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Chaipa, Sarathiel, Ngassam, Ernest Ketcha, Shawren, Singh.  2022.  Towards a New Taxonomy of Insider Threats. 2022 IST-Africa Conference (IST-Africa). :1—10.
This paper discusses the outcome of combining insider threat agent taxonomies with the aim of enhancing insider threat detection. The objectives sought to explore taxonomy combinations and investigate threat sophistication from the taxonomy combinations. Investigations revealed the plausibility of combining the various taxonomy categories to derive a new taxonomy. An observation on category combinations yielded the introduction of the concept of a threat path. The proposed taxonomy tree consisted of more than a million threat-paths obtained using a formula from combinatorics analysis. The taxonomy category combinations thus increase the insider threat landscape and hence the gap between insider threat agent sophistication and countermeasures. On the defensive side, knowledge of insider threat agent taxonomy category combinations has the potential to enhance defensive countermeasure tactics, techniques and procedures, thus increasing the chances of insider threat detection.
Schüle, Mareike, Kraus, Johannes Maria, Babel, Franziska, Reißner, Nadine.  2022.  Patients' Trust in Hospital Transport Robots: Evaluation of the Role of User Dispositions, Anxiety, and Robot Characteristics. 2022 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). :246–255.
For designing the interaction with robots in healthcare scenarios, understanding how trust develops in such situations characterized by vulnerability and uncertainty is important. The goal of this study was to investigate how technology-related user dispositions, anxiety, and robot characteristics influence trust. A second goal was to substantiate the association between hospital patients' trust and their intention to use a transport robot. In an online study, patients, who were currently treated in hospitals, were introduced to the concept of a transport robot with both written and video-based material. Participants evaluated the robot several times. Technology-related user dispositions were found to be essentially associated with trust and the intention to use. Furthermore, hospital patients' anxiety was negatively associated with the intention to use. This relationship was mediated by trust. Moreover, no effects of the manipulated robot characteristics were found. In conclusion, for a successful implementation of robots in hospital settings patients' individual prior learning history - e.g., in terms of existing robot attitudes - and anxiety levels should be considered during the introduction and implementation phase.
Banciu, Doina, Cîrnu, Carmen Elena.  2022.  AI Ethics and Data Privacy compliance. 2022 14th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI). :1—5.
Throughout history, technological evolution has generated less desired side effects with impact on society. In the field of IT&C, there are ongoing discussions about the role of robots within economy, but also about their impact on the labour market. In the case of digital media systems, we talk about misinformation, manipulation, fake news, etc. Issues related to the protection of the citizen's life in the face of technology began more than 25 years ago; In addition to the many messages such as “the citizen is at the center of concern” or, “privacy must be respected”, transmitted through various channels of different entities or companies in the field of ICT, the EU has promoted a number of legislative and normative documents to protect citizens' rights and freedoms.
Janloy, Kiattisak, Boonyopakorn, Pongsarun.  2022.  The Comparison of Web History Forensic Tools with ISO and NIST Standards. 2022 37th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC). :1–4.
Nowadays, the number of new websites in Thailand has been increasing every year. However, there is a lack of security on some of those websites which causes negative effects and damage. This has also resulted in numerous violations. As a result, these violations cause delays in the situation analysis. Additionally, the cost of effective and well-established digital forensics tools is still expensive. Therefore, this paper has presented the idea of using freeware digital forensics tools to test their performances and compare them with the standards of the digital forensics process. The results of the paper suggest that the tested tools have significant differences in functions and process. WEFA Web Forensics tool is the most effective tool as it supports 3 standards up to 8 out of 10 processes, followed by Browser History View which supports 7 processes, Browser History Spy and Browser Forensic Web Tool respectively, supports 5 processes. The Internet history Browser supports 4 processes as compared to the basic process of the standardization related to forensics.
Mishra, Rajesh K, Vasal, Deepanshu, Vishwanath, Sriram.  2020.  Model-free Reinforcement Learning for Stochastic Stackelberg Security Games. 2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). :348—353.
In this paper, we consider a sequential stochastic Stackelberg game with two players, a leader, and a follower. The follower observes the state of the system privately while the leader does not. Players play Stackelberg equilibrium where the follower plays best response to the leader's strategy. In such a scenario, the leader has the advantage of committing to a policy that maximizes its returns given the knowledge that the follower is going to play the best response to its policy. Such a pair of strategies of both the players is defined as Stackelberg equilibrium of the game. Recently, [1] provided a sequential decomposition algorithm to compute the Stackelberg equilibrium for such games which allow for the computation of Markovian equilibrium policies in linear time as opposed to double exponential, as before. In this paper, we extend that idea to the case when the state update dynamics are not known to the players, to propose an reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm based on Expected Sarsa that learns the Stackelberg equilibrium policy by simulating a model of the underlying Markov decision process (MDP). We use particle filters to estimate the belief update for a common agent that computes the optimal policy based on the information which is common to both the players. We present a security game example to illustrate the policy learned by our algorithm.
Chen, Lei, Yuan, Yuyu, Jiang, Hongpu, Guo, Ting, Zhao, Pengqian, Shi, Jinsheng.  2021.  A Novel Trust-based Model for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems using Entropy. 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA). :184—188.
With the proliferation of false redundant information on various e-commerce platforms, ineffective recommendations and other untrustworthy behaviors have seriously hindered the healthy development of e-commerce platforms. Modern recommendation systems often use side information to alleviate these problems and also increase prediction accuracy. One such piece of side information, which has been widely investigated, is trust. However, it is difficult to obtain explicit trust relationship data, so researchers infer trust values from other methods, such as the user-to-item relationship. In this paper, addressing the problems, we proposed a novel trust-based recommender model called UITrust, which uses user-item relationship value to improve prediction accuracy. With the improvement the traditional similarity measures by employing the entropies of user and item history ratings to reflect the global rating behavior on both. We evaluate the proposed model using two real-world datasets. The proposed model performs significantly better than the baseline methods. Also, we can use the UITrust to alleviate the sparsity problem associated with correlation-based similarity. In addition to that, the proposed model has a better computational complexity for making predictions than the k-nearest neighbor (kNN) method.
Rajan, Mohammad Hasnain, Rebello, Keith, Sood, Yajur, Wankhade, Sunil B..  2021.  Graph-Based Transfer Learning for Conversational Agents. 2021 6th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :1335–1341.
Graphs have proved to be a promising data structure to solve complex problems in various domains. Graphs store data in an associative manner which is analogous to the manner in which humans store memories in the brain. Generathe chatbots lack the ability to recall details revealed by the user in long conversations. To solve this problem, we have used graph-based memory to recall-related conversations from the past. Thus, providing context feature derived from query systems to generative systems such as OpenAI GPT. Using graphs to detect important details from the past reduces the total amount of processing done by the neural network. As there is no need to keep on passingthe entire history of the conversation. Instead, we pass only the last few pairs of utterances and the related details from the graph. This paper deploys this system and also demonstrates the ability to deploy such systems in real-world applications. Through the effective usage of knowledge graphs, the system is able to reduce the time complexity from O(n) to O(1) as compared to similar non-graph based implementations of transfer learning- based conversational agents.
McDonnell, Serena, Nada, Omar, Abid, Muhammad Rizwan, Amjadian, Ehsan.  2021.  CyberBERT: A Deep Dynamic-State Session-Based Recommender System for Cyber Threat Recognition. 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference (50100). :1—12.
Session-based recommendation is the task of predicting user actions during short online sessions. The user is considered to be anonymous in this setting, with no past behavior history available. Predicting anonymous users' next actions and their preferences in the absence of historical user behavior information is valuable from a cybersecurity and aerospace perspective, as cybersecurity measures rely on the prompt classification of novel threats. Our offered solution builds upon the previous representation learning work originating from natural language processing, namely BERT, which stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (Devlin et al., 2018). In this paper we propose CyberBERT, the first deep session-based recommender system to employ bidirectional transformers to model the intent of anonymous users within a session. The session-based setting lends itself to applications in threat recognition, through monitoring of real-time user behavior using the CyberBERT architecture. We evaluate the efficiency of this dynamic state method using the Windows PE Malware API sequence dataset (Catak and Yazi, 2019), which contains behavior for 7107 API call sequences executed by 8 classes of malware. We compare the proposed CyberBERT solution to two high-performing benchmark algorithms on the malware dataset: LSTM (Long Short-term Memory) and transformer encoder (Vaswani et al., 2017). We also evaluate the method using the YOOCHOOSE 1/64 dataset, which is a session-based recommendation dataset that contains 37,483 items, 719,470 sessions, and 31,637,239 clicks. Our experiments demonstrate the advantage of a bidirectional architecture over the unidirectional approach, as well as the flexibility of the CyberBERT solution in modelling the intent of anonymous users in a session. Our system achieves state-of-the-art measured by F1 score on the Windows PE Malware API sequence dataset, and state-of-the-art for P@20 and MRR@20 on YOOCHOOSE 1/64. As CyberBERT allows for user behavior monitoring in the absence of behavior history, it acts as a robust malware classification system that can recognize threats in aerospace systems, where malicious actors may be interacting with a system for the first time. This work provides the backbone for systems that aim to protect aviation and aerospace applications from prospective third-party applications and malware.
He, Weiyu, Wu, Xu, Wu, Jingchen, Xie, Xiaqing, Qiu, Lirong, Sun, Lijuan.  2021.  Insider Threat Detection Based on User Historical Behavior and Attention Mechanism. 2021 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC). :564–569.
Insider threat makes enterprises or organizations suffer from the loss of property and the negative influence of reputation. User behavior analysis is the mainstream method of insider threat detection, but due to the lack of fine-grained detection and the inability to effectively capture the behavior patterns of individual users, the accuracy and precision of detection are insufficient. To solve this problem, this paper designs an insider threat detection method based on user historical behavior and attention mechanism, including using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) to extract user behavior sequence information, using Attention-based on user history behavior (ABUHB) learns the differences between different user behaviors, uses Bidirectional-LSTM (Bi-LSTM) to learn the evolution of different user behavior patterns, and finally realizes fine-grained user abnormal behavior detection. To evaluate the effectiveness of this method, experiments are conducted on the CMU-CERT Insider Threat Dataset. The experimental results show that the effectiveness of this method is 3.1% to 6.3% higher than that of other comparative model methods, and it can detect insider threats in different user behaviors with fine granularity.
Khichi, Manish, Kumar Yadav, Rajesh.  2021.  A Threat of Deepfakes as a Weapon on Digital Platform and their Detection Methods. 2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :01–08.
Advances in machine learning, deep learning, and Artificial Intelligence(AI) allows people to exchange other people's faces and voices in videos to make it look like what they did or say whatever you want to say. These videos and photos are called “deepfake” and are getting more complicated every day and this has lawmakers worried. This technology uses machine learning technology to provide computers with real data about images, so that we can make forgeries. The creators of Deepfake use artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to mimic the work and characteristics of real humans. It differs from counterfeit traditional media because it is difficult to identify. As In the 2020 elections loomed, AI-generated deepfakes were hit the news cycle. DeepFakes threatens facial recognition and online content. This deception can be dangerous, because if used incorrectly, this technique can be abused. Fake video, voice, and audio clips can do enormous damage. This paper examines the algorithms used to generate deepfakes as well as the methods proposed to detect them. We go through the threats, research patterns, and future directions for deepfake technologies in detail. This research provides a detailed description of deep imitation technology and encourages the creation of new and more powerful methods to deal with increasingly severe deep imitation by studying the history of deep imitation.
Phua, Thye Way, Patros, Panos, Kumar, Vimal.  2021.  Towards Embedding Data Provenance in Files. 2021 IEEE 11th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :1319–1325.
Data provenance (keeping track of who did what, where, when and how) boasts of various attractive use cases for distributed systems, such as intrusion detection, forensic analysis and secure information dependability. This potential, however, can only be realized if provenance is accessible by its primary stakeholders: the end-users. Existing provenance systems are designed in a `all-or-nothing' fashion, making provenance inaccessible, difficult to extract and crucially, not controlled by its key stakeholders. To mitigate this, we propose that provenance be separated into system, data-specific and file-metadata provenance. Furthermore, we expand data-specific provenance as changes at a fine-grain level, or provenance-per-change, that is recorded alongside its source. We show that with the use of delta-encoding, provenance-per-change is viable, asserting our proposed architecture to be effectively realizable.
Meyer, Fabian, Gehrke, Christian, Schäfer, Michael.  2021.  Evaluating User Acceptance using WebXR for an Augmented Reality Information System. 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW). :418—419.
Augmented Reality has a long history and has seen major technical advantages in the last years. With WebXR, a new web standard, Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) applications are now available in the web browser. With our work, we implemented an Augmented Reality Information System and conducted a case study to evaluate the user acceptance of such an application build with WebXR. Our results indicate that the user acceptance regarding web-based MAR applications for our specific use case seems to be given. With our proposed architecture we also lay the foundation for other AR information systems.
Coufal\'ıková, Aneta, Klaban, Ivo, \v Slajs, Tomá\v s.  2021.  Complex Strategy against Supply Chain Attacks. 2021 International Conference on Military Technologies (ICMT). :1–5.
The risk of cyber-attack is omnipresent, there are lots of threat actors in the cyber field and the number of attacks increases every day. The paper defines currently the most discussed supply chain attacks, briefly summarizes significant events of successful supply chain attacks and outlines complex strategy leading to the prevention of such attacks; the strategy which can be used not only by civil organizations but governmental ones, too. Risks of supply chain attacks against the Czech army are taken into consideration and possible mitigations are suggested.
Naveed, Sarah, Sultan, Aiman, Mansoor, Khwaja.  2020.  An Enhanced SIP Authentication Protocol for Preserving User Privacy. 2020 International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS). :1–6.
Owing to the advancements in communication media and devices all over the globe, there has arisen a dire need for to limit the alarming number of attacks targeting these and to enhance their security. Multiple techniques have been incorporated in different researches and various protocols and schemes have been put forward to cater security issues of session initiation protocol (SIP). In 2008, Qiu et al. presented a proposal for SIP authentication which while effective than many existing schemes, was still found vulnerable to many security attacks. To overcome those issues, Zhang et al. proposed an authentication protocol. This paper presents the analysis of Zhang et al. authentication scheme and concludes that their proposed scheme is susceptible to user traceablity. It also presents an improved SIP authentication scheme that eliminates the possibility of traceability of user's activities. The proposed scheme is also verified by contemporary verification tool, ProVerif and it is found to be more secure, efficient and practical than many similar SIP authetication scheme.
Abbas Hamdani, Syed Wasif, Waheed Khan, Abdul, Iltaf, Naima, Iqbal, Waseem.  2020.  DTMSim-IoT: A Distributed Trust Management Simulator for IoT Networks. 2020 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :491–498.
In recent years, several trust management frame-works and models have been proposed for the Internet of Things (IoT). Focusing primarily on distributed trust management schemes; testing and validation of these models is still a challenging task. It requires the implementation of the proposed trust model for verification and validation of expected outcomes. Nevertheless, a stand-alone and standard IoT network simulator for testing of distributed trust management scheme is not yet available. In this paper, a .NET-based Distributed Trust Management Simulator for IoT Networks (DTMSim-IoT) is presented which enables the researcher to implement any static/dynamic trust management model to compute the trust value of a node. The trust computation will be calculated based on the direct-observation and trust value is updated after every transaction. Transaction history and logs of each event are maintained which can be viewed and exported as .csv file for future use. In addition to that, the simulator can also draw a graph based on the .csv file. Moreover, the simulator also offers to incorporate the feature of identification and mitigation of the On-Off Attack (OOA) in the IoT domain. Furthermore, after identifying any malicious activity by any node in the networks, the malevolent node is added to the malicious list and disseminated in the network to prevent potential On-Off attacks.
Choi, Nakhoon, Kim, Heeyoul.  2020.  Hybrid Blockchain-Based Unification ID in Smart Environment. 2020 22nd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT). :166–170.
Recently, with the increase of smart factories, smart cities, and the 4th industrial revolution, internal user authentication is emerging as an important issue. The existing user authentication and Access Control architecture can use the centralized system to forge access history by the service manager, which can cause problems such as evasion of responsibility and internal corruption. In addition, the user must independently manage the ID or physical authentication medium for authentication of each service, it is difficult to manage the subscribed services. This paper proposes a Hybrid blockchain-based integrated ID model to solve the above problems. The user creates authentication information based on the electronic signature of the Ethereum Account, a public blockchain, and provides authentication to a service provider composed of a Hyperledger Fabric, a private blockchain. The service provider ensures the integrity of the information by recording the Access History and authentication information in the Internal-Ledger. Through the proposed architecture, we can integrate the physical pass or application for user authentication and authorization into one Unification ID. Service providers can prevent non-Repudiation of responsibility by recording their authority and access history in ledger.
Fernandez, J., Allen, B., Thulasiraman, P., Bingham, B..  2020.  Performance Study of the Robot Operating System 2 with QoS and Cyber Security Settings. 2020 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). :1—6.
Throughout the Department of Defense, there are ongoing efforts to increase cybersecurity and improve data transfer in unmanned robotic systems (UxS). This paper explores the performance of the Robot Operating System (ROS) 2, which is built with the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard as a middleware. Based on how quality of service (QoS) parameters are defined in the robotic middleware interface, it is possible to implement strict delivery requirements to different nodes on a dynamic nodal network with multiple unmanned systems connected. Through this research, different scenarios with varying QoS settings were implemented and compared to baseline values to help illustrate the impact of latency and throughput on data flow. DDS security settings were also enabled to help understand the cost of overhead and performance when secured data is compared to plaintext baseline values. Our experiments were performed using a basic ROS 2 network consisting of two nodes (one publisher and one subscriber). Our experiments showed a measurable latency and throughput change between different QoS profiles and security settings. We analyze the trends and tradeoffs associated with varying QoS and security settings. This paper provides performance data points that can be used to help future researchers and developers make informative choices when using ROS 2 for UxS.
Gohari, Parham, Hale, Matthew, Topcu, Ufuk.  2020.  Privacy-Preserving Policy Synthesis in Markov Decision Processes. 2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). :6266—6271.
In decision-making problems, the actions of an agent may reveal sensitive information that drives its decisions. For instance, a corporation's investment decisions may reveal its sensitive knowledge about market dynamics. To prevent this type of information leakage, we introduce a policy synthesis algorithm that protects the privacy of the transition probabilities in a Markov decision process. We use differential privacy as the mathematical definition of privacy. The algorithm first perturbs the transition probabilities using a mechanism that provides differential privacy. Then, based on the privatized transition probabilities, we synthesize a policy using dynamic programming. Our main contribution is to bound the "cost of privacy," i.e., the difference between the expected total rewards with privacy and the expected total rewards without privacy. We also show that computing the cost of privacy has time complexity that is polynomial in the parameters of the problem. Moreover, we establish that the cost of privacy increases with the strength of differential privacy protections, and we quantify this increase. Finally, numerical experiments on two example environments validate the established relationship between the cost of privacy and the strength of data privacy protections.
Olejnik, Lukasz.  2020.  Shedding light on web privacy impact assessment: A case study of the Ambient Light Sensor API. 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS PW). :310—313.

As modern web browsers gain new and increasingly powerful features the importance of impact assessments of the new functionality becomes crucial. A web privacy impact assessment of a planned web browser feature, the Ambient Light Sensor API, indicated risks arising from the exposure of overly precise information about the lighting conditions in the user environment. The analysis led to the demonstration of direct risks of leaks of user data, such as the list of visited websites or exfiltration of sensitive content across distinct browser contexts. Our work contributed to the creation of web standards leading to decisions by browser vendors (i.e. obsolescence, non-implementation or modification to the operation of browser features). We highlight the need to consider broad risks when making reviews of new features. We offer practically-driven high-level observations lying on the intersection of web security and privacy risk engineering and modeling, and standardization. We structure our work as a case study from activities spanning over three years.

Lu, Y., Zhang, C..  2020.  Nontransitive Security Types for Coarse-grained Information Flow Control. 2020 IEEE 33rd Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :199—213.

Language-based information flow control (IFC) aims to provide guarantees about information propagation in computer systems having multiple security levels. Existing IFC systems extend the lattice model of Denning's, enforcing transitive security policies by tracking information flows along with a partially ordered set of security levels. They yield a transitive noninterference property of either confidentiality or integrity. In this paper, we explore IFC for security policies that are not necessarily transitive. Such nontransitive security policies avoid unwanted or unexpected information flows implied by transitive policies and naturally accommodate high-level coarse-grained security requirements in modern component-based software. We present a novel security type system for enforcing nontransitive security policies. Unlike traditional security type systems that verify information propagation by subtyping security levels of a transitive policy, our type system relaxes strong transitivity by inferring information flow history through security levels and ensuring that they respect the nontransitive policy in effect. Such a type system yields a new nontransitive noninterference property that offers more flexible information flow relations induced by security policies that do not have to be transitive, therefore generalizing the conventional transitive noninterference. This enables us to directly reason about the extent of information flows in the program and restrict interactions between security-sensitive and untrusted components.

Chowdhuryy, M. H. Islam, Liu, H., Yao, F..  2020.  BranchSpec: Information Leakage Attacks Exploiting Speculative Branch Instruction Executions. 2020 IEEE 38th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD). :529–536.
Recent studies on attacks exploiting processor hardware vulnerabilities have raised significant concern for information security. Particularly, transient execution attacks such as Spectre augment microarchitectural side channels with speculative executions that lead to exfiltration of secretive data not intended to be accessed. Many prior works have demonstrated the manipulation of branch predictors for triggering speculative executions, and thereafter leaking sensitive information through processor microarchitectural components. In this paper, we present a new class of microarchitectural attack, called BranchSpec, that performs information leakage by exploiting state changes of branch predictors in speculative path. Our key observation is that, branch instruction executions in speculative path alter the states of branch pattern history, which are not restored even after the speculatively executed branches are eventually squashed. Unfortunately, this enables adversaries to harness branch predictors as the transmitting medium in transient execution attacks. More importantly, as compared to existing speculative attacks (e.g., Spectre), BranchSpec can take advantage of much simpler code patterns in victim's code base, making the impact of such exploitation potentially even more severe. To demonstrate this security vulnerability, we have implemented two variants of BranchSpec attacks: a side channel where a malicious spy process infers cross-boundary secrets via victim's speculatively executed nested branches, and a covert channel that communicates secrets through intentionally perturbing the branch pattern history structure via speculative branch executions. Our evaluation on Intel Skylake- and Coffee Lake-based processors reveals that these information leakage attacks are highly accurate and successful. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to reveal the information leakage threat due to speculative state update in branch predictor. Our studies further broaden the attack surface of processor microarchitecture, and highlight the needs for branch prediction mechanisms that are secure in transient executions.
Liao, Q., Gu, Y., Liao, J., Li, W..  2020.  Abnormal transaction detection of Bitcoin network based on feature fusion. 2020 IEEE 9th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC). 9:542—549.

Anomaly detection is one of the research hotspots in Bitcoin transaction data analysis. In view of the existing research that only considers the transaction as an isolated node when extracting features, but has not yet used the network structure to dig deep into the node information, a bitcoin abnormal transaction detection method that combines the node’s own features and the neighborhood features is proposed. Based on the formation mechanism of the interactive relationship in the transaction network, first of all, according to a certain path selection probability, the features of the neighbohood nodes are extracted by way of random walk, and then the node’s own features and the neighboring features are fused to use the network structure to mine potential node information. Finally, an unsupervised detection algorithm is used to rank the transaction points on the constructed feature set to find abnormal transactions. Experimental results show that, compared with the existing feature extraction methods, feature fusion improves the ability to detect abnormal transactions.

Sun, P., Yin, S., Man, W., Tao, T..  2018.  Research of Personalized Recommendation Algorithm Based on Trust and User's Interest. 2018 International Conference on Robots Intelligent System (ICRIS). :153—156.

Most traditional recommendation algorithms only consider the binary relationship between users and projects, these can basically be converted into score prediction problems. But most of these algorithms ignore the users's interests, potential work factors or the other social factors of the recommending products. In this paper, based on the existing trustworthyness model and similarity measure, we puts forward the concept of trust similarity and design a joint interest-content recommendation framework to suggest users which videos to watch in the online video site. In this framework, we first analyze the user's viewing history records, tags and establish the user's interest characteristic vector. Then, based on the updated vector, users should be clustered by sparse subspace clust algorithm, which can improve the efficiency of the algorithm. We certainly improve the calculation of similarity to help users find better neighbors. Finally we conduct experiments using real traces from Tencent Weibo and Youku to verify our method and evaluate its performance. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and show that our approach can substantially improve the recommendation accuracy.

Alruwaythi, M., Kambampaty, K., Nygard, K..  2018.  User Behavior Trust Modeling in Cloud Security. 2018 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). :1336–1339.
Evaluating user behavior in cloud computing infrastructure is important for both Cloud Users and Cloud Service Providers. The service providers must ensure the safety of users who access the cloud. User behavior can be modeled and employed to help assess trust and play a role in ensuring authenticity and safety of the user. In this paper, we propose a User Behavior Trust Model based on Fuzzy Logic (UBTMFL). In this model, we develop user history patterns and compare them current user behavior. The outcome of the comparison is sent to a trust computation center to calculate a user trust value. This model considers three types of trust: direct, history and comprehensive. Simulation results are included.
Zhu, S., Chen, H., Xi, W., Chen, M., Fan, L., Feng, D..  2019.  A Worst-Case Entropy Estimation of Oscillator-Based Entropy Sources: When the Adversaries Have Access to the History Outputs. 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :152—159.
Entropy sources are designed to provide unpredictable random numbers for cryptographic systems. As an assessment of the sources, Shannon entropy is usually adopted to quantitatively measure the unpredictability of the outputs. In several related works about the entropy evaluation of ring oscillator-based (RO-based) entropy sources, authors evaluated the unpredictability with the average conditional Shannon entropy (ACE) of the source, moreover provided a lower bound of the ACE (LBoACE). However, in this paper, we have demonstrated that when the adversaries have access to the history outputs of the entropy source, for example, by some intrusive attacks, the LBoACE may overestimate the actual unpredictability of the next output for the adversaries. In this situation, we suggest to adopt the specific conditional Shannon entropy (SCE) which exactly measures the unpredictability of the future output with the knowledge of previous output sequences and so is more consistent with the reality than the ACE. In particular, to be conservative, we propose to take the lower bound of the SCE (LBoSCE) as an estimation of the worst-case entropy of the sources. We put forward a detailed method to estimate this worst-case entropy of RO-based entropy sources, which we have also verified by experiment on an FPGA device. We recommend to adopt this method to provide a conservative assessment of the unpredictability when the entropy source works in a vulnerable environment and the adversaries might obtain the previous outputs.