The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly evolving, while introducing several new challenges regarding security, resilience and operational assurance. In the face of an increasing attack landscape, it is necessary to cater for the provision of efficient mechanisms to collectively verify software- and device-integrity in order to detect run-time modifications. Towards this direction, remote attestation has been proposed as a promising defense mechanism. It allows a third party, the verifier, to ensure the integrity of a remote device, the prover. However, this family of solutions do not capture the real-time requirements of industrial IoT applications and suffer from scalability and efficiency issues. In this paper, we present a lightweight dynamic control-flow property-based attestation architecture (CFPA) that can be applied on both resource-constrained edge and cloud devices and services. It is a first step towards a new line of security mechanisms that enables the provision of control-flow attestation of only those specific, critical software components that are comparatively small, simple and limited in function, thus, allowing for a much more efficient verification. Our goal is to enhance run-time software integrity and trustworthiness with a scalable and decentralized solution eliminating the need for federated infrastructure trust. Based on our findings, we posit open issues and challenges, and discuss possible ways to address them, so that security do not hinder the deployment of intelligent edge computing systems.
Until recently, IT security received limited attention within the scope of Process Control Systems (PCS). In the past, PCS consisted of isolated, specialized components running closed process control applications, where hardware was placed in physically secured locations and connections to remote network infrastructures were forbidden. Nowadays, industrial communications are fully exploiting the plethora of features and novel capabilities deriving from the adoption of commodity off the shelf (COTS) hardware and software. Nonetheless, the reliance on COTS for remote monitoring, configuration and maintenance also exposed PCS to significant cyber threats. In light of these issues, this paper presents the steps for the design, verification and implementation of a lightweight remote attestation protocol. The protocol is aimed at providing a secure software integrity verification scheme that can be readily integrated into existing industrial applications. The main novelty of the designed protocol is that it encapsulates key elements for the protection of both participating parties (i.e., verifier and prover) against cyber attacks. The protocol is formally verified for correctness with the help of the Scyther model checking tool. The protocol implementation and experimental results are provided for a Phoenix-Contact industrial controller, which is widely used in the automation of gas transportation networks in Romania.
Integrity is a crucial property in current computing systems. Due to natural or human-made (malicious and non-malicious) faults this property can be violated. Therefore, many methodologies and patterns that check or verify the integrity of systems or data have been introduced. However, integrity as a property cannot be identified directly. Existing methodologies tackle this problem by identifying other, computable, properties of the system and use a policy that describes how these properties reflect the integrity of the overall system. It is thus a critical task to select the right properties that reflect the integrity of a system in such a way that given integrity requirements are met. To ease this process, we introduce two new patterns, Static Integrity Properties and Dynamic Integrity Properties to classify the properties. Static Integrity Properties are used to ensure the integrity of a component prior it's use (e.g., the integrity of an executable binary), while Dynamic Integrity Properties are used to ensure the integrity of a component during run-time (e.g., properties that reflect the component's behavior or state transitions). Based on an exemplary embedded control system, we show typical use cases to help the system or software architect to choose the right class of integrity properties for the targeted system.