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Sharma, Charu, Vaid, Rohit.  2021.  A Novel Sybil Attack Detection and Prevention Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks. 2021 6th International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC). :340—345.
Security is the main concern for wireless sensor nodes and exposed against malicious attacks. To secure the communication between sensor nodes several key managing arrangements are already implemented. The key managing method for any protected application must minimally deliver safety facilities such as truthfulness. Diffie–Hellman key exchange in the absence of authentication is exposed to MITM (man-in-the-middle) attacks due to which the attacker node can easily interrupt the communication, by appearing as a valid node in the network. In wireless sensor networks, single path routing is very common but it suffers with the two problems i:e link failure which results in data loss and if any node in single path is compromised, there is no alternative to send the data to the destination securely. To overcome this problem, multipath routing protocol is used which provides both availability and consistency of data. AOMDV (Ad-hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing Protocol) is used in a proposed algorithm which provides alternative paths to reach the data packets to the destination. This paper presents an algorithm DH-SAM (Diffie-Hellman- Sybil Attack Mitigation) to spot and mitigate Sybil nodes and make the network trusted with the objective of solving the issue of MITM attack in the network. After node authentication, secure keys are established between two communicating nodes for data transmission using the Diffie-Hellman algorithm. Performance evaluation of DH-SAM is done by using different metrics such as detection rate, PDR, throughput, and average end to end (AE2E) delay.
Bhavani, Y., Puppala, Sai Srikar, Krishna, B.Jaya, Madarapu, Srija.  2019.  Modified AES using Dynamic S-Box and DNA Cryptography. 2019 Third International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :164–168.
Today the frequency of technological transformations is very high. In order to cope up with these, there is a demand for fast processing and secured algorithms should be proposed for data exchange. In this paper, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is modified using DNA cryptography for fast processing and dynamic S-boxes are introduced to develop an attack resistant algorithm. This is strengthened by combining symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. Diffie-Hellman key exchange is used for AES key generation and also for secret number generation used for creation of dynamic S-boxes. The proposed algorithm is fast in computation and can resist cryptographic attacks like linear and differential cryptanalysis attacks.
Kim, S., Jin, S., Lee, Y., Park, B., Kim, H., Hong, S..  2018.  Single Trace Side Channel Analysis on Quantum Key Distribution. 2018 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :736–739.

The security of current key exchange protocols such as Diffie-Hellman key exchange is based on the hardness of number theoretic problems. However, these key exchange protocols are threatened by weak random number generators, advances to CPU power, a new attack from the eavesdropper, and the emergence of a quantum computer. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) addresses these challenges by using quantum properties to exchange a secret key without the risk of being intercepted. Recent developments on the QKD system resulted in a stable key generation with fewer errors so that the QKD system is rapidly becoming a solid commercial proposition. However, although the security of the QKD system is guaranteed by quantum physics, its careless implementation could make the system vulnerable. In this paper, we proposed the first side-channel attack on plug-and-play QKD system. Through a single electromagnetic trace obtained from the phase modulator on Alice's side, we were able to classify the electromagnetic trace into four classes, which corresponds to the number of bit and basis combination in the BB84 protocol. We concluded that the plug-and-play QKD system is vulnerable to side-channel attack so that the countermeasure must be considered.

Küsters, R., Rausch, D..  2017.  A Framework for Universally Composable Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange. 2017 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :881–900.
The analysis of real-world protocols, in particular key exchange protocols and protocols building on these protocols, is a very complex, error-prone, and tedious task. Besides the complexity of the protocols itself, one important reason for this is that the security of the protocols has to be reduced to the security of the underlying cryptographic primitives for every protocol time and again. We would therefore like to get rid of reduction proofs for real-world key exchange protocols as much as possible and in many cases altogether, also for higher-level protocols which use the exchanged keys. So far some first steps have been taken in this direction. But existing work is still quite limited, and, for example, does not support Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange, a prevalent cryptographic primitive for real-world protocols. In this paper, building on work by Kusters and Tuengerthal, we provide an ideal functionality in the universal composability setting which supports several common cryptographic primitives, including DH key exchange. This functionality helps to avoid reduction proofs in the analysis of real-world protocols and often eliminates them completely. We also propose a new general ideal key exchange functionality which allows higherlevel protocols to use exchanged keys in an ideal way. As a proof of concept, we apply our framework to three practical DH key exchange protocols, namely ISO 9798-3, SIGMA, and OPTLS.