Visible to the public Taguard: Exposing the Location of Active Eavesdropper in Passive RFID System

TitleTaguard: Exposing the Location of Active Eavesdropper in Passive RFID System
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsSun, Wei
Conference Name2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops)
Keywordsactive eavesdropper, Commodity Passive RFIDs, Conferences, feature extraction, Human Behavior, human behaviors, Interference, Location Exposure, machine learning, Pervasive computing, Pervasive Computing Security, Predictive models, pubcrawl, radio frequency identification, resilience, Resiliency, RFID, RFIDs, surveillance

This paper exploits the possibility of exposing the location of active eavesdropper in commodity passive RFID system. Such active eavesdropper can activate the commodity passive RFID tags to achieve data eavesdropping and jamming. In this paper, we show that these active eavesdroppers can be significantly detrimental to the commodity passive RFID system on RFID data security and system feasibility. We believe that the best way to defeat the active eavesdropper in the commodity passive RFID system is to expose the location of the active eavesdropper and kick it out. To do so, we need to localize the active eavesdropper. However, we cannot extract the channel from the active eavesdropper, since we do not know what the active eavesdropper's transmission and the interference from the tag's backscattered signals. So, we propose an approach to mitigate the tag's interference and cancel out the active eavesdropper's transmission to obtain the subtraction-and-division features, which will be used as the input of the machine learning model to predict the location of active eavesdropper. Our preliminary results show the average accuracy of 96% for predicting the active eavesdropper's position in four grids of the surveillance plane.

Citation Keysun_taguard_2021