Abundant multimedia data generated in our daily life has intrigued a variety of very important and useful real-world applications such as object detection and recognition etc. Accompany with these applications, many popular feature descriptors have been developed, e.g., SIFT, SURF and HOG. Manipulating massive multimedia data locally, however, is a storage and computation intensive task, especially for resource-constrained clients. In this work, we focus on exploring how to securely outsource the famous feature extraction algorithm–Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) to untrusted cloud servers, without revealing the data owner's private information. For the first time, we investigate this secure outsourcing computation problem under two different models and accordingly propose two novel privacy-preserving HOG outsourcing protocols, by efficiently encrypting image data by somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE) integrated with single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD), designing a new batched secure comparison protocol, and carefully redesigning every step of HOG to adapt it to the ciphertext domain. Explicit Security and effectiveness analysis are presented to show that our protocols are practically-secure and can approximate well the performance of the original HOG executed in the plaintext domain. Our extensive experimental evaluations further demonstrate that our solutions achieve high efficiency and perform comparably to the original HOG when being applied to human detection.
The problem of securely outsourcing computation has received widespread attention due to the development of cloud computing and mobile devices. In this paper, we first propose a secure verifiable outsourcing algorithm of single modular exponentiation based on the one-malicious model of two untrusted servers. The outsourcer could detect any failure with probability 1 if one of the servers misbehaves. We also present the other verifiable outsourcing algorithm for multiple modular exponentiations based on the same model. Compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms, the proposed algorithms improve both checkability and efficiency for the outsourcer. Finally, we utilize the proposed algorithms as two subroutines to achieve outsource-secure polynomial evaluation and ciphertext-policy attributed-based encryption (CP-ABE) scheme with verifiable outsourced encryption and decryption.