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Zhou, Ziyi, Han, Xing, Chen, Zeyuan, Nan, Yuhong, Li, Juanru, Gu, Dawu.  2022.  SIMulation: Demystifying (Insecure) Cellular Network based One-Tap Authentication Services. 2022 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :534–546.
A recently emerged cellular network based One-Tap Authentication (OTAuth) scheme allows app users to quickly sign up or log in to their accounts conveniently: Mobile Network Operator (MNO) provided tokens instead of user passwords are used as identity credentials. After conducting a first in-depth security analysis, however, we have revealed several fundamental design flaws among popular OTAuth services, which allow an adversary to easily (1) perform unauthorized login and register new accounts as the victim, (2) illegally obtain identities of victims, and (3) interfere OTAuth services of legitimate apps. To further evaluate the impact of our identified issues, we propose a pipeline that integrates both static and dynamic analysis. We examined 1,025/894 Android/iOS apps, each app holding more than 100 million installations. We confirmed 396/398 Android/iOS apps are affected. Our research systematically reveals the threats against OTAuth services. Finally, we provide suggestions on how to mitigate these threats accordingly.
ISSN: 2158-3927
Liu, Hongyang, Shen, Feng, Liu, Zhiqiang, Long, Yu, Liu, Zhen, Sun, Shifeng, Tang, Shuyang, Gu, Dawu.  2019.  A Secure and Practical Blockchain Scheme for IoT. 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :538–545.
With features such as decentralization, consistency, tamper resistance, non-repudiation, and pseudonym, blockchain technology has the potential to strengthen the Internet of Things (IoT) significantly, thus opening an intriguing research area in the integration of blockchain and IoT. However, most existing blockchain schemes were not dedicated to the IoT ecosystem and hence could not meet the specific requirements of IoT. This paper aims to fix the gap. Inspired by Chainspace, a blockchain platform which could be applicable in IoT, VChain is proposed, a novel blockchain scheme suitable for IoT which is more secure, concrete, and practical compared with Chainspace. Specifically, in VChain, a two-layer BFT-based consensus protocol with HoneyBadger BFT protocol is proposed and a collective signature scheme as building blocks. The designs above allow for supporting faulty-shards-tolerance and asynchronous network model, which could not be sustained in Chainspace, and keeping high efficiency as well. Moreover, the sharding strategy presented in VChain, different from that in RapidChain, which adopts the energy-consuming PoW mechanism for sharding, is environmentfriendly and thus makes VChain fit for IoT well. Last but not least, VChain also inherits the merits of Chainspace to separate the execution and verification of smart contracts for privacy.
Sun, Shi-Feng, Gu, Dawu, Liu, Joseph K., Parampalli, Udaya, Yuen, Tsz Hon.  2016.  Efficient Construction of Completely Non-Malleable CCA Secure Public Key Encryption. Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :901–906.
Non-malleability is an important and intensively studied security notion for many cryptographic primitives. In the context of public key encryption, this notion means it is infeasible for an adversary to transform an encryption of some message m into one of a related message m' under the given public key. Although it has provided a strong security property for many applications, it still does not suffice for some scenarios like the system where the users could issue keys on-the-fly. In such settings, the adversary may have the power to transform the given public key and the ciphertext. To withstand such attacks, Fischlin introduced a stronger notion, known as complete non-malleability, which requires that the non-malleability property be preserved even for the adversaries attempting to produce a ciphertext of some related message under the transformed public key. To date, many schemes satisfying this stronger security have been proposed, but they are either inefficient or proved secure in the random oracle model. In this work, we put forward a new encryption scheme in the common reference string model. Based on the standard DBDH assumption, the proposed scheme is proved completely non-malleable secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks in the standard model. In our scheme, the well-formed public keys and ciphertexts could be publicly recognized without drawing support from unwieldy techniques like non-interactive zero knowledge proofs or one-time signatures, thus achieving a better performance.
Sun, Shi-Feng, Gu, Dawu, Liu, Joseph K., Parampalli, Udaya, Yuen, Tsz Hon.  2016.  Efficient Construction of Completely Non-Malleable CCA Secure Public Key Encryption. Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :901–906.

Non-malleability is an important and intensively studied security notion for many cryptographic primitives. In the context of public key encryption, this notion means it is infeasible for an adversary to transform an encryption of some message m into one of a related message m' under the given public key. Although it has provided a strong security property for many applications, it still does not suffice for some scenarios like the system where the users could issue keys on-the-fly. In such settings, the adversary may have the power to transform the given public key and the ciphertext. To withstand such attacks, Fischlin introduced a stronger notion, known as complete non-malleability, which requires that the non-malleability property be preserved even for the adversaries attempting to produce a ciphertext of some related message under the transformed public key. To date, many schemes satisfying this stronger security have been proposed, but they are either inefficient or proved secure in the random oracle model. In this work, we put forward a new encryption scheme in the common reference string model. Based on the standard DBDH assumption, the proposed scheme is proved completely non-malleable secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks in the standard model. In our scheme, the well-formed public keys and ciphertexts could be publicly recognized without drawing support from unwieldy techniques like non-interactive zero knowledge proofs or one-time signatures, thus achieving a better performance.

Shu, Junliang, Zhang, Yuanyuan, Li, Juanru, Li, Bodong, Gu, Dawu.  2017.  Why Data Deletion Fails? A Study on Deletion Flaws and Data Remanence in Android Systems ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.. 16:61:1–61:22.

Smart mobile devices are becoming the main vessel of personal privacy information. While they carry valuable information, data erasure is somehow much more vulnerable than was predicted. The security mechanisms provided by the Android system are not flexible enough to thoroughly delete sensitive data. In addition to the weakness among several provided data-erasing and file-deleting mechanisms, we also target the Android OS design flaws in data erasure, and unveil that the design of the Android OS contradicts some secure data-erasure demands. We present the data-erasure flaws in three typical scenarios on mainstream Android devices, such as the data clearing flaw, application uninstallation flaw, and factory reset flaw. Some of these flaws are inherited data-deleting security issues from the Linux kernel, and some are new vulnerabilities in the Android system. Those scenarios reveal the data leak points in Android systems. Moreover, we reveal that the data remanence on the disk is rarely affected by the user’s daily operation, such as file deletion and app installation and uninstallation, by a real-world data deletion latency experiment. After one volunteer used the Android phone for 2 months, the data remanence amount was still considerable. Then, we proposed DataRaider for file recovering from disk fragments. It adopts a file-carving technique and is implemented as an automated sensitive information recovering framework. DataRaider is able to extract private data in a raw disk image without any file system information, and the recovery rate is considerably high in the four test Android phones. We propose some mitigation for data remanence issues, and give the users some suggestions on data protection in Android systems.

Ren, Yanli, Ding, Ning, Zhang, Xinpeng, Lu, Haining, Gu, Dawu.  2016.  Verifiable Outsourcing Algorithms for Modular Exponentiations with Improved Checkability. Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :293–303.

The problem of securely outsourcing computation has received widespread attention due to the development of cloud computing and mobile devices. In this paper, we first propose a secure verifiable outsourcing algorithm of single modular exponentiation based on the one-malicious model of two untrusted servers. The outsourcer could detect any failure with probability 1 if one of the servers misbehaves. We also present the other verifiable outsourcing algorithm for multiple modular exponentiations based on the same model. Compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms, the proposed algorithms improve both checkability and efficiency for the outsourcer. Finally, we utilize the proposed algorithms as two subroutines to achieve outsource-secure polynomial evaluation and ciphertext-policy attributed-based encryption (CP-ABE) scheme with verifiable outsourced encryption and decryption.