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Lei, Kai, Ye, Hao, Liang, Yuzhi, Xiao, Jing, Chen, Peiwu.  2021.  Towards a Translation-Based Method for Dynamic Heterogeneous Network Embedding. ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. :1–6.
Network embedding, which aims to map the discrete network topology to a continuous low-dimensional representation space with the major topological properties preserved, has emerged as an essential technique to support various network inference tasks. However, incorporating both the evolutionary nature and the network's heterogeneity remains a challenge for existing network embedding methods. In this study, we propose a novel Translation-Based Dynamic Heterogeneous Network Embedding (TransDHE) approach to consider both the aspects simultaneously. For a dynamic heterogeneous network with a sequence of snapshots and multiple types of nodes and edges, we introduce a translation-based embedding module to capture the heterogeneous characteristics (e.g., type information) of each single snapshot. An orthogonal alignment module and RNN-based aggregation module are then applied to explore the evolutionary patterns among multiple successive snapshots for the final representation learning. Extensive experiments on a set of real-world networks demonstrate that TransDHE can derive the more informative embedding result for the network dynamic and heterogeneity over state-of-the-art network embedding baselines.
Liu, Yong, Zhu, Xinghua, Wang, Jianzong, Xiao, Jing.  2021.  A Quantitative Metric for Privacy Leakage in Federated Learning. ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :3065–3069.
In the federated learning system, parameter gradients are shared among participants and the central modulator, while the original data never leave their protected source domain. However, the gradient itself might carry enough information for precise inference of the original data. By reporting their parameter gradients to the central server, client datasets are exposed to inference attacks from adversaries. In this paper, we propose a quantitative metric based on mutual information for clients to evaluate the potential risk of information leakage in their gradients. Mutual information has received increasing attention in the machine learning and data mining community over the past few years. However, existing mutual information estimation methods cannot handle high-dimensional variables. In this paper, we propose a novel method to approximate the mutual information between the high-dimensional gradients and batched input data. Experimental results show that the proposed metric reliably reflect the extent of information leakage in federated learning. In addition, using the proposed metric, we investigate the influential factors of risk level. It is proven that, the risk of information leakage is related to the status of the task model, as well as the inherent data distribution.
Mu, Xin, Zhu, Feida, Lim, Ee-Peng, Xiao, Jing, Wang, Jianzong, Zhou, Zhi-Hua.  2016.  User Identity Linkage by Latent User Space Modelling. Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. :1775–1784.

User identity linkage across social platforms is an important problem of great research challenge and practical value. In real applications, the task often assumes an extra degree of difficulty by requiring linkage across multiple platforms. While pair-wise user linkage between two platforms, which has been the focus of most existing solutions, provides reasonably convincing linkage, the result depends by nature on the order of platform pairs in execution with no theoretical guarantee on its stability. In this paper, we explore a new concept of ``Latent User Space'' to more naturally model the relationship between the underlying real users and their observed projections onto the varied social platforms, such that the more similar the real users, the closer their profiles in the latent user space. We propose two effective algorithms, a batch model(ULink) and an online model(ULink-On), based on latent user space modelling. Two simple yet effective optimization methods are used for optimizing objective function: the first one based on the constrained concave-convex procedure(CCCP) and the second on accelerated proximal gradient. To our best knowledge, this is the first work to propose a unified framework to address the following two important aspects of the multi-platform user identity linkage problem –- (I) the platform multiplicity and (II) online data generation. We present experimental evaluations on real-world data sets for not only traditional pairwise-platform linkage but also multi-platform linkage. The results demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method over the state-of-the-art ones.