Visible to the public Personalized authentication procedure for restricted web service access in mobile phones

TitlePersonalized authentication procedure for restricted web service access in mobile phones
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsRamya, T., Malathi, S., Pratheeksha, G.R., Kumar, V.D.A.
Conference NameApplications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT), 2014 Fifth International Conference on the
Date PublishedFeb
Keywordsauthentication, authorisation, biometric capture device, biometric face recognition, Biometric Recognition, biometric signature acquisition device, biometrics (access control), face recognition, Internet, malware intrusions, Mobile communication, mobile computing, Mobile handsets, mobile phones, Multi-Level Authenticatio, multilevel authentication procedure, performance evaluation, personalized authentication procedure, restricted Web service access, security, Servers, smart phones, web services

Security as a condition is the degree of resistance to, or protection from harm. Securing gadgets in a way that is simple for the user to deploy yet, stringent enough to deny any malware intrusions onto the protected circle is investigated to find a balance between the extremes. Basically, the dominant approach on current control access is via password or PIN, but its flaw is being clearly documented. An application (to be incorporated in a mobile phone) that allows the user's gadget to be used as a Biometric Capture device in addition to serve as a Biometric Signature acquisition device for processing a multi-level authentication procedure to allow access to any specific Web Service of exclusive confidentiality is proposed. To evaluate the lucidness of the proposed procedure, a specific set of domain specifications to work on are chosen and the accuracy of the Biometric face Recognition carried out is evaluated along with the compatibility of the Application developed with different sample inputs. The results obtained are exemplary compared to the existing other devices to suit a larger section of the society through the Internet for improving the security.

Citation Key6814702