Clickjacking attacks are emerging threats to websites of different sizes and shapes. They are particularly used by threat agents to get more likes and/or followers in Online Social Networks (OSNs). This paper reviews the clickjacking attacks and the classic solutions to tackle various forms of those attacks. Different approaches of Cross-Site Scripting attacks are implemented in this study to study the attack tools and methods. Various iFrame attacks have been developed to tamper with the integrity of the website interactions at the application layer. By visually demonstrating the attacks such as Cross-Site scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), users will be able to have a better understanding of such attacks in their formulation and the risks associated with them.
k-anonymity is an efficient way to anonymize the relational data to protect privacy against re-identification attacks. For the purpose of k-anonymity on transaction data, each item is considered as the quasi-identifier attribute, thus increasing high dimension problem as well as the computational complexity and information loss for anonymity. In this paper, an efficient anonymity system is designed to not only anonymize transaction data with lower information loss but also reduce the computational complexity for anonymity. An extensive experiment is carried to show the efficiency of the designed approach compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms for anonymity in terms of runtime and information loss. Experimental results indicate that the proposed anonymous system outperforms the compared algorithms in all respects.