We consider a cloud based multiserver system consisting of a set of replica application servers behind a set of proxy (indirection) servers which interact directly with clients over the Internet. We study a proactive moving-target defense to thwart a DDoS attacker's reconnaissance phase and consequently reduce the attack's impact. The defense is effectively a moving-target (motag) technique in which the proxies dynamically change. The system is evaluated using an AWS prototype of HTTP redirection and by numerical evaluations of an “adversarial” coupon-collector mathematical model, the latter allowing larger-scale extrapolations.
With the development of the Internet, the network attack technology has undergone tremendous changes. The forms of network attack and defense have also changed, which are features in attacks are becoming more diverse, attacks are more widespread and traditional security protection methods are invalid. In recent years, with the development of software defined security, network anomaly detection technology and big data technology, these challenges have been effectively addressed. This paper proposes a data-driven software defined security architecture with core features including data-driven orchestration engine, scalable network anomaly detection module and security data platform. Based on the construction of the analysis layer in the security data platform, real-time online detection of network data can be realized by integrating network anomaly detection module and security data platform under software defined security architecture. Then, data-driven security business orchestration can be realized to achieve efficient, real-time and dynamic response to detected anomalies. Meanwhile, this paper designs a deep learning-based HTTP anomaly detection algorithm module and integrates it with data-driven software defined security architecture so that demonstrating the flow of the whole system.
Nowadays, video streaming over HTTP is one of the most dominant Internet applications, using adaptive video techniques. Network assisted approaches have been proposed and are being standardized in order to provide high QoE for the end-users of such applications. SAND is a recent MPEG standard where DASH Aware Network Elements (DANEs) are introduced for this purpose. As web-caches are one of the main components of the SAND architecture, the location and the connectivity of these web-caches plays an important role in the user's QoE. The nature of SAND and DANE provides a good foundation for software controlled virtualized DASH environments, and in this paper, we propose a cache location algorithm and a cache migration algorithm for virtualized SAND deployments. The optimal locations for the virtualized DANEs is determined by an SDN controller and migrates it based on gathered statistics. The performance of the resulting system shows that, when SDN and NFV technologies are leveraged in such systems, software controlled virtualized approaches can provide an increase in QoE.
The paper presents a new technique for the botnets' detection in the corporate area networks. It is based on the usage of the algorithms of the artificial immune systems. Proposed approach is able to distinguish benign network traffic from malicious one using the clonal selection algorithm taking into account the features of the botnet's presence in the network. An approach present the main improvements of the BotGRABBER system. It is able to detect the IRC, HTTP, DNS and P2P botnets.
Exfiltrating sensitive information from smartphones has become one of the most significant security threats. We have built a system to identify HTTP-based information exfiltration of malicious Android applications. In this paper, we discuss the method to track the propagation of sensitive information in Android applications using static taint analysis. We have studied the leaked information, destinations to which information is exfiltrated, and their correlations with types of sensitive information. The analysis results based on 578 malicious Android applications have revealed that a significant portion of these applications are interested in identity-related sensitive information. The vast majority of malicious applications leak multiple types of sensitive information. We have also identified servers associated with three country codes including CN, US, and SG are most active in collecting sensitive information. The analysis results have also demonstrated that a wide range of non-default ports are used by suspicious URLs.
This article presents introduction to HTTP Security Headers - new security topic in communication over Internet. It is emphasized that HTTPS protocol and SSL/TLS certificates alone do not offer sufficient level of security for communication among people and devices. In the world of web applications and Internet of Things (IoT), it is vital to bring communication security at higher level, what could be realised via few simple steps. HTTP Response Headers used for different purposes in the past are now the effective way how to propagate security policies from servers to clients (from web servers to web browsers). First improvement is enforcing HTTPS protocol for communication everywhere it is possible and promote this protocol as first and only option for secure connection over the Internet. It is emphasized that HTTP protocol for communication is not suitable anymore.
Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks pose a threat to any service provider on the internet. While traditional DoS flooding attacks require the attacker to control at least as much resources as the service provider in order to be effective, so-called low-rate DoS attacks can exploit weaknesses in careless design to effectively deny a service using minimal amounts of network traffic. This paper investigates one such weakness found within version 2.2 of the popular Apache HTTP Server software. The weakness concerns how the server handles the persistent connection feature in HTTP 1.1. An attack simulator exploiting this weakness has been developed and shown to be effective. The attack was then studied with spectral analysis for the purpose of examining how well the attack could be detected. Similar to other papers on spectral analysis of low-rate DoS attacks, the results show that disproportionate amounts of energy in the lower frequencies can be detected when the attack is present. However, by randomizing the attack pattern, an attacker can efficiently reduce this disproportion to a degree where it might be impossible to correctly identify an attack in a real world scenario.
Botnets are one of the most destructive threats against the cyber security. Recently, HTTP protocol is frequently utilized by botnets as the Command and Communication (C&C) protocol. In this work, we aim to detect HTTP based botnet activity based on botnet behaviour analysis via machine learning approach. To achieve this, we employ flow-based network traffic utilizing NetFlow (via Softflowd). The proposed botnet analysis system is implemented by employing two different machine learning algorithms, C4.5 and Naive Bayes. Our results show that C4.5 learning algorithm based classifier obtained very promising performance on detecting HTTP based botnet activity.
We consider the setting of HTTP traffic over encrypted tunnels, as used to conceal the identity of websites visited by a user. It is well known that traffic analysis (TA) attacks can accurately identify the website a user visits despite the use of encryption, and previous work has looked at specific attack/countermeasure pairings. We provide the first comprehensive analysis of general-purpose TA countermeasures. We show that nine known countermeasures are vulnerable to simple attacks that exploit coarse features of traffic (e.g., total time and bandwidth). The considered countermeasures include ones like those standardized by TLS, SSH, and IPsec, and even more complex ones like the traffic morphing scheme of Wright et al. As just one of our results, we show that despite the use of traffic morphing, one can use only total upstream and downstream bandwidth to identify – with 98% accuracy - which of two websites was visited. One implication of what we find is that, in the context of website identification, it is unlikely that bandwidth-efficient, general-purpose TA countermeasures can ever provide the type of security targeted in prior work.