques for traffic identification and classification. However, constructing high performance DPI approaches imposes a vigilant and an in-depth computing system design because the demands for the memory and processing power. Membership query data structures, specifically Bloom filter (BF), have been employed as a matching check tool in DPI approaches. It has been utilized to store signatures fingerprint in order to examine the presence of these signatures in the incoming network flow. The main issue that arise when employing Bloom filter in DPI approaches is the need to use k hash functions which, in turn, imposes more calculations overhead that degrade the performance. Consequently, in this paper, a new design and implementation for a DPI approach have been proposed. This DPI utilizes a membership query data structure called Cuckoo filter (CF) as a matching check tool. CF has many advantages over BF like: less memory consumption, less false positive rate, higher insert performance, higher lookup throughput, support delete operation. The achieved experiments show that the proposed approach offers better performance results than others that utilize Bloom filter.

Takalo, H., Ahmadi, A., Mirhassani, M., Ahmadi, M..  2016.  Analog cellular neural network for application in physical unclonable functions. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). :2635–2638.
In this paper an analog cellular neural network is proposed with application in physical unclonable function design. Dynamical behavior of the circuit and its high sensitivity to the process variation can be exploited in a challenge-response security system. The proposed circuit can be used as unclonable core module in the secure systems for applications such as device identification/authentication and secret key generation. The proposed circuit is designed and simulated in 45-nm bulk CMOS technology. Monte Carlo simulation for this circuit, results in unpolarized Gaussian-shaped distribution for Hamming Distance between 4005 100-bit PUF instances.
Nemati, A., Feizi, S., Ahmadi, A., Haghiri, S., Ahmadi, M., Alirezaee, S..  2015.  An efficient hardware implementation of few lightweight block cipher. 2015 The International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP). :273–278.

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) are becoming a part of our everyday life with a wide range of applications such as labeling products and supply chain management and etc. These smart and tiny devices have extremely constrained resources in terms of area, computational abilities, memory, and power. At the same time, security and privacy issues remain as an important problem, thus with the large deployment of low resource devices, increasing need to provide security and privacy among such devices, has arisen. Resource-efficient cryptographic incipient become basic for realizing both security and efficiency in constrained environments and embedded systems like RFID tags and sensor nodes. Among those primitives, lightweight block cipher plays a significant role as a building block for security systems. In 2014 Manoj Kumar et al proposed a new Lightweight block cipher named as FeW, which are suitable for extremely constrained environments and embedded systems. In this paper, we simulate and synthesize the FeW block cipher. Implementation results of the FeW cryptography algorithm on a FPGA are presented. The design target is efficiency of area and cost.