Hasan, Kamrul, Shetty, Sachin, Hassanzadeh, Amin, Ullah, Sharif.
Towards Optimal Cyber Defense Remediation in Cyber Physical Systems by Balancing Operational Resilience and Strategic Risk. MILCOM 2019 - 2019 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :1–8.
A prioritized cyber defense remediation plan is critical for effective risk management in cyber-physical systems (CPS). The increased integration of Information Technology (IT)/Operational Technology (OT) in CPS has to lead to the need to identify the critical assets which, when affected, will impact resilience and safety. In this work, we propose a methodology for prioritized cyber risk remediation plan that balances operational resilience and economic loss (safety impacts) in CPS. We present a platform for modeling and analysis of the effect of cyber threats and random system faults on the safety of CPS that could lead to catastrophic damages. We propose to develop a data-driven attack graph and fault graph-based model to characterize the exploitability and impact of threats in CPS. We develop an operational impact assessment to quantify the damages. Finally, we propose the development of a strategic response decision capability that proposes optimal mitigation actions and policies that balances the trade-off between operational resilience (Tactical Risk) and Strategic Risk.
Mason, Andrew, Zhao, Yifan, He, Hongmei, Gompelman, Raymon, Mandava, Srikanth.
Online Anomaly Detection of Time Series at Scale. 2019 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics And Assessment (Cyber SA). :1–8.
Cyber breaches can result in disruption to business operations, reputation damage as well as directly affecting the financial stability of the targeted corporations, with potential impacts on future profits and stock values. Automatic network-stream monitoring becomes necessary for cyber situation awareness, and time-series anomaly detection plays an important role in network stream monitoring. This study surveyed recent research on time-series analysis methods in respect of parametric and non-parametric techniques, and popular machine learning platforms for data analysis on streaming data on both single server and cloud computing environments. We believe it provides a good reference for researchers in both academia and industry to select suitable (time series) data analysis techniques, and computing platforms, dependent on the data scale and real-time requirements.
Brezhniev, Yevhen.
Multilevel Fuzzy Logic-Based Approach for Critical Energy Infrastructure’s Cyber Resilience Assessment. 2019 10th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT). :213–217.
This paper presents approach for critical energy infrastructure's (CEI) cyber resilience assessment. The CEI is the vital physical system of systems, whose accidents and failures lead to damage of economy, environment, impact on health and lives of people. The analysis of cyber incidents with Ukrainian CEI confirms the importance of the task of increasing its cyber resilience to external hostile influences and keeping of the appropriate level of functionality, safety and reliability. This paper is devoted to development of approach for CEI's cyber resilience assessment considering the important capacities of its systems (adaptivity, restoration, absorbability, preventive) and interdependencies between them. This approach is based on application of multilevel fuzzy logic models (called as logic-linguistic models, LLM) taking into consideration the data available from expert's knowledge. The comparison between risk management and resilience assurance is performed. The new risk-oriented definition of resiliency is suggested.
Sheela, A., Revathi, S., Iqbal, Atif.
Cyber Risks Assessment For Intelligent And Non-Intelligent Attacks In Power System. 2019 2nd International Conference on Power and Embedded Drive Control (ICPEDC). :40–45.
Smart power grid is a perfect model of Cyber Physical System (CPS) which is an important component for a comfortable life. The major concern of the electrical network is safety and reliable operation. A cyber attacker in the operation of power system would create a major damage to the entire power system structure and affect the continuity of the power supply by adversely changing its parameters. A risk assessment method is presented for evaluating the cyber security assessment of power systems taking into consideration the need for protection systems. The paper considers the impact of bus and transmission line protection systems located in substations on the cyber physical performance of power systems. The proposed method is to simulate the response of power systems to sudden attacks on various power system preset value and parameters. This paper focuses on the cyber attacks which occur in a co-ordinated way so that many power system components will be in risk. The risk can be modelled as the combined probability of power system impact due to attacks and of successful interruption into the system. Stochastic Petri Nets is employed for assessing the risks. The effectiveness of the proposed cyber security risk assessment method is simulated for a IEEE39 bus system.
Xiong, Leilei, Grijalva, Santiago.
N-1 RTU Cyber-Physical Security Assessment Using State Estimation. 2019 IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). :1–5.
Real-time supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems use remote terminal units (RTUs) to monitor and manage the flow of power at electrical substations. As their connectivity to different utility and private networks increases, RTUs are becoming more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Some attacks seek to access RTUs to directly control power system devices with the intent to shed load or cause equipment damage. Other attacks (such as denial-of-service) target network availability and seek to block, delay, or corrupt communications between the RTU and the control center. In the most severe case, when communications are entirely blocked, the loss of an RTU can cause the power system to become unobservable. It is important to understand how losing an RTU impacts the system state (bus voltage magnitudes and angles). The system state is determined by the state estimator and serves as the input to other critical EMS applications. There is currently no systematic approach for assessing the cyber-physical impact of losing RTUs. This paper proposes a methodology for N-1 RTU cyber-physical security assessment that could benefit power system control and operation. We demonstrate our approach on the IEEE 14-bus system as well as on a synthetic 200-bus system.
Tripathi, Dipty, Maurya, Ashish Kumar, Chaturvedi, Amrita, Tripathi, Anil Kumar.
A Study of Security Modeling Techniques for Smart Systems. 2019 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and Parallel Computing (COMITCon). :87–92.
The term “smart” has been used in many ways for describing systems and infrastructure such as smart city, smart home, smart grid, smart meter, etc. These systems may lie in the domain of critical security systems where security can be estimated in terms of confidentiality, integrity and some cases may involve availability for protection against the theft or damage of system resources as well as disruption of the system services. Although, in spite of, being a hot topic to enhance the quality of life, there is no concrete definition of what smart system is and what should be the characteristics of it. Thus, there is a need to identify what these systems actually are and how they can be designed securely. This work firstly attempts to describe attributes related to the smartness to define smart systems. Furthermore, we propose a secure smart system development life cycle, where the security is weaved at all the development phase of smart systems according to principles, guidelines, attack patterns, risk, vulnerability, exploits, and defined rules. Finally, the comparative study is performed for evaluation of traditional security modeling techniques for early assessment of threats and risks in smart systems.
Mikhalevich, I. F., Trapeznikov, V. A..
Critical Infrastructure Security: Alignment of Views. 2019 Systems of Signals Generating and Processing in the Field of on Board Communications. :1–5.
Critical infrastructures of all countries unites common cyberspace. In this space, there are many threats that can disrupt the security of critical infrastructure in one country, but also cause damage in other countries. This is a reality that makes it necessary to agree on intergovernmental national views on the composition of critical infrastructures, an assessment of their security and protection. The article presents an overview of views on critical infrastructures of the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the Russian Federation, the purpose of which is to develop common positions.