The contemporary struggle that rests upon security risk assessment of Information Systems is its feasibility in the presence of an indeterminate environment when information is insufficient, conflicting, generic or ambiguous. But as pointed out by the security experts, most of the traditional approaches to risk assessment of information systems security are no longer practicable as they fail to deliver viable support on handling uncertainty. Therefore, to address this issue, we have anticipated a comprehensive risk assessment model based on Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) and Fuzzy Inference Scheme (FIS) process to function in an indeterminate environment. The proposed model is demonstrated and further comparisons are made on the test results to validate the reliability of the proposed model.
Security attacks present unique challenges to self-adaptive system design due to the adversarial nature of the environment. However, modeling the system as a single player, as done in prior works in security domain, is insufficient for the system under partial compromise and for the design of fine-grained defensive strategies where the rest of the system with autonomy can cooperate to mitigate the impact of attacks. To deal with such issues, we propose a new self-adaptive framework incorporating Bayesian game and model the defender (i.e., the system) at the granularity of components in system architecture. The system architecture model is translated into a Bayesian multi-player game, where each component is modeled as an independent player while security attacks are encoded as variant types for the components. The defensive strategy for the system is dynamically computed by solving the pure equilibrium to achieve the best possible system utility, improving the resiliency of the system against security attacks.
Updating the structure of attack graph templates based on real-time alerts from Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), in an Industrial Control System (ICS) network, is currently done manually by security experts. But, a highly-connected smart power systems, that can inadvertently expose numerous vulnerabilities to intruders for targeting grid resilience, needs automatic fast updates on learning attack graph structures, instead of manual intervention, to enable fast isolation of compromised network to secure the grid. Hence, in this work, we develop a technique to first construct a prior Bayesian Attack Graph (BAG) based on a predefined threat model and a synthetic communication network for a cyber-physical power system. Further, we evaluate a few score-based and constraint-based structural learning algorithms to update the BAG structure based on real-time alerts, based on scalability, data dependency, time complexity and accuracy criteria.