Visible to the public An Efficient Lightweight Authentication and Batch Verification Scheme for Universal Internet of Vehicles (UIoV)

TitleAn Efficient Lightweight Authentication and Batch Verification Scheme for Universal Internet of Vehicles (UIoV)
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSikarwar, Himani, Das, Debasis
Conference Name2020 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC)
Date PublishedJune 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-3129-0
Keywordsauthentication, Batch verification, cyber physical systems, Human Behavior, human factors, Internet of Vehicles, Metrics, privacy, pubcrawl, Public key, reliability, resilience, Resiliency, Security and Privacy, Task Analysis, Universal Internet of Vehicles (UIoV), vehicular ad hoc networks
AbstractEnsuring secure transmission over the communication channel is a fundamental responsibility to achieve the implementation objective of universal internet of vehicles (UIoV) efficiently. Characteristics like highly dynamic topology and scalability of UIoV makes it more vulnerable to different types of privacy and security attacks. Considerable scope of improvement in terms of time complexity and performance can be observed within the existing schemes that address the privacy and security aspects of UIoV. In this paper, we present an improvised authentication and lightweight batch verification method for security and privacy in UIoV. The suggested method reduces the message loss rate, which occurred due to the response time delay by implementing some low-cost cryptographic operations like one-way hash function, concatenation, XOR, and bilinear map. Furthermore, the performance analysis proves that the proposed method is more reliable that reduces the computational delay and has a better performance in the delay-sensitive network as compared to the existing schemes. The experimental results are obtained by implementing the proposed scheme on a desktop-based configuration as well as Raspberry Pi 4.
Citation Keysikarwar_efficient_2020