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Narayanan, K. Lakshmi, Naresh, R..  2022.  A Effective Encryption and Different Integrity Schemes to Improve the Performance of Cloud Services. 2022 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT). :1–5.
Recent modern era becomes a multi-user environment. It's hard to store and retrieve data in secure manner at the end user side is a hectic challenge. Difference of Cloud computing compare to Network Computing can be accessed from multiple company servers. Cloud computing makes the users and organization to opt their services. Due to effective growth of the Cloud Technology. Data security, Data Privacy key validation and tracing of user are severe concern. It is hard to trace malicious users who misuse the secrecy. To reduce the rate of misuse in secrecy user revocation is used. Audit Log helps in Maintaining the history of malicious user also helps in maintaining the data integrity in cloud. Cloud Monitoring Metrics helps in the evaluation survey study of different Metrics. In this paper we give an in depth survey about Back-end of cloud services their concerns and the importance of privacy in cloud, Privacy Mechanism in cloud, Ways to Improve the Privacy in cloud, Hazards, Cloud Computing Issues and Challenges we discuss the need of cryptography and a survey of existing cryptographic algorithms. We discuss about the auditing and its classifications with respect to comparative study. In this paper analyzed various encryption schemes and auditing schemes with several existing algorithms which help in the improvement of cloud services.
Van Goethem, Tom, Joosen, Wouter.  2022.  Towards Improving the Deprecation Process of Web Features through Progressive Web Security. 2022 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :20–30.
To keep up with the continuous modernization of web applications and to facilitate their development, a large number of new features are introduced to the web platform every year. Although new web features typically undergo a security review, issues affecting the privacy and security of users could still surface at a later stage, requiring the deprecation and removal of affected APIs. Furthermore, as the web evolves, so do the expectations in terms of security and privacy, and legacy features might need to be replaced with improved alternatives. Currently, this process of deprecating and removing features is an ad-hoc effort that is largely uncoordinated between the different browser vendors. This causes a discrepancy in terms of compatibility and could eventually lead to the deterrence of the removal of an API, prolonging potential security threats. In this paper we propose a progressive security mechanism that aims to facilitate and standardize the deprecation and removal of features that pose a risk to users’ security, and the introduction of features that aim to provide additional security guarantees.
ISSN: 2770-8411
Han, Wendie, Zhang, Rui, Zhang, Lei, Wang, Lulu.  2022.  A Secure and Receiver-Unrestricted Group Key Management Scheme for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. 2022 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). :986—991.

Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) have attracted lots of concerns with its widespread use. In MANETs, wireless nodes usually self-organize into groups to complete collaborative tasks and communicate with one another via public channels which are vulnerable to attacks. Group key management is generally employed to guarantee secure group communication in MANETs. However, most existing group key management schemes for MANETs still suffer from some issues, e.g., receiver restriction, relying on a trusted dealer and heavy certificates overheads. To address these issues, we propose a group key management scheme for MANETs based on an identity-based authenticated dynamic contributory broadcast encryption (IBADConBE) protocol which builds on an earlier work. Our scheme abandons the certificate management and does not need a trusted dealer to distribute a secret key to each node. A set of wireless nodes are allowed to negotiate the secret keys in one round while forming a group. Besides, our scheme is receiver-unrestricted which means any sender can flexibly opt for any favorable nodes of a group as the receivers. Further, our scheme satisfies the authentication, confidentiality of messages, known-security, forward security and backward security concurrently. Performance evaluation shows our scheme is efficient.

Obaidat, Muath, Brown, Joseph, Alnusair, Awny.  2021.  Blind Attack Flaws in Adaptive Honeypot Strategies. 2021 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT). :0491–0496.
Adaptive honeypots are being widely proposed as a more powerful alternative to the traditional honeypot model. Just as with typical honeypots, however, one of the most important concerns of an adaptive honeypot is environment deception in order to make sure an adversary cannot fingerprint the honeypot. The threat of fingerprinting hints at a greater underlying concern, however; this being that honeypots are only effective because an adversary does not know that the environment on which they are operating is a honeypot. What has not been widely discussed in the context of adaptive honeypots is that they actually have an inherently increased level of susceptibility to this threat. Honeypots not only bear increased risks when an adversary knows they are a honeypot rather than a native system, but they are only effective as adaptable entities if one does not know that the honeypot environment they are operating on is adaptive as wekk. Thus, if adaptive honeypots become commonplace - or, instead, if attackers even have an inkling that an adaptive honeypot may exist on any given network, a new attack which could develop is a “blind confusion attack”; a form of connection which simply makes an assumption all environments are adaptive honeypots, and instead of attempting to perform a malicious strike on a given entity, opts to perform non-malicious behavior in specified and/or random patterns to confuse an adaptive network's learning.
Shen, Chao.  2020.  Laser-based high bit-rate visible light communications and underwater optical wireless network. 2020 Photonics North (PN). :1–1.
This talk presents an overview of the latest visible light communication (VLC) and underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC) research and development from the device to the system level. The utilization of laser-based devices and systems for LiFi and underwater Internet of Things (IoT) has been discussed.
Meskauskas, Z., Jasinevicius, R., Kazanavicius, E., Petrauskas, V..  2020.  XAI-Based Fuzzy SWOT Maps for Analysis of Complex Systems. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). :1–8.
The classical SWOT methodology and many of the tools based on it used so far are very static, used for one stable project and lacking dynamics [1]. This paper proposes the idea of combining several SWOT analyses enriched with computing with words (CWW) paradigm into a single network. In this network, individual analysis of the situation is treated as the node. The whole structure is based on fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) that have forward and backward chaining, so it is called fuzzy SWOT maps. Fuzzy SWOT maps methodology newly introduces the dynamics that projects are interacting, what exists in a real dynamic environment. The whole fuzzy SWOT maps network structure has explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) traits because each node in this network is a "white box"-all the reasoning chain can be tracked and checked why a particular decision has been made, which increases explainability by being able to check the rules to determine why a particular decision was made or why and how one project affects another. To confirm the vitality of the approach, a case with three interacting projects has been analyzed with a developed prototypical software tool and results are delivered.
Vasiliu, Yevhen, Limar, Igor, Gancarczyk, Tomasz, Karpinski, Mikolaj.  2019.  New Quantum Secret Sharing Protocol Using Entangled Qutrits. 2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS). 1:324–329.
A new quantum secret sharing protocol based on the ping-pong protocol of quantum secure direct communication is proposed. The pairs of entangled qutrits are used in protocol, which allows an increase in the information capacity compared with protocols based on entangled qubits. The detection of channel eavesdropping used in the protocol is being implemented in random moments of time, thereby it is possible do not use the significant amount of quantum memory. The security of the proposed protocol to attacks is considered. A method for additional amplification of the security to an eavesdropping attack in communication channels for the developed protocol is proposed.
Ji, X., Yao, X., Tadayon, M. A., Mohanty, A., Hendon, C. P., Lipson, M..  2017.  High confinement and low loss Si3N4waveguides for miniaturizing optical coherence tomography. 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). :1–2.

We show high confinement thermally tunable, low loss (0.27 ± 0.04 dB/cm) Si3N4waveguides that are 42 cm long. We show that this platform can enable the miniaturization of traditionally bulky active OCT components.

H. Chi, Y. Chen, T. Jin, X. Jin, S. Zheng, X. Zhang.  2015.  "Photonics-assisted compressive sensing for sparse signal acquisition". 2015 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC). :1-2.

Compressive sensing (CS) is a novel technology for sparse signal acquisition with sub-Nyquist sampling rate but with relative high resolution. Photonics-assisted CS has attracted much attention recently due the benefit of wide bandwidth provided by photonics. This paper discusses the approaches to realizing photonics-assisted CS.