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Gray, Wayne, Tsokanos, Athanasios, Kirner, Raimund.  2021.  Multi-Link Failure Effects on MPLS Resilient Fast-Reroute Network Architectures. 2021 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC). :29–33.
MPLS has been in the forefront of high-speed Wide Area Networks (WANs), for almost two decades [1], [12]. The performance advantages in implementing Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) are mainly its superior speed based on fast label switching and its capability to perform Fast Reroute rapidly when failure(s) occur - in theory under 50 ms [16], [17], which makes MPLS also interesting for real-time applications. We investigate the aforementioned advantages of MPLS by creating two real testbeds using actual routers that commercial Internet Service Providers (ISPs) use, one with a ring and one with a partial mesh architecture. In those two testbeds we compare the performance of MPLS channels versus normal routing, both using the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol. The speed of the Fast Reroute mechanism for MPLS when failures are occurring is investigated. Firstly, baseline experiments are performed consisting of MPLS versus normal routing. Results are evaluated and compared using both single and dual failure scenarios within the two architectures. Our results confirm recovery times within 50 ms.
Kolagatla, Venkata Reddy, J, Mervin, Darbar, Shabbir, Selvakumar, David, Saha, Sankha.  2021.  A Randomized Montgomery Powering Ladder Exponentiation for Side-Channel Attack Resilient RSA and Leakage Assessment. 2021 25th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT). :1—5.
This paper presents a randomized Montgomery Powering Ladder Modular Exponentiation (RMPLME) scheme for side channel attacks (SCA) resistant Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) and its leakage resilience analysis. This method randomizes the computation time of square-and-multiply operations for each exponent bit of the Montgomery Powering Ladder (MPL) based RSA exponentiation using various radices (Radix – 2, 22, and 24) based Montgomery Modular multipliers (MMM) randomly. The randomized computations of RMPLME generates non-uniform timing channels information and power traces thus protecting against SCA. In this work, we have developed and implemented a) an unmasked right-to-left Montgomery Modular Exponentiation (R-L MME), b) MPL exponentiation and c) the proposed RMPLME schemes for RSA decryption. All the three realizations have been assessed for side channel leakage using Welch’s t-test and analyzed for secured realizations based on degree of side channel information leakage. RMPLME scheme shows the least side-channel leakage and resilient against SPA, DPA, C-Safe Error, CPA and Timing Attacks.
Huang, Chao, Luo, Wenhao, Liu, Rui.  2021.  Meta Preference Learning for Fast User Adaptation in Human-Supervisory Multi-Robot Deployments. 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). :5851—5856.
As multi-robot systems (MRS) are widely used in various tasks such as natural disaster response and social security, people enthusiastically expect an MRS to be ubiquitous that a general user without heavy training can easily operate. However, humans have various preferences on balancing between task performance and safety, imposing different requirements onto MRS control. Failing to comply with preferences makes people feel difficult in operation and decreases human willingness of using an MRS. Therefore, to improve social acceptance as well as performance, there is an urgent need to adjust MRS behaviors according to human preferences before triggering human corrections, which increases cognitive load. In this paper, a novel Meta Preference Learning (MPL) method was developed to enable an MRS to fast adapt to user preferences. MPL based on meta learning mechanism can quickly assess human preferences from limited instructions; then, a neural network based preference model adjusts MRS behaviors for preference adaption. To validate method effectiveness, a task scenario "An MRS searches victims in an earthquake disaster site" was designed; 20 human users were involved to identify preferences as "aggressive", "medium", "reserved"; based on user guidance and domain knowledge, about 20,000 preferences were simulated to cover different operations related to "task quality", "task progress", "robot safety". The effectiveness of MPL in preference adaption was validated by the reduced duration and frequency of human interventions.
Nikolenko, S. I., Kogan, K., Rétvári, G., Bérczi-Kovács, E. R., Shalimov, A..  2016.  How to represent IPv6 forwarding tables on IPv4 or MPLS dataplanes. 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :521–526.

The Internet routing ecosystem is facing substantial scalability challenges on the data plane. Various “clean slate” architectures for representing forwarding tables (FIBs), such as IPv6, introduce additional constraints on efficient implementations from both lookup time and memory footprint perspectives due to significant classification width. In this work, we propose an abstraction layer able to represent IPv6 FIBs on existing IP and even MPLS infrastructure. Feasibility of the proposed representations is confirmed by an extensive simulation study on real IPv6 forwarding tables, including low-level experimental performance evaluation.