Visible to the public Software Defined Security Architecture with Deep Learning-Based Network Anomaly Detection Module

TitleSoftware Defined Security Architecture with Deep Learning-Based Network Anomaly Detection Module
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsZhang, Gang, Qiu, Xiaofeng, Gao, Yang
Conference Name2019 IEEE 11th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN)
Date Publishedjun
Keywordsanomaly detection algorithm module, Big Data, Big Data technology, composability, computer network security, data driven security business orchestration, data-driven orchestration engine, data-driven security business orchestration, data-driven software defined security architecture, Deep Learning, deep learning-based network anomaly detection module, Dynamic Networks and Security, hypermedia, Internet, learning (artificial intelligence), Metrics, network anomaly detection technology, network attack technology, network data, Network Security Architecture, pubcrawl, real-time online anomaly detection, real-time online detection, Resiliency, Scalability, scalable network anomaly detection module, Scalable Security, security data platform, security protection methods, software defined networking, Software Defined Security

With the development of the Internet, the network attack technology has undergone tremendous changes. The forms of network attack and defense have also changed, which are features in attacks are becoming more diverse, attacks are more widespread and traditional security protection methods are invalid. In recent years, with the development of software defined security, network anomaly detection technology and big data technology, these challenges have been effectively addressed. This paper proposes a data-driven software defined security architecture with core features including data-driven orchestration engine, scalable network anomaly detection module and security data platform. Based on the construction of the analysis layer in the security data platform, real-time online detection of network data can be realized by integrating network anomaly detection module and security data platform under software defined security architecture. Then, data-driven security business orchestration can be realized to achieve efficient, real-time and dynamic response to detected anomalies. Meanwhile, this paper designs a deep learning-based HTTP anomaly detection algorithm module and integrates it with data-driven software defined security architecture so that demonstrating the flow of the whole system.

Citation Keyzhang_software_2019