Visible to the public Full-duplex relay for enhancing physical layer security in Wireless Sensor Networks: Optimal power allocation for minimizing secrecy outage probability

TitleFull-duplex relay for enhancing physical layer security in Wireless Sensor Networks: Optimal power allocation for minimizing secrecy outage probability
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsLi, W., Liu, K., Wang, S., Lei, J., Li, E., Li, X.
Conference Name2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT)
Date Publishedoct
Keywordsartificial noise, composability, Metrics, MIMO communication, optimal power allocation, Physical layer, physical layer security, power system reliability, probability, pubcrawl, receiving antennas, Relays, resilience, Resiliency, Resource management, secrecy outage probability
AbstractIn this paper, we address the physical layer security problem for Wireless Sensor Networks in the presence of passive eavesdroppers, i.e., the eavesdroppers' channels are unknown to the transmitter. We use a multi-antenna relay to guarantee physical layer security. Different from the existing work, we consider that the relay works in full duplex mode and transmits artificial noise (AN) in both stages of the decode-and-forward (DF) cooperative strategy. We proposed two optimal power allocation strategies for power constrained and power unconstrained systems respectively. For power constrained system, our aim is to minimize the secrecy rate outage probability. And for power unconstrained systems, we obtain the optimal power allocation to minimize the total power under the quality of service and secrecy constraints. We also consider the secrecy outage probability for different positions of eavesdropper. Simulation results are presented to show the performance of the proposed strategies.
Citation Keyli_full-duplex_2017