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Kori, Prachi, Cecil, Kanchan.  2022.  Secure Wireless Sensor Network Design Using a New Method of High-Speed Lightweight Encryption. 2022 6th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA. :1–8.
Data streaming over a wireless network such as Wireless Sensor Networks, where wireless terminals (like PDAs, mobile phones, palmtops) access in data conferencing system, new challenges will be brought about. goal for this paper is to propose a high-speed lightweight encryption (HSLE) for low computational capability controller of WSN, HSLE scheme which reduces latency overhead by modifying existing approaches in order to encrypting data using a probabilistic encryption of data blocks. Proposed work is also useful when we communicate our confidential data on WSN or IoT it should be secure, we just have to save an encrypted data on cloud servers. proposed work is a new key-based algorithm and uses HSLE encryption instead for high end AES. Proposed methods cause significant speed enhancement for data encryption with similar security, in addition, it is best suited in order to communication between hand-held devices such as mobile phones, palmtops etc. algorithm may be used between sites where processing capacity and battery power are limited and efficient encryption is main necessity. This work is implemented on MATLAB and a wireless sensor network of maximum 100 nodes developed for testing the proposed network node encryption system, the time delay observed for the communication in 100 nodes WSN is less in compare with the other available works.
ISSN: 2771-1358
Marasco, E. O., Quaglia, F..  2020.  AuthentiCAN: a Protocol for Improved Security over CAN. 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4). :533–538.
The continuous progress of electronic equipments has influenced car manufacturers, leading to the integration of the latest infotainment technologies and providing connection to external devices, such as mobile phones. Modern cars work with ECUs (Electronic Control Units) that handle user interactions and sensor data, by also sending information to actuators using simple, reliable and efficient networks with fast protocols, like CAN (Controller Area Network). This is the most used vehicular protocol, which allows interconnecting different ECUs, making them interact in a synergic manner. On the down side, there is a security risk related to the exposition of malicious ECU's frames-possibly generated by compromised devices-which can lead to the possibility to remote control all the car equipments (like brakes and others) by an attacker. We propose a solution to this problem, designing an authentication and encryption system above CAN, called AuthentiCAN. Our proposal is tailored for the evolution of CAN called CAN-FD, and avoids the possibility for an attacker to inject malicious frames that are not discarded by the destination ECUs. Also, we avoid the possibility for an attacker to learn the interactions that occur across ECUs, with the objective of maliciously replaying messages-which would lead the actuator's logic to be no longer compliant with the actual data sources. We also present a simulation study of our solution, where we provide an assessment of its overhead, e.g. in terms of reduction of the throughput of data-unit transfer over CAN-FD, caused by the added security features.
Zondo, S., Ogudo, K., Umenne, P..  2020.  Design of a Smart Home System Using Bluetooth Protocol. 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Computing and Data Communication Systems (icABCD). :1—5.
Home automation is an intelligent, functional as a unit system that facilitates home processes without unnecessarily complicating the user's life. Devices can be connected, which in turn connect and talk through a centralized control unit, which are accessible via mobile phones. These devices include lights, appliances, security systems, alarms and many other sensors and devices. This paper presents the design and implementation of a Bluetooth based smart home automation system which uses a Peripheral interface controller (PIC) microcontroller (16F1937) as the main processer and the appliances are connected to the peripheral ports of the microcontroller via relays. The circuit in the project was designed in Diptrace software. The PCB layout design was completed. The fully functional smart home prototype was built and demonstrated to functional.
Kavitha, R., Malathi, K., Kunjachen, L. M..  2020.  Interference of Cyber Endanger using Support Vector Machine. 2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI). :1–4.
The wonder of cyberbullying, implied as persistent and repeated mischief caused through the use of PC systems, mobile phones, and noteworthy propelled contraptions. for instance, Hinduja and Patching upheld that 10-forty% of outlined children masses surrendered having dealt with it each as a harmed individual or as a with the guide of the use of-stander wherein additional progressively young individuals use development to issue, undermine, embarrass, or by and large burden their mates. Advanced badgering has starting at now been said as one which reason first rate harm to society and monetary machine. Advances in development related with web record remark and the assortment of the web associations renders the area and following of such models as a credibility hard and extremely problematic. This paper portrays a web structure for robotized revelation and seeing of Cyber-tormenting cases from on-line exchanges and on line associations. The device is mainly assembled completely absolutely as for the revelation of 3 basic ordinary language sections like Insults, Swears and 2d person. A sort machine and cosmology like reasoning had been contracted to go over the normality of such substances inside the trade board/web documents, which may conceivable explanation a message to security in case you have to take fitting improvement. The instrument has been dissected on staggering social occasions and achieves less steeply-esteemed acknowledgment displays.
Xylogiannopoulos, Konstantinos F., Karampelas, Panagiotis, Alhajj, Reda.  2019.  Text Mining for Malware Classification Using Multivariate All Repeated Patterns Detection. 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM). :887—894.

Mobile phones have become nowadays a commodity to the majority of people. Using them, people are able to access the world of Internet and connect with their friends, their colleagues at work or even unknown people with common interests. This proliferation of the mobile devices has also been seen as an opportunity for the cyber criminals to deceive smartphone users and steel their money directly or indirectly, respectively, by accessing their bank accounts through the smartphones or by blackmailing them or selling their private data such as photos, credit card data, etc. to third parties. This is usually achieved by installing malware to smartphones masking their malevolent payload as a legitimate application and advertise it to the users with the hope that mobile users will install it in their devices. Thus, any existing application can easily be modified by integrating a malware and then presented it as a legitimate one. In response to this, scientists have proposed a number of malware detection and classification methods using a variety of techniques. Even though, several of them achieve relatively high precision in malware classification, there is still space for improvement. In this paper, we propose a text mining all repeated pattern detection method which uses the decompiled files of an application in order to classify a suspicious application into one of the known malware families. Based on the experimental results using a real malware dataset, the methodology tries to correctly classify (without any misclassification) all randomly selected malware applications of 3 categories with 3 different families each.

Eryonucu, Cihan, Ayday, Erman, Zeydan, Engin.  2018.  A Demonstration of Privacy-Preserving Aggregate Queries for Optimal Location Selection. 2018 IEEE 19th International Symposium on "A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks" (WoWMoM). :1–3.
In recent years, service providers, such as mobile operators providing wireless services, collected location data in enormous extent with the increase of the usages of mobile phones. Vertical businesses, such as banks, may want to use this location information for their own scenarios. However, service providers cannot directly provide these private data to the vertical businesses because of the privacy and legal issues. In this demo, we show how privacy preserving solutions can be utilized using such location-based queries without revealing each organization's sensitive data. In our demonstration, we used partially homomorphic cryptosystem in our protocols and showed practicality and feasibility of our proposed solution.
Ge, Jingquan, Gao, Neng, Tu, Chenyang, Xiang, Ji, Liu, Zeyi.  2019.  More Secure Collaborative APIs Resistant to Flush+Reload and Flush+Flush Attacks on ARMv8-A. 2019 26th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC). :410—417.
With the popularity of smart devices such as mobile phones and tablets, the security problem of the widely used ARMv8-A processor has received more and more attention. Flush+Reload and Flush+Flush cache attacks have become two of the most important security threats due to their low noise and high resolution. In order to resist Flush+Reload and Flush+Flush attacks, researchers proposed many defense methods. However, these existing methods have various shortcomings. The runtime defense methods using hardware performance counters cannot detect attacks fast enough, effectively detect Flush+Flush or avoid a high false positive rate. Static code analysis schemes are powerless for obfuscation techniques. The approaches of permanently reducing the resolution can only be utilized on browser products and cannot be applied in the system. In this paper, we design two more secure collaborative APIs-flush operation API and high resolution time API-which can resist Flush+Reload and Flush+Flush attacks. When the flush operation API is called, the high resolution time API temporarily reduces its resolution and automatically restores. Moreover, the flush operation API also has the ability to detect and handle suspected Flush+Reload and Flush+Flush attacks. The attack and performance comparison experiments prove that the two APIs we designed are safer and the performance losses are acceptable.
Dangiwa, Bello Ahmed, Kumar, Smitha S.  2018.  A Business Card Reader Application for iOS devices based on Tesseract. 2018 International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Security (ICSPIS). :1–4.
As the accessibility of high-resolution smartphone camera has increased and an improved computational speed, it is now convenient to build Business Card Readers on mobile phones. The project aims to design and develop a Business Card Reader (BCR) Application for iOS devices, using an open-source OCR Engine - Tesseract. The system accuracy was tested and evaluated using a dataset of 55 digital business cards obtained from an online repository. The accuracy result of the system was up to 74% in terms of both text recognition and data detection. A comparative analysis was carried out against a commercial business card reader application and our application performed vastly reasonable.
Karthika, P., Babu, R. Ganesh, Nedumaran, A..  2019.  Machine Learning Security Allocation in IoT. 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICCS). :474—478.

The progressed computational abilities of numerous asset compelled gadgets mobile phones have empowered different research zones including picture recovery from enormous information stores for various IoT applications. The real difficulties for picture recovery utilizing cell phones in an IoT situation are the computational intricacy and capacity. To manage enormous information in IoT condition for picture recovery a light-weighted profound learning base framework for vitality obliged gadgets. The framework initially recognizes and crop face areas from a picture utilizing Viola-Jones calculation with extra face classifier to take out the identification issue. Besides, the utilizes convolutional framework layers of a financially savvy pre-prepared CNN demonstrate with characterized highlights to speak to faces. Next, highlights of the huge information vault are listed to accomplish a quicker coordinating procedure for constant recovery. At long last, Euclidean separation is utilized to discover comparability among question and archive pictures. For exploratory assessment, we made a nearby facial pictures dataset it including equally single and gathering face pictures. In the dataset can be utilized by different specialists as a scale for examination with other ongoing facial picture recovery frameworks. The trial results demonstrate that our planned framework beats other cutting edge highlight extraction strategies as far as proficiency and recovery for IoT-helped vitality obliged stages.

Varol, N., Aydogan, A. F., Varol, A..  2017.  Cyber attacks targeting Android cellphones. 2017 5th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS). :1–5.

Mobile attack approaches can be categorized as Application Based Attacks and Frequency Based Attacks. Application based attacks are reviewed extensively in the literature. However, frequency based attacks to mobile phones are not experimented in detail. In this work, we have experimentally succeeded to attack an Android smartphone using a simple software based radio circuit. We have developed a software “Primary Mobile Hack Builder” to control Android operated cellphone as a distance. The SMS information and pictures in the cellphone can be obtained using this device. On the other hand, after launching a software into targeting cellphone, the camera of the cellphone can be controlled for taking pictures and downloading them into our computers. It was also possible to eavesdropping the conversation.

Chakraborty, Supriyo, Tripp, Omer.  2016.  Eavesdropping and Obfuscation Techniques for Smartphones. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems. :291–292.

Mobile apps often collect and share personal data with untrustworthy third-party apps, which may lead to data misuse and privacy violations. Most of the collected data originates from sensors built into the mobile device, where some of the sensors are treated as sensitive by the mobile platform while others permit unconditional access. Examples of privacy-prone sensors are the microphone, camera and GPS system. Access to these sensors is always mediated by protected function calls. On the other hand, the light sensor, accelerometer and gyroscope are considered innocuous. All apps have unrestricted access to their data. Unfortunately, this gap is not always justified. State-of-the-art privacy mechanisms on Android provide inadequate access control and do not address the vulnerabilities that arise due to unmediated access to so-called innocuous sensors on smartphones. We have developed techniques to demonstrate these threats. As part of our demonstration, we illustrate possible attacks using the innocuous sensors on the phone. As a solution, we present ipShield, a framework that provides users with greater control over their resources at runtime so as to protect against such attacks. We have implemented ipShield by modifying the AOSP.

D. Zhu, Z. Fan, N. Pang.  2015.  "A Dynamic Supervisory Mechanism of Process Behaviors Based on Dalvik VM". 2015 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN). :1203-1210.

The threats of smartphone security are mostly from the privacy disclosure and malicious chargeback software which deducting expenses abnormally. They exploit the vulnerabilities of previous permission mechanism to attack to mobile phones, and what's more, it might call hardware to spy privacy invisibly in the background. As the existing Android operating system doesn't support users the monitoring and auditing of system resources, a dynamic supervisory mechanism of process behavior based on Dalvik VM is proposed to solve this problem. The existing android system framework layer and application layer are modified and extended, and special underlying services of system are used to realize a dynamic supervisory on the process behavior of Dalvik VM. Via this mechanism, each process on the system resources and the behavior of each app process can be monitored and analyzed in real-time. It reduces the security threats in system level and positions that which process is using the system resource. It achieves the detection and interception before the occurrence or the moment of behavior so that it protects the private information, important data and sensitive behavior of system security. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the accuracy, effectiveness, and robustness of our approach.

A. Chouhan, S. Singh.  2015.  "Real time secure end to end communication over GSM network". 2015 International Conference on Energy Systems and Applications. :663-668.

GSM network is the most widely used communication network for mobile phones in the World. However the security of the voice communication is the main issue in the GSM network. This paper proposes the technique for secure end to end communication over GSM network. The voice signal is encrypted at real time using digital techniques and transmitted over the GSM network. At receiver end the same decoding algorithm is used to extract the original speech signal. The speech trans-coding process of the GSM, severely distort an encrypted signal that does not possess the characteristics of speech signal. Therefore, it is not possible to use standard modem techniques over the GSM speech channel. The user may choose an appropriate algorithm and hardware platform as per requirement.

Ramya, T., Malathi, S., Pratheeksha, G.R., Kumar, V.D.A..  2014.  Personalized authentication procedure for restricted web service access in mobile phones. Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT), 2014 Fifth International Conference on the. :69-74.

Security as a condition is the degree of resistance to, or protection from harm. Securing gadgets in a way that is simple for the user to deploy yet, stringent enough to deny any malware intrusions onto the protected circle is investigated to find a balance between the extremes. Basically, the dominant approach on current control access is via password or PIN, but its flaw is being clearly documented. An application (to be incorporated in a mobile phone) that allows the user's gadget to be used as a Biometric Capture device in addition to serve as a Biometric Signature acquisition device for processing a multi-level authentication procedure to allow access to any specific Web Service of exclusive confidentiality is proposed. To evaluate the lucidness of the proposed procedure, a specific set of domain specifications to work on are chosen and the accuracy of the Biometric face Recognition carried out is evaluated along with the compatibility of the Application developed with different sample inputs. The results obtained are exemplary compared to the existing other devices to suit a larger section of the society through the Internet for improving the security.

Wiesner, K., Feld, S., Dorfmeister, F., Linnhoff-Popien, C..  2014.  Right to silence: Establishing map-based Silent Zones for participatory sensing. Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2014 IEEE Ninth International Conference on. :1-6.

Participatory sensing tries to create cost-effective, large-scale sensing systems by leveraging sensors embedded in mobile devices. One major challenge in these systems is to protect the users' privacy, since users will not contribute data if their privacy is jeopardized. Especially location data needs to be protected if it is likely to reveal information about the users' identities. A common solution is the blinding out approach that creates so-called ban zones in which location data is not published. Thereby, a user's important places, e.g., her home or workplace, can be concealed. However, ban zones of a fixed size are not able to guarantee any particular level of privacy. For instance, a ban zone that is large enough to conceal a user's home in a large city might be too small in a less populated area. For this reason, we propose an approach for dynamic map-based blinding out: The boundaries of our privacy zones, called Silent Zones, are determined in such way that at least k buildings are located within this zone. Thus, our approach adapts to the habitat density and we can guarantee k-anonymity in terms of surrounding buildings. In this paper, we present two new algorithms for creating Silent Zones and evaluate their performance. Our results show that especially in worst case scenarios, i.e., in sparsely populated areas, our approach outperforms standard ban zones and guarantees the specified privacy level.

Lan Zhang, Kebin Liu, Yonghang Jiang, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu, Panlong Yang.  2014.  Montage: Combine frames with movement continuity for realtime multi-user tracking. INFOCOM, 2014 Proceedings IEEE. :799-807.

In this work we design and develop Montage for real-time multi-user formation tracking and localization by off-the-shelf smartphones. Montage achieves submeter-level tracking accuracy by integrating temporal and spatial constraints from user movement vector estimation and distance measuring. In Montage we designed a suite of novel techniques to surmount a variety of challenges in real-time tracking, without infrastructure and fingerprints, and without any a priori user-specific (e.g., stride-length and phone-placement) or site-specific (e.g., digitalized map) knowledge. We implemented, deployed and evaluated Montage in both outdoor and indoor environment. Our experimental results (847 traces from 15 users) show that the stride-length estimated by Montage over all users has error within 9cm, and the moving-direction estimated by Montage is within 20°. For realtime tracking, Montage provides meter-second-level formation tracking accuracy with off-the-shelf mobile phones.