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Li, Weijian, Li, Chengyan, Xu, Qiwei, Yin, Keting.  2022.  A Novel Distributed CA System Based on Blockchain. 2022 IEEE 10th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN). :710–716.
In the PKI-CA system with a traditional trust model based on trust chain and centralized private key management, there are some problems with issuing certificates illegally, denying issued certificates, tampering with issuance log, and leaking certificate private key due to the excessive power of a single CA. A novel distributed CA system based on blockchain was constructed to solve the problems. The system applied blockchain and smart contract to coordinate the certificate issuing process, and stored the issuing process logs and information used to verify certificates on the blockchain. It guaranteed the non-tamperability and non-repudiation of logs and information. Aiming at the disadvantage of easy leakage of private keys in centralized management mode, the system used the homomorphism of elliptic encryption algorithm, CPK and transformation matrix to generate and store user private keys safely and distributively. Experimental analysis showed that the system can not only overcome the drawbacks of the traditional PKI-CA system, but also issue certificates quickly and save as much storage as possible to store certificate private keys.
Shvidkiy, A. A., Savelieva, A. A., Zarubin, A. A..  2021.  Caching Methods Analysis for Improving Distributed Storage Systems Performance. 2021 Systems of Signal Synchronization, Generating and Processing in Telecommunications (SYNCHROINFO. :1—5.
The object of the research is distributed software-defined storage systems, as well as methods of caching disk devices. It is important for improving the performance of storage systems, which is relevant in modern conditions. In this article, an assessment of the possibility of improving performance through the use of various caching methods is made, as well as experimental research and analysis of the results obtained. The parameters of the application's operation with the disk subsystem have been determined. The results of experiments are presented - testing was carried out on a deployed architecture of a distributed storage with two types of caching, the results are combined in graphs. Conclusions are drawn, including on the prospects for further research.
Zhou, K., Sun, S., Wang, H., Huang, P., He, X., Lan, R., Li, W., Liu, W., Yang, T..  2019.  Improving Cache Performance for Large-Scale Photo Stores via Heuristic Prefetching Scheme. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 30:2033–2045.
Photo service providers are facing critical challenges of dealing with the huge amount of photo storage, typically in a magnitude of billions of photos, while ensuring national-wide or world-wide satisfactory user experiences. Distributed photo caching architecture is widely deployed to meet high performance expectations, where efficient still mysterious caching policies play essential roles. In this work, we present a comprehensive study on internet-scale photo caching algorithms in the case of QQPhoto from Tencent Inc., the largest social network service company in China. We unveil that even advanced cache algorithms can only perform at a similar level as simple baseline algorithms and there still exists a large performance gap between these cache algorithms and the theoretically optimal algorithm due to the complicated access behaviors in such a large multi-tenant environment. We then expound the reasons behind this phenomenon via extensively investigating the characteristics of QQPhoto workloads. Finally, in order to realistically further improve QQPhoto cache efficiency, we propose to incorporate a prefetcher in the cache stack based on the observed immediacy feature that is unique to the QQPhoto workload. The prefetcher proactively prefetches selected photos into cache before they are requested for the first time to eliminate compulsory misses and promote hit ratios. Our extensive evaluation results show that with appropriate prefetching we improve the cache hit ratio by up to 7.4 percent, while reducing the average access latency by 6.9 percent at a marginal cost of 4.14 percent backend network traffic compared to the original system that performs no prefetching.
Kralevska, Katina, Gligoroski, Danilo, Jensen, Rune E., Øverby, Harald.  2018.  HashTag Erasure Codes: From Theory to Practice. IEEE Transactions on Big Data. 4:516—529.
Minimum-Storage Regenerating (MSR) codes have emerged as a viable alternative to Reed-Solomon (RS) codes as they minimize the repair bandwidth while they are still optimal in terms of reliability and storage overhead. Although several MSR constructions exist, so far they have not been practically implemented mainly due to the big number of I/O operations. In this paper, we analyze high-rate MDS codes that are simultaneously optimized in terms of storage, reliability, I/O operations, and repair-bandwidth for single and multiple failures of the systematic nodes. The codes were recently introduced in [1] without any specific name. Due to the resemblance between the hashtag sign \# and the procedure of the code construction, we call them in this paper HashTag Erasure Codes (HTECs). HTECs provide the lowest data-read and data-transfer, and thus the lowest repair time for an arbitrary sub-packetization level α, where α ≤ r⌈k/r⌉, among all existing MDS codes for distributed storage including MSR codes. The repair process is linear and highly parallel. Additionally, we show that HTECs are the first high-rate MDS codes that reduce the repair bandwidth for more than one failure. Practical implementations of HTECs in Hadoop release 3.0.0-alpha2 demonstrate their great potentials.
Crooks, Natacha, Pu, Youer, Alvisi, Lorenzo, Clement, Allen.  2017.  Seeing is Believing: A Client-Centric Specification of Database Isolation. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing. :73–82.

This paper introduces the first state-based formalization of isolation guarantees. Our approach is premised on a simple observation: applications view storage systems as black-boxes that transition through a series of states, a subset of which are observed by applications. Defining isolation guarantees in terms of these states frees definitions from implementation-specific assumptions. It makes immediately clear what anomalies, if any, applications can expect to observe, thus bridging the gap that exists today between how isolation guarantees are defined and how they are perceived. The clarity that results from definitions based on client-observable states brings forth several benefits. First, it allows us to easily compare the guarantees of distinct, but semantically close, isolation guarantees. We find that several well-known guarantees, previously thought to be distinct, are in fact equivalent, and that many previously incomparable flavors of snapshot isolation can be organized in a clean hierarchy. Second, freeing definitions from implementation-specific artefacts can suggest more efficient implementations of the same isolation guarantee. We show how a client-centric implementation of parallel snapshot isolation can be more resilient to slowdown cascades, a common phenomenon in large-scale datacenters.

Huang, W., Bruck, J..  2016.  Secure RAID schemes for distributed storage. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :1401–1405.

We propose secure RAID, i.e., low-complexity schemes to store information in a distributed manner that is resilient to node failures and resistant to node eavesdropping. We generalize the concept of systematic encoding to secure RAID and show that systematic schemes have significant advantages in the efficiencies of encoding, decoding and random access. For the practical high rate regime, we construct three XOR-based systematic secure RAID schemes with optimal encoding and decoding complexities, from the EVENODD codes and B codes, which are array codes widely used in the RAID architecture. These schemes optimally tolerate two node failures and two eavesdropping nodes. For more general parameters, we construct efficient systematic secure RAID schemes from Reed-Solomon codes. Our results suggest that building “keyless”, information-theoretic security into the RAID architecture is practical.

Dennis, R., Owenson, G., Aziz, B..  2016.  A Temporal Blockchain: A Formal Analysis. 2016 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS). :430–437.

This paper presents a possible solution to a fundamental limitation facing all blockchain-based systems; scalability. We propose a temporal rolling blockchain which solves the problem of its current exponential growth, instead replacing it with a constant fixed-size blockchain. We conduct a thorough analysis of related work and present a formal analysis of the new rolling blockchain, comparing the results to a traditional blockchain model to demonstrate that the deletion of data from the blockchain does not impact on the security of the proposed blockchain model before concluding our work and presenting future work to be conducted.

Mianxiong Dong, He Lit, Ota, K., Haojin Zhu.  2014.  HVSTO: Efficient privacy preserving hybrid storage in cloud data center. Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2014 IEEE Conference on. :529-534.

In cloud data center, shared storage with good management is a main structure used for the storage of virtual machines (VM). In this paper, we proposed Hybrid VM storage (HVSTO), a privacy preserving shared storage system designed for the virtual machine storage in large-scale cloud data center. Unlike traditional shared storage, HVSTO adopts a distributed structure to preserve privacy of virtual machines, which are a threat in traditional centralized structure. To improve the performance of I/O latency in this distributed structure, we use a hybrid system to combine solid state disk and distributed storage. From the evaluation of our demonstration system, HVSTO provides a scalable and sufficient throughput for the platform as a service infrastructure.