In order to ensure the security of electric power supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, this paper proposes a dynamic awareness security protection model based on security policy, the design idea of which regards safety construction protection as a dynamic analysis process and the security policy should adapt to the network dynamics. According to the current situation of the power SCADA system, the related security technology and the investigation results of system security threat, the paper analyzes the security requirements and puts forward the construction ideas of security protection based on policy protection detection response (P2DR) policy model. The dynamic awareness security protection model proposed in this paper is an effective and useful tool for protecting the security of power-SCADA system.
Most of the existing authentication protocols are based on either asymmetric cryptography like public-key infrastructure (PKI) or symmetric cryptography. The PKI-based authentication protocols are strongly recommended for solving security issues in VANETs. However, they have following shortcomings: (1) lengthy certificates lead to transmission and computation overheads, and (2) lack of privacy-preservation due to revealing of vehicle identity, communicated in broadcasting safety-message. Symmetric cryptography based protocols are faster because of a single secret key and simplicity; however, it does not ensure non-repudiation. In this paper, we present an Efficient, Scalable and Privacy-preserving Authentication (ESPA) protocol for secure vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). The protocol employs hybrid cryptography. In ESPA, the asymmetric PKI based pre-authentication and the symmetric hash message authentication code (HMAC) based authentication are adopted during vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communications, respectively. Extensive simulations are conducted to validate proposed ESPA protocol and compared with the existing work based on PKI and HMAC. The performance analysis showed that ESPA is more efficient, scalable and privacy-preserving secured protocol than the existing work.
Past generations of software developers were well on the way to building a software engineering mindset/gestalt, preferring tools and techniques that concentrated on safety, security, reliability, and code re-usability. Computing education reflected these priorities and was, to a great extent organized around these themes, providing beginning software developers a basis for professional practice. In more recent times, economic and deadline pressures and the de-professionalism of practitioners have combined to drive a development agenda that retains little respect for quality considerations. As a result, we are now deep into a new and severe software crisis. Scarcely a day passes without news of either a debilitating data or website hack, or the failure of a mega-software project. Vendors, individual developers, and possibly educators can anticipate an equally destructive flood of malpractice litigation, for the argument that they systematically and recklessly ignored known best development practice of long standing is irrefutable. Yet we continue to instruct using methods and to employ development tools we know, or ought to know, are inherently insecure, unreliable, and unsafe, and that produce software of like ilk. The authors call for a renewed professional and educational focus on software quality, focusing on redesigned tools that enable and encourage known best practice, combined with reformed educational practices that emphasize writing human readable, safe, secure, and reliable software. Practitioners can only deploy sound management techniques, appropriate tool choice, and best practice development methodologies such as thorough planning and specification, scope management, factorization, modularity, safety, appropriate team and testing strategies, if those ideas and techniques are embedded in the curriculum from the beginning. The authors have instantiated their ideas in the form of their highly disciplined new version of Niklaus Wirth's 1980s Modula-2 programming notation under the working moniker Modula-2 R10. They are now working on an implementation that will be released under a liberal open source license in the hope that it will assist in reforming the CS curriculum around a best practices core so as to empower would-be professionals with the intellectual and practical mindset to begin resolving the software crisis. They acknowledge there is no single software engineering silver bullet, but assert that professional techniques can be inculcated throughout a student's four-year university tenure, and if implemented in the workplace, these can greatly reduce the likelihood of multiplied IT failures at the hands of our graduates. The authors maintain that professional excellence is a necessary mindset, a habit of self-discipline that must be intentionally embedded in all aspects of one's education, and subsequently drive all aspects of one's practice, including, but by no means limited to, the choice and use of programming tools.
Future transportation systems highly rely on the integrity of spatial information provided by their means of transportation such as vehicles and planes. In critical applications (e.g. collision avoidance), tampering with this data can result in life-threatening situations. It is therefore essential for the safety of these systems to securely verify this information. While there is a considerable body of work on the secure verification of locations, movement of nodes has only received little attention in the literature. This paper proposes a new method to securely verify spatial movement of a mobile sender in all dimensions, i.e., position, speed, and direction. Our scheme uses Doppler shift measurements from different locations to verify a prover's motion. We provide formal proof for the security of the scheme and demonstrate its applicability to air traffic communications. Our results indicate that it is possible to reliably verify the motion of aircraft in currently operational systems with an equal error rate of zero.
This paper has conducted a trial in establishing a systematic instrument for evaluating the performance of the marine information systems. Analytic Network Process (ANP) was introduced for determining the relative importance of a set of interdependent criteria concerned by the stakeholders (shipper/consignee, customer broker, forwarder, and container yard). Three major information platforms (MTNet, TradeVan, and Nice Shipping) in Taiwan were evaluated according to the criteria derived from ANP. Results show that the performance of marine information system can be divided into three constructs, namely: Safety and Technology (3 items), Service (3 items), and Charge (3 items). The Safety and Technology is the most important construct of marine information system evaluation, whereas Charger is the least important construct. This study give insights to improve the performance of the existing marine information systems and serve as the useful reference for the future freight information platform.
The modern day approach in boulevard network centers on efficient factor in safe routing. The safe routing must follow up the low risk cities. The troubles in routing are a perennial one confronting people day in and day out. The common goal of everyone using a boulevard seems to be reaching the desired point through the fastest manner which involves the balancing conundrum of multiple expected and unexpected influencing factors such as time, distance, security and cost. It is universal knowledge that travelling is an almost inherent aspect in everyone's daily routine. With the gigantic and complex road network of a modern city or country, finding a low risk community for traversing the distance is not easy to achieve. This paper follows the code based community for detecting the boulevard network and fuzzy technique for identifying low risk community.
Interface-confinement is a common mechanism that secures untrusted code by executing it inside a sandbox. The sandbox limits (confines) the code's interaction with key system resources to a restricted set of interfaces. This practice is seen in web browsers, hypervisors, and other security-critical systems. Motivated by these systems, we present a program logic, called System M, for modeling and proving safety properties of systems that execute adversary-supplied code via interface-confinement. In addition to using computation types to specify effects of computations, System M includes a novel invariant type to specify the properties of interface-confined code. The interpretation of invariant type includes terms whose effects satisfy an invariant. We construct a step-indexed model built over traces and prove the soundness of System M relative to the model. System M is the first program logic that allows proofs of safety for programs that execute adversary-supplied code without forcing the adversarial code to be available for deep static analysis. System M can be used to model and verify protocols as well as system designs. We demonstrate the reasoning principles of System M by verifying the state integrity property of the design of Memoir, a previously proposed trusted computing system.
Privacy analysis is essential in the society. Data privacy preservation for access control, guaranteed service in wireless sensor networks are important parts. In programs' verification, we not only consider about these kinds of safety and liveness properties but some security policies like noninterference, and observational determinism which have been proposed as hyper properties. Fairness is widely applied in verification for concurrent systems, wireless sensor networks and embedded systems. This paper studies verification and analysis for proving security-relevant properties and hyper properties by proposing deductive proof rules under fairness requirements (constraints).
Today ICT networks are the economy's vital backbone. While their complexity continuously evolves, sophisticated and targeted cyber attacks such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) become increasingly fatal for organizations. Numerous highly developed Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) promise to detect certain characteristics of APTs, but no mechanism which allows to rate, compare and evaluate them with respect to specific customer infrastructures is currently available. In this paper, we present BAESE, a system which enables vendor independent and objective rating and comparison of IDSs based on small sets of customer network data.
Design and testing of pacemaker is challenging because of the need to capture the interaction between the physical processes (e.g. voltage signal in cardiac tissue) and the embedded software (e.g. a pacemaker). At the same time, there is a growing need for design and certification methodologies that can provide quality assurance for the embedded software. We describe recent progress in simulation-based techniques that are capable of ensuring guaranteed coverage. Our methods employ discrep- ancy functions, which impose bounds on system dynamics, and proceed through iteratively constructing over-approximations of the reachable set of states. We are able to prove time bounded safety or produce counterexamples. We illustrate the techniques by analyzing a family of pacemaker designs against time duration requirements and synthesize safe parameter ranges. We conclude by outlining the potential uses of this technology to improve the safety of medical device designs.
Decreasing the potential for catastrophic consequences poses a significant challenge for high-risk industries. Organizations are under many different pressures, and they are continuously trying to adapt to changing conditions and recover from disturbances and stresses that can arise from both normal operations and unexpected events. Reducing risks in complex systems therefore requires that organizations develop and enhance traits that increase resilience. Resilience provides a holistic approach to safety, emphasizing the creation of organizations and systems that are proactive, interactive, reactive, and adaptive. This approach relies on disciplines such as system safety and emergency management, but also requires that organizations develop indicators and ways of knowing when an emergency is imminent. A resilient organization must be adaptive, using hands-on activities and lessons learned efforts to better prepare it to respond to future disruptions. It is evident from the discussions of each of the traits of resilience, including their limitations, that there are no easy answers to reducing safety risks in complex systems. However, efforts to strengthen resilience may help organizations better address the challenges associated with the ever-increasing complexities of their systems.
In this paper, we propose SAFE (Security Aware FlexRay scheduling Engine), to provide a problem definition and a design framework for FlexRay static segment schedule to address the new challenge on security. From a high level specification of the application, the architecture and communication middleware are synthesized to satisfy security requirements, in addition to extensibility, costs, and end-to-end latencies. The proposed design process is applied to two industrial case studies consisting of a set of active safety functions and an X-by-wire system respectively.
Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) provides infrastructure less, rapidly deployable, self-configurable network connectivity. The network is the collection vehicles interlinked by wireless links and willing to store and forward data for their peers. As vehicles move freely and organize themselves arbitrarily, message routing is done dynamically based on network connectivity. Compared with other ad-hoc networks, VANETs are particularly challenging due to the part of the vehicles' high rate of mobility and the numerous signal-weakening barrier, such as buildings, in their environments. Due to their enormous potential, VANET have gained an increasing attention in both industry and academia. Research activities range from lower layer protocol design to applications and implementation issues. A secure VANET system, while exchanging information should protect the system against unauthorized message injection, message alteration, eavesdropping. The security of VANET is one of the most critical issues because their information transmission is propagated in open access (wireless) environments. A few years back VANET has received increased attention as the potential technology to enhance active and preventive safety on the road, as well as travel comfort Safekeeping and privacy are mandatory in vehicular communications for a grateful acceptance and use of such technology. This paper is an attempt to highlight the problems occurred in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks and security issues.
An application of two Cyber-Physical System (CPS) security countermeasures - Intelligent Checker (IC) and Cross-correlator - for enhancing CPS safety and achieving required CPS safety integrity level is presented. ICs are smart sensors aimed at detecting attacks in CPS and alerting the human operators. Cross-correlator is an anomaly detection technique for detecting deception attacks. We show how ICs could be implemented at three different CPS safety protection layers to maintain CPS in a safe state. In addition, we combine ICs with the cross-correlator technique to assure high probability of failure detection. Performance simulations show that a combination of these two security countermeasures is effective in detecting and mitigating CPS failures, including catastrophic failures.
Programming languages have long incorporated type safety, increasing their level of abstraction and thus aiding programmers. Type safety eliminates whole classes of security-sensitive bugs, replacing the tedious and error-prone search for such bugs in each application with verifying the correctness of the type system. Despite their benefits, these protections often end at the process boundary, that is, type safety holds within a program but usually not to the file system or communication with other programs. Existing operating system approaches to bridge this gap require the use of a single programming language or common language runtime. We describe the deep integration of type safety in Ethos, a clean-slate operating system which requires that all program input and output satisfy a recognizer before applications are permitted to further process it. Ethos types are multilingual and runtime-agnostic, and each has an automatically generated unique type identifier. Ethos bridges the type-safety gap between programs by (1) providing a convenient mechanism for specifying the types each program may produce or consume, (2) ensuring that each type has a single, distributed-system-wide recognizer implementation, and (3) inescapably enforcing these type constraints.
Communicating vehicles will change road traffic as we know it. With current versions of European and US standards in mind, the authors discuss privacy and traffic surveillance issues in vehicular network technology and outline research directions that could address these issues.
Malware researchers rely on the observation of malicious code in execution to collect datasets for a wide array of experiments, including generation of detection models, study of longitudinal behavior, and validation of prior research. For such research to reflect prudent science, the work needs to address a number of concerns relating to the correct and representative use of the datasets, presentation of methodology in a fashion sufficiently transparent to enable reproducibility, and due consideration of the need not to harm others. In this paper we study the methodological rigor and prudence in 36 academic publications from 2006-2011 that rely on malware execution. 40% of these papers appeared in the 6 highest-ranked academic security conferences. We find frequent shortcomings, including problematic assumptions regarding the use of execution-driven datasets (25% of the papers), absence of description of security precautions taken during experiments (71% of the articles), and oftentimes insufficient description of the experimental setup. Deficiencies occur in top-tier venues and elsewhere alike, highlighting a need for the community to improve its handling of malware datasets. In the hope of aiding authors, reviewers, and readers, we frame guidelines regarding transparency, realism, correctness, and safety for collecting and using malware datasets.