Fake news is a new phenomenon that promotes misleading information and fraud via internet social media or traditional news sources. Fake news is readily manufactured and transmitted across numerous social media platforms nowadays, and it has a significant influence on the real world. It is vital to create effective algorithms and tools for detecting misleading information on social media platforms. Most modern research approaches for identifying fraudulent information are based on machine learning, deep learning, feature engineering, graph mining, image and video analysis, and newly built datasets and online services. There is a pressing need to develop a viable approach for readily detecting misleading information. The deep learning LSTM and Bi-LSTM model was proposed as a method for detecting fake news, In this work. First, the NLTK toolkit was used to remove stop words, punctuation, and special characters from the text. The same toolset is used to tokenize and preprocess the text. Since then, GLOVE word embeddings have incorporated higher-level characteristics of the input text extracted from long-term relationships between word sequences captured by the RNN-LSTM, Bi-LSTM model to the preprocessed text. The proposed model additionally employs dropout technology with Dense layers to improve the model's efficiency. The proposed RNN Bi-LSTM-based technique obtains the best accuracy of 94%, and 93% using the Adam optimizer and the Binary cross-entropy loss function with Dropout (0.1,0.2), Once the Dropout range increases it decreases the accuracy of the model as it goes 92% once Dropout (0.3).
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are capable of making driving decisions autonomously using multiple sensors and a complex autonomous driving (AD) software. However, AVs introduce numerous unique security challenges that have the potential to create safety consequences on the road. Security mechanisms require a benchmark suite and an evaluation framework to generate comparable results. Unfortunately, AVs lack a proper benchmarking framework to evaluate the attack and defense mechanisms and quantify the safety measures. This paper introduces BenchAV – a security benchmark suite and evaluation framework for AVs to address current limitations and pressing challenges of AD security. The benchmark suite contains 12 security and performance metrics, and an evaluation framework that automates the metric collection process using Carla simulator and Robot Operating System (ROS).
Project Aquaticus is a human-robot teaming competition on the water involving autonomous surface vehicles and human operated motorized kayaks. Teams composed of both humans and robots share the same physical environment to play capture the flag. In this paper, we present results from seven competitions of our half-court (one participant versus one robot) game. We found that participants indicated more trust in more aggressive behaviors from robots.
Keystroke Dynamics can be used as an unobtrusive method to enhance password authentication, by checking the typing rhythm of the user. Fixed passwords will give an attacker the possibility to try to learn to mimic the typing behaviour of a victim. In this paper we will investigate the performance of a keystroke dynamic (KD) system when the users have to type given (English) words. Under the assumption that it is easy to type words in your native language and difficult in a foreign language will we also test the performance of such a challenge-based KD system when the challenges are not common English words, but words in the native language of the user. We collected data from participants with 6 different native language backgrounds and had them type random 8-12 character words in each of the 6 languages. The participants also typed random English words and random French words. English was assumed to be a language familiar to all participants, while French was not a native language to any participant and most likely most participants were not fluent in French. Analysis showed that using language dependent words gave a better performance of the challenge-based KD compared to an all English challenge-based system. When using words in a native language, then the performance of the participants with their mother-tongue equal to that native language had a similar performance compared to the all English challenge-based system, but the non-native speakers had an FMR that was significantly lower than the native language speakers. We found that native Telugu speakers had an FMR of less than 1% when writing Spanish or Slovak words. We also found that duration features were best to recognize genuine users, but latency features performed best to recognize non-native impostor users.