Discovering vulnerabilities is an information-intensive task that requires a developer to locate the defects in the code that have security implications. The task is difficult due to the growing code complexity and some developer's lack of security expertise. Although tools have been created to ease the difficulty, no single one is sufficient. In practice, developers often use a combination of tools to uncover vulnerabilities. Yet, the basis on which different tools are composed is under explored. In this paper, we examine the composition base by taking advantage of the tool design patterns informed by foraging theory. We follow a design science methodology and carry out a three-step empirical study: mapping 34 foraging-theoretic patterns in a specific vulnerability discovery tool, formulating hypotheses about the value and cost of foraging when considering two composition scenarios, and performing a human-subject study to test the hypotheses. Our work offers insights into guiding developers' tool usage in detecting software vulnerabilities.
Modern Browsers have become sophisticated applications, providing a portal to the web. Browsers host a complex mix of interpreters such as HTML and JavaScript, allowing not only useful functionality but also malicious activities, known as browser-hijacking. These attacks can be particularly difficult to detect, as they usually operate within the scope of normal browser behaviour. CryptoJacking is a form of browser-hijacking that has emerged as a result of the increased popularity and profitability of cryptocurrencies, and the introduction of new cryptocurrencies that promote CPU-based mining. This paper proposes MANiC (Multi-step AssessmeNt for Crypto-miners), a system to detect CryptoJacking websites. It uses regular expressions that are compiled in accordance with the API structure of different miner families. This allows the detection of crypto-mining scripts and the extraction of parameters that could be used to detect suspicious behaviour associated with CryptoJacking. When MANiC was used to analyse the Alexa top 1m websites, it detected 887 malicious URLs containing miners from 11 different families and demonstrated favourable results when compared to related CryptoJacking research. We demonstrate that MANiC can be used to provide insights into this new threat, to identify new potential features of interest and to establish a ground-truth dataset, assisting future research.
We develop a contingency planning methodology for how a firm would build a global supply chain network with reserve manufacturing capacity which can be strategically deployed by the firm in the event actual demand exceeds forecast. The contingency planning approach is comprised of: (1) a strategic network design model for finding the profit maximizing plant locations, manufacturing capacity and inventory investments, and production level and product distribution; and (2) a scenario planning and risk assessment scheme to analyze the costs and benefits of alternative levels of manufacturing capacity and inventory investments. We develop an efficient heuristic procedure to solve the model. We show numerically how a firm would use our approach to explore and weigh the potential upside benefits and downside risks of alternative strategies.
In this paper, an optimization model of automobile supply chain network with risks under fuzzy price is put forward. The supply chain network is composed of component suppliers, plants, and distribution centers. The total costs of automobile supply chain consist of variable costs, fixed costs, and transportation costs. The objective of this study is to minimize the risks of total profits. In order to deal with this model, this paper puts forward an approximation method to transform a continuous fuzzy problem into discrete fuzzy problem. The model is solved using Cplex 12.6. The results show that Cplex 12.6 can perfectly solve this model, the expected value and lower semi-variance of total profits converge with the increasing number of discretization points, the structure of automobile supply chain network keeps unchanged with the increasing number of discretization points.