With billions of devices already connected to the network's edge, the Internet of Things (IoT) is shaping the future of pervasive computing. Nonetheless, IoT applications still cannot escape the need for the computing resources available at the fog layer. This becomes challenging since the fog nodes are not necessarily secure nor reliable, which widens even further the IoT threat surface. Moreover, the security risk appetite of heterogeneous IoT applications in different domains or deploy-ment contexts should not be assessed similarly. To respond to this challenge, this paper proposes a new approach to optimize the allocation of secure and reliable fog computing resources among IoT applications with varying security risk level. First, the security and reliability levels of fog nodes are quantitatively evaluated, and a security risk assessment methodology is defined for IoT services. Then, an online, incentive-compatible mechanism is designed to allocate secure fog resources to high-risk IoT offloading requests. Compared to the offline Vickrey auction, the proposed mechanism is computationally efficient and yields an acceptable approximation of the social welfare of IoT devices, allowing to attenuate security risk within the edge network.
Secure multi-party computation(SMPC) is an important research field in cryptography, secure multi-party computation has a wide range of applications in practice. Accordingly, information security issues have arisen. Aiming at security issues in Secure multi-party computation, we consider that semi-honest participants have malicious operations such as collusion in the process of information interaction, gaining an information advantage over honest parties through collusion which leads to deviations in the security of the protocol. To solve this problem, we combine information entropy to propose an n-round information exchange protocol, in which each participant broadcasts a relevant information value in each round without revealing additional information. Through the change of the uncertainty of the correct result value in each round of interactive information, each participant cannot determine the correct result value before the end of the protocol. Security analysis shows that our protocol guarantees the security of the output obtained by the participants after the completion of the protocol.
With the development of 5G technology and intelligent terminals, the future direction of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) evolution is Pervasive Edge Computing (PEC). In the pervasive edge computing environment, intelligent terminals can perform calculations and data processing. By migrating part of the original cloud computing model's calculations to intelligent terminals, the intelligent terminal can complete model training without uploading local data to a remote server. Pervasive edge computing solves the problem of data islands and is also successfully applied in scenarios such as vehicle interconnection and video surveillance. However, pervasive edge computing is facing great security problems. Suppose the remote server is honest but curious. In that case, it can still design algorithms for the intelligent terminal to execute and infer sensitive content such as their identity data and private pictures through the information returned by the intelligent terminal. In this paper, we research the problem of honest but curious remote servers infringing intelligent terminal privacy and propose a differential privacy collaborative deep learning algorithm in the pervasive edge computing environment. We use a Gaussian mechanism that meets the differential privacy guarantee to add noise on the first layer of the neural network to protect the data of the intelligent terminal and use analytical moments accountant technology to track the cumulative privacy loss. Experiments show that with the Gaussian mechanism, the training data of intelligent terminals can be protected reduction inaccuracy.
Direct-access attacks were initially considered as un-realistic threats in cyber security because the attacker can more easily mount other non-computerized attacks like cutting a brake line. In recent years, some research into direct-access attacks have been conducted especially in the automotive field, for example, research on an attack method that makes the ECU stop functioning via the CAN bus. The problem with existing risk quantification methods is that direct-access attacks seem not to be recognized as serious threats. To solve this problem, we propose a new risk quantification method by applying vulnerability evaluation criteria and by setting metrics. We also confirm that direct-access attacks not recognized by conventional methods can be evaluated appropriately, using the case study of an automotive system as an example of a cyber-physical system.
In new technological world pervasive computing plays the important role in data computing and communication. The pervasive computing provides the mobile environment for decentralized computational services at anywhere, anytime at any context and location. Pervasive computing is flexible and makes portable devices and computing surrounded us as part of our daily life. Devices like Laptop, Smartphones, PDAs, and any other portable devices can constitute the pervasive environment. These devices in pervasive environments are worldwide and can receive various communications including audio visual services. The users and the system in this pervasive environment face the challenges of user trust, data privacy and user and device node identity. To give the feasible determination for these challenges. This paper aims to propose a dynamic learning in pervasive computing environment refer the challenges proposed efficient security model (ESM) for trustworthy and untrustworthy attackers. ESM model also compared with existing generic models; it also provides better accuracy rate than existing models.
with the continuous growing threat of cyber terrorism, the vulnerability of the industrial control systems (ICS) is the most common subject for security researchers now. Attacks on ICS systems keep increasing and their impact leads to human safety issues, equipment damage, system down, unusual output, loss of visibility and control, and various other catastrophic failures. Many of the industrial control systems are relatively insecure with chronic and pervasive vulnerabilities. Modbus-Tcpis one of the widely used communication protocols in the ICS/ Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system to transmit signals from instrumentation and control devices to the main controller of the control center. Modbus is a plain text protocol without any built-in security mechanisms, and Modbus is a standard communication protocol, widely used in critical infrastructure applications such as power systems, water, oil & gas, etc.. This paper proposes a passive security solution called Deep-security-scanner (DSS) tailored to Modbus-Tcpcommunication based Industrial control system (ICS). DSS solution detects attacks on Modbus-TcpIcs networks in a passive manner without disturbing the availability requirements of the system.
With the rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) applications in smart regions/cities, for example, smart healthcare, smart homes/offices, there is an increase in security threats and risks. The IoT devices solve real-world problems by providing real-time connections, data and information. Besides this, the attackers can tamper with sensors, add or remove them physically or remotely. In this study, we address the IoT security sensor tampering issue in an office environment. We collect data from real-life settings and apply machine learning to detect sensor tampering using two methods. First, a real-time view of the traffic patterns is considered to train our isolation forest-based unsupervised machine learning method for anomaly detection. Second, based on traffic patterns, labels are created, and the decision tree supervised method is used, within our novel Anomaly Detection using Machine Learning (AD-ML) system. The accuracy of the two proposed models is presented. We found 84% with silhouette metric accuracy of isolation forest. Moreover, the result based on 10 cross-validations for decision trees on the supervised machine learning model returned the highest classification accuracy of 91.62% with the lowest false positive rate.
This paper exploits the possibility of exposing the location of active eavesdropper in commodity passive RFID system. Such active eavesdropper can activate the commodity passive RFID tags to achieve data eavesdropping and jamming. In this paper, we show that these active eavesdroppers can be significantly detrimental to the commodity passive RFID system on RFID data security and system feasibility. We believe that the best way to defeat the active eavesdropper in the commodity passive RFID system is to expose the location of the active eavesdropper and kick it out. To do so, we need to localize the active eavesdropper. However, we cannot extract the channel from the active eavesdropper, since we do not know what the active eavesdropper's transmission and the interference from the tag's backscattered signals. So, we propose an approach to mitigate the tag's interference and cancel out the active eavesdropper's transmission to obtain the subtraction-and-division features, which will be used as the input of the machine learning model to predict the location of active eavesdropper. Our preliminary results show the average accuracy of 96% for predicting the active eavesdropper's position in four grids of the surveillance plane.