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Nleya, B., Khumalo, P., Mutsvangwa, A..  2019.  A Restricted Intermediate Node Buffering-Based Contention Control Scheme for OBS Networks. 2019 International Conference on Advances in Big Data, Computing and Data Communication Systems (icABCD). :1—6.
Optical burst switching (OBS) is a candidate switching paradigm for future backbone all-optical networks. However, data burst contention can be a major problem especially as the number of lightpath connections as well as the overall network radius increases. Furthermore, the absence of or limited buffering provision in core nodes, coupled with the standard one-way resources signaling aggravate contention occurrences resulting in some of the contending bursts being discarded as a consequence. Contention avoidance as well as resolution measures can be applied in such networks in order to resolve any contention issues. In that way, the offered quality of service (QoS) as well as the network performance will remain consistent and reliable. In particular, to maintain the cost effectiveness of OBS deployment, restricted intermediate buffering can be implemented to buffer contending bursts that have already traversed much of the network on their way to the intended destination. Hence in this paper we propose and analyze a restricted intermediate Node Buffering-based routing and wavelength assignment scheme (RI-RWA) scheme to address contention occurrences as well as prevent deletion of contending bursts. The scheme primarily prioritizes the selection of primary as well as deflection paths for establishing lightpath connections paths as a function of individual wavelength contention performances. It further facilitates and allows partial intermediate buffering provisioning for any data bursts that encounter contention after having already propagated more than half the network's diameter. We evaluate the scheme's performance by simulation and obtained results show that the scheme indeed does improve on key network performance metrics such as fairness, load balancing as well as throughput.
Kumar, M., Bhandari, R., Rupani, A., Ansari, J. H..  2018.  Trust-Based Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocol Design with Security and QoS over MANET. 2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICACCE). :139-142.

Nowadays, The incorporation of different function of the network, as well as routing, administration, and security, is basic to the effective operation of a mobile circumstantial network these days, in MANET thought researchers manages the problems of QoS and security severally. Currently, each the aspects of security and QoS influence negatively on the general performance of the network once thought-about in isolation. In fact, it will influence the exceptionally operating of QoS and security algorithms and should influence the important and essential services needed within the MANET. Our paper outlines 2 accomplishments via; the accomplishment of security and accomplishment of quality. The direction towards achieving these accomplishments is to style and implement a protocol to suite answer for policy-based network administration, and methodologies for key administration and causing of IPsec in a very MANET.

Shafigh, Alireza Shams, Lorenzo, Beatriz, Glisic, Savo, Pérez-Romero, Jordi, DaSilva, Luiz A., MacKenzie, Allen B., Röning, Juha.  2016.  A Framework for Dynamic Network Architecture and Topology Optimization. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw.. 24:717–730.

A new paradigm in wireless network access is presented and analyzed. In this concept, certain classes of wireless terminals can be turned temporarily into an access point (AP) anytime while connected to the Internet. This creates a dynamic network architecture (DNA) since the number and location of these APs vary in time. In this paper, we present a framework to optimize different aspects of this architecture. First, the dynamic AP association problem is addressed with the aim to optimize the network by choosing the most convenient APs to provide the quality-of-service (QoS) levels demanded by the users with the minimum cost. Then, an economic model is developed to compensate the users for serving as APs and, thus, augmenting the network resources. The users' security investment is also taken into account in the AP selection. A preclustering process of the DNA is proposed to keep the optimization process feasible in a high dense network. To dynamically reconfigure the optimum topology and adjust it to the traffic variations, a new specific encoding of genetic algorithm (GA) is presented. Numerical results show that GA can provide the optimum topology up to two orders of magnitude faster than exhaustive search for network clusters, and the improvement significantly increases with the cluster size.

M. M. Olama, M. M. Matalgah, M. Bobrek.  2015.  "An integrated signaling-encryption mechanism to reduce error propagation in wireless communications: performance analyses". 2015 IEEE International Workshop Technical Committee on Communications Quality and Reliability (CQR). :1-6.

Traditional encryption techniques require packet overhead, produce processing time delay, and suffer from severe quality of service deterioration due to fades and interference in wireless channels. These issues reduce the effective transmission data rate (throughput) considerably in wireless communications, where data rate with limited bandwidth is the main constraint. In this paper, performance evaluation analyses are conducted for an integrated signaling-encryption mechanism that is secure and enables improved throughput and probability of bit-error in wireless channels. This mechanism eliminates the drawbacks stated herein by encrypting only a small portion of an entire transmitted frame, while the rest is not subject to traditional encryption but goes through a signaling process (designed transformation) with the plaintext of the portion selected for encryption. We also propose to incorporate error correction coding solely on the small encrypted portion of the data to drastically improve the overall bit-error rate performance while not noticeably increasing the required bit-rate. We focus on validating the signaling-encryption mechanism utilizing Hamming and convolutional error correction coding by conducting an end-to-end system-level simulation-based study. The average probability of bit-error and throughput of the encryption mechanism are evaluated over standard Gaussian and Rayleigh fading-type channels and compared to the ones of the conventional advanced encryption standard (AES).