In this article, we study the transmission secrecy performance of primary user in overlay cognitive wireless networks, in which an untrusted energy-limited secondary cooperative user assists the primary transmission to exchange for the spectrum resource. In the network, the information can be simultaneously transmitted through the direct and relay links. For the enhancement of primary transmission security, a maximum ratio combining (MRC) scheme is utilized by the receiver to exploit the two copies of source information. For the security analysis, we firstly derive the tight lower bound expression for secrecy outage probability (SOP). Then, three asymptotic expressions for SOP are also expressed to further analyze the impacts of the transmit power and the location of secondary cooperative node on the primary user information security. The findings show that the primary user information secrecy performance enhances with the improvement of transmit power. Moreover, the smaller the distance between the secondary node and the destination, the better the primary secrecy performance.
In this paper, the security performance of a dual-hop underlay cognitive radio (CR) system is investigated. In this system, we consider that the transmitted information by a source node S is forwarded by a multi-antenna relay R to its intended destination D. The relay performs the maximal-ratio combining (MRC) technique to process the multiple copies of the received signal. We also consider the presence of an eavesdropper who is attempting to intercept the transmitted information at both communication links, (i.e, S-R and R-D). In underlay cognitive radio networks (CRN), the source and the relay are required to adjust their transmission power to avoid causing interference to the primary user. Under this constraint, a closed-form expression of the secrecy outage probability is derived subject to Nakagami-m fading model. The derived expression is validated using Monte-Carlo simulation for various values of fading severity parameters as well as the number of MRC branches.
Friendly jamming is a physical layer security technique that utilizes extra available nodes to jam any eavesdroppers. This paper considers the use of additional available nodes as friendly jammers in order to improve the security performance of a route through a wireless area network. One of the unresolved technical challenges is the combining of security metrics with typical service quality metrics. In this context, this paper considers the problem of routing through a D2D network while jointly minimizing the secrecy outage probability (SOP) and connection outage probability (COP), using friendly jamming to improve the SOP of each link. The jamming powers are determined to place nulls at friendly receivers while maximizing the power to eavesdroppers. Then the route metrics are derived, and the problem is framed as a convex optimization problem. We also consider that not all network users equally value SOP and COP, and so introduce an auxiliary variable to tune the optimization between the two metrics.
We consider an underlay cognitive network with secondary users that support full-duplex communication. In this context, we propose the application of antenna selection at the secondary destination node to improve the secondary user secrecy performance. Antenna selection rules for cases where exact and average knowledge of the eavesdropping channels are investigated. The secrecy outage probabilities for the secondary eavesdropping network are analyzed, and it is shown that the secrecy performance improvement due to antenna selection is due to coding gain rather than diversity gain. This is very different from classical antenna selection for data transmission, which usually leads to a higher diversity gain. Numerical simulations are included to verify the performance of the proposed scheme.
This paper investigates the secrecy performance of full-duplex relay mode in underlay cognitive radio networks using decode-and-forward relay selection. The analytical results prove that full-duplex mode can guarantee security under critical conditions such as the bad residual self-interference and the presence of hi-tech eavesdropper. The secrecy outage probability is derived based on the statistical characteristics of channels in this considered system. The system is examined under five circumferences: 1) Different values of primary network's desired outage probability; 2) Different values of primary transmitter's transmit power; 3) Applying of multiple relays selection; 4) Systems undergo path-loss during the transmission process; 5) Systems undergo self-interference in relays. Simulation results are presented to verify the analysis.