Visible to the public Montage: Combine frames with movement continuity for realtime multi-user tracking

TitleMontage: Combine frames with movement continuity for realtime multi-user tracking
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsLan Zhang, Kebin Liu, Yonghang Jiang, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu, Panlong Yang
Conference NameINFOCOM, 2014 Proceedings IEEE
Date PublishedApril
KeywordsAcceleration, Acoustics, Distance measurement, Earth, meter-second-level formation tracking accuracy, mobile phones, movement continuity, moving-direction estimation, real-time multiuser formation tracking, smart phones, smartphones, spatial constraints, submeter-level tracking, target tracking, temporal constraints, Topology, Tracking, user movement vector estimation, Vectors

In this work we design and develop Montage for real-time multi-user formation tracking and localization by off-the-shelf smartphones. Montage achieves submeter-level tracking accuracy by integrating temporal and spatial constraints from user movement vector estimation and distance measuring. In Montage we designed a suite of novel techniques to surmount a variety of challenges in real-time tracking, without infrastructure and fingerprints, and without any a priori user-specific (e.g., stride-length and phone-placement) or site-specific (e.g., digitalized map) knowledge. We implemented, deployed and evaluated Montage in both outdoor and indoor environment. Our experimental results (847 traces from 15 users) show that the stride-length estimated by Montage over all users has error within 9cm, and the moving-direction estimated by Montage is within 20deg. For realtime tracking, Montage provides meter-second-level formation tracking accuracy with off-the-shelf mobile phones.

Citation Key6848007