Pavan Kumar, R Sai, Chand, K Gopi, Krishna, M Vamsi, Nithin, B Gowtham, Roshini, A, Swetha, K.
Enhanced DDOS Attack Detection Algorithm to Increase Network Lifetime in Cloud Environment. 2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). 1:1783–1787.
DDoS attacks, one of the oldest forms of cyberthreats, continue to be a favorite tool of mass interruption, presenting cybersecurity hazards to practically every type of company, large and small. As a matter of fact, according to IDC, DDoS attacks are predicted to expand at an 18 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) through 2023, indicating that it is past time to enhance investment in strong mitigation systems. And while some firms may assume they are limited targets for a DDoS assault, the amount of structured internet access to power corporation services and apps exposes everyone to downtime and poor performance if the infrastructure is not protected against such attacks. We propose using correlations between missing packets to increase detection accuracy. Furthermore, to ensure that these correlations are calculated correctly.
ISSN: 2575-7288
Hashim, Noor Hassanin, Sadkhan, Sattar B..
DDOS Attack Detection in Wireless Network Based On MDR. 2022 3rd Information Technology To Enhance e-learning and Other Application (IT-ELA). :1–5.
Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are most efficient way of defending against network-based attacks aimed at system devices, especially wireless devices. These systems are used in almost all large-scale IT infrastructures components, and they effected with different types of network attacks such as DDoS attack. Distributed Denial of-Services (DDoS) attacks the protocols and systems that are intended to provide services (to the public) are inherently vulnerable to attacks like DDoS, which were launched against a number of important Internet sites where security precautions were in place.
Sai, A N H Dhatreesh, Tilak, B H, Sanjith, N Sai, Suhas, Padi, Sanjeetha, R.
Detection and Mitigation of Low and Slow DDoS attack in an SDN environment. 2022 International Conference on Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and Robotics ( DISCOVER). :106–111.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks aim to make a server unresponsive by flooding the target server with a large volume of packets (Volume based DDoS attacks), by keeping connections open for a long time and exhausting the resources (Low and Slow DDoS attacks) or by targeting protocols (Protocol based attacks). Volume based DDoS attacks that flood the target server with a large number of packets are easier to detect because of the abnormality in packet flow. Low and Slow DDoS attacks, however, make the server unavailable by keeping connections open for a long time, but send traffic similar to genuine traffic, making detection of such attacks difficult. This paper proposes a solution to detect and mitigate one such Low and slow DDoS attack, Slowloris in an SDN (Software Defined Networking) environment. The proposed solution involves communication between the detection and mitigation module and the controller of the Software Defined Network to get data to detect and mitigate low and slow DDoS attack.
Black, Samuel, Kim, Yoohwan.
An Overview on Detection and Prevention of Application Layer DDoS Attacks. 2022 IEEE 12th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :0791–0800.
Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks aim to cause downtime or a lack of responsiveness for web services. DDoS attacks targeting the application layer are amongst the hardest to catch as they generally appear legitimate at lower layers and attempt to take advantage of common application functionality or aspects of the HTTP protocol, rather than simply send large amounts of traffic like with volumetric flooding. Attacks can focus on functionality such as database operations, file retrieval, or just general backend code. In this paper, we examine common forms of application layer attacks, preventative and detection measures, and take a closer look specifically at HTTP Flooding attacks by the High Orbit Ion Cannon (HOIC) and “low and slow” attacks through slowloris.
Verma, Amandeep, Saha, Rahul.
Performance Analysis of DDoS Mitigation in Heterogeneous Environments. 2022 Second International Conference on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS). :222–230.
Computer and Vehicular networks, both are prone to multiple information security breaches because of many reasons like lack of standard protocols for secure communication and authentication. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a threat that disrupts the communication in networks. Detection and prevention of DDoS attacks with accuracy is a necessity to make networks safe.In this paper, we have experimented two machine learning-based techniques one each for attack detection and attack prevention. These detection & prevention techniques are implemented in different environments including vehicular network environments and computer network environments. Three different datasets connected to heterogeneous environments are adopted for experimentation. The first dataset is the NSL-KDD dataset based on the traffic of the computer network. The second dataset is based on a simulation-based vehicular environment, and the third CIC-DDoS 2019 dataset is a computer network-based dataset. These datasets contain different number of attributes and instances of network traffic. For the purpose of attack detection AdaBoostM1 classification algorithm is used in WEKA and for attack prevention Logit Model is used in STATA. Results show that an accuracy of more than 99.9% is obtained from the simulation-based vehicular dataset. This is the highest accuracy rate among the three datasets and it is obtained within a very short period of time i.e., 0.5 seconds. In the same way, we use a Logit regression-based model to classify packets. This model shows an accuracy of 100%.
Nascimento, Márcio, Araujo, Jean, Ribeiro, Admilson.
Systematic review on mitigating and preventing DDoS attacks on IoT networks. 2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). :1–9.
Internet of Things (IoT) and those protocol CoAP and MQTT has security issues that have entirely changed the security strategy should be utilized and behaved for devices restriction. Several challenges have been observed in multiple domains of security, but Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) have actually dangerous in IoT that have RT. Thus, the IoT paradigm and those protocols CoAP and MQTT have been investigated to seek whether network services could be efficiently delivered for resources usage, managed, and disseminated to the devices. Internet of Things is justifiably joined with the best practices augmentation to make this task enriched. However, factors behaviors related to traditional networks have not been effectively mitigated until now. In this paper, we present and deep, qualitative, and comprehensive systematic mapping to find the answers to the following research questions, such as, (i) What is the state-of-the-art in IoT security, (ii) How to solve the restriction devices challenges via infrastructure involvement, (iii) What type of technical/protocol/ paradigm needs to be studied, and (iv) Security profile should be taken care of, (v) As the proposals are being evaluated: A. If in simulated/virtualized/emulated environment or; B. On real devices, in which case which devices. After doing a comparative study with other papers dictate that our work presents a timely contribution in terms of novel knowledge toward an understanding of formulating IoT security challenges under the IoT restriction devices take care.
ISSN: 2166-0727
Lei, Gang, Wu, Junyi, Gu, Keyang, Ji, Lejun, Cao, Yuanlong, Shao, Xun.
An QUIC Traffic Anomaly Detection Model Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition. 2022 IEEE 23rd International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR). :76–80.
With the advent of the 5G era, high-speed and secure network access services have become a common pursuit. The QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connection) protocol proposed by Google has been studied by many scholars due to its high speed, robustness, and low latency. However, the research on the security of the QUIC protocol by domestic and foreign scholars is insufficient. Therefore, based on the self-similarity of QUIC network traffic, combined with traffic characteristics and signal processing methods, a QUIC-based network traffic anomaly detection model is proposed in this paper. The model decomposes and reconstructs the collected QUIC network traffic data through the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) method. In order to judge the occurrence of abnormality, this paper also intercepts overlapping traffic segments through sliding windows to calculate Hurst parameters and analyzes the obtained parameters to check abnormal traffic. The simulation results show that in the network environment based on the QUIC protocol, the Hurst parameter after being attacked fluctuates violently and exceeds the normal range. It also shows that the anomaly detection of QUIC network traffic can use the EMD method.
ISSN: 2325-5609