This paper deals with the problem of image forgery detection because of the problems it causes. Where The Fake im-ages can lead to social problems, for example, misleading the public opinion on political or religious personages, de-faming celebrities and people, and Presenting them in a law court as evidence, may Doing mislead the court. This work proposes a deep learning approach based on Deep CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) Architecture, to detect fake images. The network is based on a modified structure of Xception net, CNN based on depthwise separable convolution layers. After extracting the feature maps, pooling layers are used with dense connection with Xception output, to in-crease feature maps. Inspired by the idea of a densenet network. On the other hand, the work uses the YCbCr color system for images, which gave better Accuracy of %99.93, more than RGB, HSV, and Lab or other color systems.
ISSN: 2831-753X
In this paper, a novel DNA based computing method is proposed for encryption of biometric color(face)and gray fingerprint images. In many applications of present scenario, gray and color images are exhibited major role for authenticating identity of an individual. The values of aforementioned images have considered as two separate matrices. The key generation process two level mathematical operations have applied on fingerprint image for generating encryption key. For enhancing security to biometric image, DNA computing has done on the above matrices generating DNA sequence. Further, DNA sequences have scrambled to add complexity to biometric image. Results of blending images, image of DNA computing has shown in experimental section. It is observed that the proposed substitution DNA computing algorithm has shown good resistant against statistical and differential attacks.
Image style transfer is an increasingly interesting topic in computer vision where the goal is to map images from one style to another. In this paper, we propose a new framework called Combined Layer GAN as a solution of dealing with image style transfer problem. Specifically, the edge-constraint and color-constraint are proposed and explored in the GAN based image translation method to improve the performance. The motivation of the work is that color and edge are fundamental vision factors for an image, while in the traditional deep network based approach, there is a lack of fine control of these factors in the process of translation and the performance is degraded consequently. Our experiments and evaluations show that our novel method with the edge and color constrains is more stable, and significantly improves the performance compared with the traditional methods.