Visible to the public Driving for Big Data? Privacy Concerns in Vehicular Networking

TitleDriving for Big Data? Privacy Concerns in Vehicular Networking
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsEckhoff, D., Sommer, C.
JournalSecurity Privacy, IEEE
Date PublishedJan
Keywordsautomobiles, communicating vehicles, data privacy, ETSI, European standards, intelligent transport system, Intelligent vehicles, ITS, privacy concerns, road traffic, road traffic change, Safety, surveillance, Telecommunication standards, telecommunication traffic, traffic surveillance, US standards, vehicular ad hoc networks, vehicular network, vehicular network technology, vehicular networking, WAVE, Wireless communication

Communicating vehicles will change road traffic as we know it. With current versions of European and US standards in mind, the authors discuss privacy and traffic surveillance issues in vehicular network technology and outline research directions that could address these issues.

Citation Key6756784