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Sikarwar, Himani, Nahar, Ankur, Das, Debasis.  2020.  LABVS: Lightweight Authentication and Batch Verification Scheme for Universal Internet of Vehicles (UIoV). 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring). :1—6.
With the rapid technological advancement of the universal internet of vehicles (UIoV), it becomes crucial to ensure safe and secure communication over the network, in an effort to achieve the implementation objective of UIoV effectively. A UIoV is characterized by highly dynamic topology, scalability, and thus vulnerable to various types of security and privacy attacks (i.e., replay attack, impersonation attack, man-in-middle attack, non-repudiation, and modification). Since the components of UIoV are constrained by numerous factors (e.g., low memory devices, low power), which makes UIoV highly susceptible. Therefore, existing schemes to address the privacy and security facets of UIoV exhibit an enormous scope of improvement in terms of time complexity and efficiency. This paper presents a lightweight authentication and batch verification scheme (LABVS) for UIoV using a bilinear map and cryptographic operations (i.e., one-way hash function, concatenation, XOR) to minimize the rate of message loss occurred due to delay in response time as in single message verification scheme. Subsequently, the scheme results in a high level of security and privacy. Moreover, the performance analysis substantiates that LABVS minimizes the computational delay and has better performance in the delay-sensitive network in terms of security and privacy as compared to the existing schemes.
Sikarwar, Himani, Das, Debasis.  2020.  An Efficient Lightweight Authentication and Batch Verification Scheme for Universal Internet of Vehicles (UIoV). 2020 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). :1266—1271.
Ensuring secure transmission over the communication channel is a fundamental responsibility to achieve the implementation objective of universal internet of vehicles (UIoV) efficiently. Characteristics like highly dynamic topology and scalability of UIoV makes it more vulnerable to different types of privacy and security attacks. Considerable scope of improvement in terms of time complexity and performance can be observed within the existing schemes that address the privacy and security aspects of UIoV. In this paper, we present an improvised authentication and lightweight batch verification method for security and privacy in UIoV. The suggested method reduces the message loss rate, which occurred due to the response time delay by implementing some low-cost cryptographic operations like one-way hash function, concatenation, XOR, and bilinear map. Furthermore, the performance analysis proves that the proposed method is more reliable that reduces the computational delay and has a better performance in the delay-sensitive network as compared to the existing schemes. The experimental results are obtained by implementing the proposed scheme on a desktop-based configuration as well as Raspberry Pi 4.
Das, Debasis, Kumar, Amritesh.  2017.  Algorithm for Multicast Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications. :250–255.

Multi-hop Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) is a promising new technique for communication with routing protocol designs being critical to the effective and efficient of these WMNs. A common approach for routing traffic in these networks is to select a minimal distance from source to destination as in wire-line networks. Opportunistic Routing(OR) makes use of the broadcasting ability of wireless network and is especially very helpful for WMN because all nodes are static. Our proposed scheme of Multicast Opportunistic Routing(MOR) in WMNs is based on the broadcast transmissions and Learning Au-tomata (LA) to expand the potential candidate nodes that can aid in the process of retransmission of the data. The receivers are required to be in sync with one another in order to avoid duplicated broadcasting of data which is generally achieved by formulating the forwarding candidates according to some LA based metric. The most adorable aspect of this protocol is that it intelligently "learns" from the past experience and improves its performance. The results obtained via this approach of MOR, shows that the proposed scheme outperforms with some existing sachems and is an improved and more effective version of opportunistic routing in mesh network.

Bhandari, Akshita, Gupta, Ashutosh, Das, Debasis.  2017.  Betweenness Centrality Updation and Community Detection in Streaming Graphs Using Incremental Algorithm. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications. :159–164.

Centrality measures have perpetually been helpful to find the foremost central or most powerful node within the network. There are numerous strategies to compute centrality of a node however in social networks betweenness centrality is the most widely used approach to bifurcate communities within the network, to find out the susceptibility within the complex networks and to generate the scale free networks whose degree distribution follows the power law. In this paper, we've computed betweenness centrality by identifying communities lying within the network. Our algorithm efficiently updates the centrality of the nodes whenever any edge or vertex addition or deletion takes place within the dynamic network by modifying solely a subset of vertices. For the vertex addition, Incremental Algorithm has been used in which Streaming graphs has also been considered. Brandes approach is the most widely used approach for finding out the betweenness centrality however it's still expensive for growing networks since it takes O(mn+n2logn) amount of time and O(n+m) space however our approach efficiently updates the centrality of the nodes by taking O(textbarStextbarn+textbarStextbarnlogn) amount of time where textbarStextbar is the subset of the vertices,m is the number of edges, n is the number of vertices and textbarStextbar≤n holds true.