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Chen, B., Wu, L., Wang, H., Zhou, L., He, D..  2020.  A Blockchain-Based Searchable Public-Key Encryption With Forward and Backward Privacy for Cloud-Assisted Vehicular Social Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 69:5813–5825.
As the integration of the Internet of Vehicles and social networks, vehicular social networks (VSN) not only improves the efficiency and reliability of vehicular communication environment, but also provide more comprehensive social services for users. However, with the emergence of advanced communication and computing technologies, more and more data can be fast and conveniently collected from heterogeneous devices, and VSN has to meet new security challenges such as data security and privacy protection. Searchable encryption (SE) as a promising cryptographic primitive is devoted to data confidentiality without sacrificing data searchability. However, most existing schemes are vulnerable to the adaptive leakage-exploiting attacks or can not meet the efficiency requirements of practical applications, especially the searchable public-key encryption schemes (SPE). To achieve secure and efficient keyword search in VSN, we design a new blockchain-based searchable public-key encryption scheme with forward and backward privacy (BSPEFB). BSPEFB is a decentralized searchable public-key encryption scheme since the central search cloud server is replaced by the smart contract. Meanwhile, BSPEFB supports forward and backward privacy to achieve privacy protection. Finally, we implement a prototype of our basic construction and demonstrate the practicability of the proposed scheme in applications.
Zhang, J., Liao, Y., Zhu, X., Wang, H., Ding, J..  2020.  A Deep Learning Approach in the Discrete Cosine Transform Domain to Median Filtering Forensics. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 27:276—280.
This letter presents a novel median filtering forensics approach, based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) with an adaptive filtering layer (AFL), which is built in the discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain. Using the proposed AFL, the CNN can determine the main frequency range closely related with the operational traces. Then, to automatically learn the multi-scale manipulation features, a multi-scale convolutional block is developed, exploring a new multi-scale feature fusion strategy based on the maxout function. The resultant features are further processed by a convolutional stream with pooling and batch normalization operations, and finally fed into the classification layer with the Softmax function. Experimental results show that our proposed approach is able to accurately detect the median filtering manipulation and outperforms the state-of-the-art schemes, especially in the scenarios of low image resolution and serious compression loss.
Yang, S., Liu, S., Huang, J., Su, H., Wang, H..  2020.  Control Conflict Suppressing and Stability Improving for an MMC Distributed Control System. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 35:13735–13747.
Compared with traditional centralized control strategies, the distributed control systems significantly improve the flexibility and expandability of an modular multilevel converter (MMC). However, the stability issue in the MMC distributed control system with the presence of control loop coupling interactions is rarely discussed in existing research works. This article is to improve the stability of an MMC distributed control system by inhibiting the control conflict due to the coupling interactions among control loops with incomplete control information. By modeling the MMC distributed control system, the control loop coupling interactions are analyzed and the essential cause of control conflict is revealed. Accordingly, a control parameter design principle is proposed to effectively suppress the disturbances from the targeted control conflict and improve the MMC system stability. The rationality of the theoretical analysis and the effectiveness of the control parameter design principle are confirmed by simulation and experimental results.
Li, Y., Zhou, W., Wang, H..  2020.  F-DPC: Fuzzy Neighborhood-Based Density Peak Algorithm. IEEE Access. 8:165963–165972.
Clustering is a concept in data mining, which divides a data set into different classes or clusters according to a specific standard, making the similarity of data objects in the same cluster as large as possible. Clustering by fast search and find of density peaks (DPC) is a novel clustering algorithm based on density. It is simple and novel, only requiring fewer parameters to achieve better clustering effect, without the requirement for iterative solution. And it has expandability and can detect the clustering of any shape. However, DPC algorithm still has some defects, such as it employs the clear neighborhood relations to calculate local density, so it cannot identify the neighborhood membership of different values of points from the distance of points and It is impossible to accurately cluster the data of the multi-density peak. The fuzzy neighborhood density peak clustering algorithm is proposed for this shortcoming (F-DPC): novel local density is defined by the fuzzy neighborhood relationship. The fuzzy set theory can be used to make the fuzzy neighborhood function of local density more sensitive, so that the clustering for data set of various shapes and densities is more robust. Experiments show that the algorithm has high accuracy and robustness.
Zheng, T., Liu, H., Wang, Z., Yang, Q., Wang, H..  2020.  Physical-Layer Security with Finite Blocklength over Slow Fading Channels. 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). :314–319.
This paper studies physical-layer security over slow fading channels, considering the impact of finite-blocklength secrecy coding. A comprehensive analysis and optimization framework is established to investigate the secrecy throughput (ST) of a legitimate user pair coexisting with an eavesdropper. Specifically, we devise both adaptive and non-adaptive optimization schemes to maximize the ST, where we derive optimal parameters including the transmission policy, blocklength, and code rates based on the instantaneous and statistical channel state information of the legitimate pair, respectively. Various important insights are provided. In particular, 1) increasing blocklength improves both reliability and secrecy with our transmission policy; 2) ST monotonically increases with blocklength; 3) ST initially increases and then decreases with secrecy rate, and there exists a critical secrecy rate that maximizes the ST. Numerical results are presented to verify theoretical findings.
Tang, R., Yang, Z., Li, Z., Meng, W., Wang, H., Li, Q., Sun, Y., Pei, D., Wei, T., Xu, Y. et al..  2020.  ZeroWall: Detecting Zero-Day Web Attacks through Encoder-Decoder Recurrent Neural Networks. IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :2479—2488.

Zero-day Web attacks are arguably the most serious threats to Web security, but are very challenging to detect because they are not seen or known previously and thus cannot be detected by widely-deployed signature-based Web Application Firewalls (WAFs). This paper proposes ZeroWall, an unsupervised approach, which works with an existing WAF in pipeline, to effectively detecting zero-day Web attacks. Using historical Web requests allowed by an existing signature-based WAF, a vast majority of which are assumed to be benign, ZeroWall trains a self-translation machine using an encoder-decoder recurrent neural network to capture the syntax and semantic patterns of benign requests. In real-time detection, a zero-day attack request (which the WAF fails to detect), not understood well by self-translation machine, cannot be translated back to its original request by the machine, thus is declared as an attack. In our evaluation using 8 real-world traces of 1.4 billion Web requests, ZeroWall successfully detects real zero-day attacks missed by existing WAFs and achieves high F1-scores over 0.98, which significantly outperforms all baseline approaches.

Wang, H., Sayadi, H., Kolhe, G., Sasan, A., Rafatirad, S., Homayoun, H..  2020.  Phased-Guard: Multi-Phase Machine Learning Framework for Detection and Identification of Zero-Day Microarchitectural Side-Channel Attacks. 2020 IEEE 38th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD). :648—655.

Microarchitectural Side-Channel Attacks (SCAs) have emerged recently to compromise the security of computer systems by exploiting the existing processors' hardware vulnerabilities. In order to detect such attacks, prior studies have proposed the deployment of low-level features captured from built-in Hardware Performance Counter (HPC) registers in modern microprocessors to implement accurate Machine Learning (ML)-based SCAs detectors. Though effective, such attack detection techniques have mainly focused on binary classification models offering limited insights on identifying the type of attacks. In addition, while existing SCAs detectors required prior knowledge of attacks applications to detect the pattern of side-channel attacks using a variety of microarchitectural features, detecting unknown (zero-day) SCAs at run-time using the available HPCs remains a major challenge. In response, in this work we first identify the most important HPC features for SCA detection using an effective feature reduction method. Next, we propose Phased-Guard, a two-level machine learning-based framework to accurately detect and classify both known and unknown attacks at run-time using the most prominent low-level features. In the first level (SCA Detection), Phased-Guard using a binary classification model detects the existence of SCAs on the target system by determining the critical scenarios including system under attack and system under no attack. In the second level (SCA Identification) to further enhance the security against side-channel attacks, Phased-Guard deploys a multiclass classification model to identify the type of SCA applications. The experimental results indicate that Phased-Guard by monitoring only the victim applications' microarchitectural HPCs data, achieves up to 98 % attack detection accuracy and 99.5% SCA identification accuracy significantly outperforming the state-of-the-art solutions by up to 82 % in zero-day attack detection at the cost of only 4% performance overhead for monitoring.

Jin, Y., Tian, Z., Zhou, M., Wang, H..  2020.  MuTrack: Multiparameter Based Indoor Passive Tracking System Using Commodity WiFi. ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1—6.
Device-Free Localization and Tracking (DFLT) acts as a key component for the contactless awareness applications such as elderly care and home security. However, the random phase errors in WiFi signal and weak target echoes submerged in background clutter signals are mainly obstacles for current DFLT systems. In this paper, we propose the design and implementation of MuTrack, a multiparameter based DFLT system using commodity WiFi devices with a single link. Firstly, we select an antenna with maximum reliability index as the reference antenna for signal sanitization in which the conjugate operation removes the random phase errors. Secondly, we design a multi-dimensional parameters estimator and then refine path parameters by optimizing the complete data of path components. Finally, the Hungarian Kalman Filter based tracking method is proposed to derive accurate locations from low-resolution parameter estimates. We extensively validate the proposed system in typical indoor environment and these experimental results show that MuTrack can achieve high tracking accuracy with the mean error of 0.82 m using only a single link.
Wang, H., Yao, G., Wang, B..  2020.  A Quantum Concurrent Signature Scheme Based on the Quantum Finite Automata Signature Scheme. 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID). :125–129.
When using digital signatures, we need to deal with the problem of fairness of information exchange. To solve this problem, Chen, etc. introduced a new conception which is named concurrent signatures in Eurocrypt'04. Using concurrent signatures scheme, two entities in the scheme can generate two ambiguous signatures until one of the entities releases additional information which is called keystone. After the keystone is released, the two ambiguous signatures will be bound to their real signers at the same time. In order to provide a method to solve the fairness problem of quantum digital signatures, we propose a new quantum concurrent signature scheme. The scheme we proposed does not use a trusted third party in a quantum computing environment, and has such advantages as no need to conduct complex quantum operations and easy to implement by a quantum circuit. Quantum concurrent signature improves the theory of quantum cryptography, and it also provides broad prospects for the specific applications of quantum cryptography.
Wang, H., Li, Y., Wang, Y., Hu, H., Yang, M.-H..  2020.  Collaborative Distillation for Ultra-Resolution Universal Style Transfer. 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). :1857–1866.
Universal style transfer methods typically leverage rich representations from deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models (e.g., VGG-19) pre-trained on large collections of images. Despite the effectiveness, its application is heavily constrained by the large model size to handle ultra-resolution images given limited memory. In this work, we present a new knowledge distillation method (named Collaborative Distillation) for encoder-decoder based neural style transfer to reduce the convolutional filters. The main idea is underpinned by a finding that the encoder-decoder pairs construct an exclusive collaborative relationship, which is regarded as a new kind of knowledge for style transfer models. Moreover, to overcome the feature size mismatch when applying collaborative distillation, a linear embedding loss is introduced to drive the student network to learn a linear embedding of the teacher's features. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our method when applied to different universal style transfer approaches (WCT and AdaIN), even if the model size is reduced by 15.5 times. Especially, on WCT with the compressed models, we achieve ultra-resolution (over 40 megapixels) universal style transfer on a 12GB GPU for the first time. Further experiments on optimization-based stylization scheme show the generality of our algorithm on different stylization paradigms. Our code and trained models are available at
Wang, H., Yang, J., Wang, X., Li, F., Liu, W., Liang, H..  2020.  Feature Fingerprint Extraction and Abnormity Diagnosis Method of the Vibration on the GIS. 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE). :1—4.

Mechanical faults of Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) often occurred, which may cause serious losses. Detecting vibration signal was effective for condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of GIS. The vibration characteristic of GIS in service was detected and researched based on a developed testing system in this paper, and feature fingerprint extraction method was proposed to evaluate vibration characteristics and diagnose mechanical defects. Through analyzing the spectrum of the vibration signal, we could see that vibration frequency of operating GIS was about 100Hz under normal condition. By means of the wavelet transformation, the vibration fingerprint was extracted for the diagnosis of mechanical vibration. The mechanical vibration characteristic of GIS including circuit breaker and arrester in service was detected, we could see that the frequency distribution of abnormal vibration signal was wider, it contained a lot of high harmonic components besides the 100Hz component, and the vibration acoustic fingerprint was totally different from the normal ones, that is, by comparing the frequency spectra and vibration fingerprint, the mechanical faults of GIS could be found effectively.

Wang, H., Zeng, X., Lei, Y., Ren, S., Hou, F., Dong, N..  2020.  Indoor Object Identification based on Spectral Subtraction of Acoustic Room Impulse Response. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC). :1–4.
Object identification in the room environment is a key technique in many advanced engineering applications such as the unidentified object recognition in security surveillance, human identification and barrier recognition for AI robots. The identification technique based on the sound field perturbation analysis is capable of giving immersive identification which avoids the occlusion problem in the traditional vision-based method. In this paper, a new insight into the relation between the object and the variation of the sound field is presented. The sound field difference before and after the object locates in the environment is analyzed using the spectral subtraction based on the room impulse response. The spectral subtraction shows that the energy loss caused by the sound absorption is the essential factor which perturbs the sound field. By using the energy loss with high uniqueness as the extracted feature, an object identification technique is constructed under the classical supervised pattern recognition framework. The experiment in a real room validates that the system has high identification accuracy. In addition, based on the feature property of position insensitivity, this technique can achieve high identifying accuracy with a quite small training data set, which demonstrates that the technique has potential to be used in real engineering applications.
Wang, H., Ma, L., Bai, H..  2020.  A Three-tier Scheme for Sybil Attack Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2020 5th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS). :752–756.
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless self-organizing multi-hop network that can sense and collect the information of the monitored environment through a certain number of sensor nodes which deployed in a certain area and transmit the collected information to the client. Due to the limited power and data capacity stored by the micro sensor, it is weak in communication with other nodes, data storage and calculation, and is very vulnerable to attack and harm to the entire network. The Sybil attack is a classic example. Sybil attack refers to the attack in which malicious nodes forge multiple node identities to participate in network operation. Malicious attackers can forge multiple node identities to participate in data forwarding. So that the data obtained by the end user without any use value. In this paper, we propose a three-tier detection scheme for the Sybil node in the severe environment. Every sensor node will determine whether they are Sybil nodes through the first-level and second-level high-energy node detection. Finally, the base station determines whether the Sybil node detected by the first two stages is true Sybil node. The simulation results show that our proposed scheme significantly improves network lifetime, and effectively improves the accuracy of Sybil node detection.
Zhang, H., Liu, H., Deng, L., Wang, P., Rong, X., Li, Y., Li, B., Wang, H..  2018.  Leader Recognition and Tracking for Quadruped Robots. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA). :1438—1443.

To meet the high requirement of human-machine interaction, quadruped robots with human recognition and tracking capability are studied in this paper. We first introduce a marker recognition system which uses multi-thread laser scanner and retro-reflective markers to distinguish the robot's leader and other objects. When the robot follows leader autonomously, the variant A* algorithm which having obstacle grids extended virtually (EA*) is used to plan the path. But if robots need to track and follow the leader's path as closely as possible, it will trust that the path which leader have traveled is safe enough and uses the incremental form of EA* algorithm (IEA*) to reproduce the trajectory. The simulation and experiment results illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.

Zhou, K., Sun, S., Wang, H., Huang, P., He, X., Lan, R., Li, W., Liu, W., Yang, T..  2019.  Improving Cache Performance for Large-Scale Photo Stores via Heuristic Prefetching Scheme. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 30:2033–2045.
Photo service providers are facing critical challenges of dealing with the huge amount of photo storage, typically in a magnitude of billions of photos, while ensuring national-wide or world-wide satisfactory user experiences. Distributed photo caching architecture is widely deployed to meet high performance expectations, where efficient still mysterious caching policies play essential roles. In this work, we present a comprehensive study on internet-scale photo caching algorithms in the case of QQPhoto from Tencent Inc., the largest social network service company in China. We unveil that even advanced cache algorithms can only perform at a similar level as simple baseline algorithms and there still exists a large performance gap between these cache algorithms and the theoretically optimal algorithm due to the complicated access behaviors in such a large multi-tenant environment. We then expound the reasons behind this phenomenon via extensively investigating the characteristics of QQPhoto workloads. Finally, in order to realistically further improve QQPhoto cache efficiency, we propose to incorporate a prefetcher in the cache stack based on the observed immediacy feature that is unique to the QQPhoto workload. The prefetcher proactively prefetches selected photos into cache before they are requested for the first time to eliminate compulsory misses and promote hit ratios. Our extensive evaluation results show that with appropriate prefetching we improve the cache hit ratio by up to 7.4 percent, while reducing the average access latency by 6.9 percent at a marginal cost of 4.14 percent backend network traffic compared to the original system that performs no prefetching.
Liu, D., Lou, F., Wang, H..  2019.  Modeling and measurement internal threat process based on advanced stochastic model*. 2019 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC). :1077—1081.
Previous research on internal threats was mostly focused on modeling threat behaviors. These studies have paid little attention to risk measurement. This paper analyzed the internal threat scenarios, introduced the operation related protection model into the firewall-password model, constructed a series of sub models. By analyzing the illegal data out process, the analysis model of target network can be rapidly generated based on four protection sub-models. Then the risk value of an assessment point can be computed dynamically according to the Petri net computing characteristics and the effectiveness of overall network protection can be measured. This method improves the granularity of the model and simplifies the complexity of modeling complex networks and can realize dynamic and real-time risk measurement.
Wang, H., Li, J., Liu, D..  2018.  Research on Operating Data Analysis for Enterprise Intranet Information Security Risk Assessment. 2018 12th IEEE International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID). :72—76.
Operating data analysis means to analyze the operating system logs, user operation logs, various types of alarms and security relevant configurations, etc. The purpose is to find whether there is an attack event, suspicious behaviors or improper configurations. It is an important part of risk assessment for enterprise intranet. However, due to the lack of information security knowledge or relevant experience, many people do not know how to properly implement it. In this article, we provided guidance on conducting operating data analysis and how to determine the security risk with the analysis results.
Wang, Y., Sun, C., Kuan, P., Lu, C., Wang, H..  2018.  Secured graphic QR code with infrared watermark. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Invention (ICASI). :690–693.

The barcode is an important link between real life and the virtual world nowadays. One of the most common barcodes is QR code, which its appearance, black and white modules, is not visually pleasing. The QR code is applied to product packaging and campaign promotion in the market. There are more and more stores using QR code for transaction payment. If the QR code is altered or illegally duplicated, it will endanger the information security of users. Therefore, the study uses infrared watermarking to embed the infrared QR code information into the explicit QR code to strengthen the anti-counterfeiting features. The explicit graphic QR code is produced by data hiding with error diffusion in this study. With the optical characteristics of K, one of the four printed ink colors CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black), only K can be rendered in infrared. Hence, we use the infrared watermarking to embed the implicit QR code information into the explicit graphic QR code. General QR code reader may be used to interpret explicit graphic QR code information. As for implicit QR code, it needs the infrared detector to extract its implicit QR code information. If the QR code is illegally copied, it will not show the hidden second QR code under infrared detection. In this study, infrared watermark hidden in the graphic QR code can enhance not only the aesthetics of QR code, but also the anti-counterfeiting feature. It can also be applied to printing related fields, such as security documents, banknotes, etc. in the future.

Ma, C., Yang, X., Wang, H..  2018.  Randomized Online CP Decomposition. 2018 Tenth International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI). :414-419.

CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) decomposition has been widely used to deal with multi-way data. For real-time or large-scale tensors, based on the ideas of randomized-sampling CP decomposition algorithm and online CP decomposition algorithm, a novel CP decomposition algorithm called randomized online CP decomposition (ROCP) is proposed in this paper. The proposed algorithm can avoid forming full Khatri-Rao product, which leads to boost the speed largely and reduce memory usage. The experimental results on synthetic data and real-world data show the ROCP algorithm is able to cope with CP decomposition for large-scale tensors with arbitrary number of dimensions. In addition, ROCP can reduce the computing time and memory usage dramatically, especially for large-scale tensors.

Huang, H., Wang, H., Luo, W., Ma, L., Jiang, W., Zhu, X., Li, Z., Liu, W..  2017.  Real-Time Neural Style Transfer for Videos. 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). :7044–7052.

Recent research endeavors have shown the potential of using feed-forward convolutional neural networks to accomplish fast style transfer for images. In this work, we take one step further to explore the possibility of exploiting a feed-forward network to perform style transfer for videos and simultaneously maintain temporal consistency among stylized video frames. Our feed-forward network is trained by enforcing the outputs of consecutive frames to be both well stylized and temporally consistent. More specifically, a hybrid loss is proposed to capitalize on the content information of input frames, the style information of a given style image, and the temporal information of consecutive frames. To calculate the temporal loss during the training stage, a novel two-frame synergic training mechanism is proposed. Compared with directly applying an existing image style transfer method to videos, our proposed method employs the trained network to yield temporally consistent stylized videos which are much more visually pleasant. In contrast to the prior video style transfer method which relies on time-consuming optimization on the fly, our method runs in real time while generating competitive visual results.

He, S., Cheng, B., Wang, H., Xiao, X., Cao, Y., Chen, J..  2018.  Data security storage model for fog computing in large-scale IoT application. IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :39–44.

With the scale of big data increasing in large-scale IoT application, fog computing is a recent computing paradigm that is extending cloud computing towards the edge of network in the field. There are a large number of storage resources placed on the edge of the network to form a geographical distributed storage system in fog computing system (FCS). It is used to store the big data collected by the fog computing nodes and to reduce the management costs for moving big data to the cloud. However, the storage of fog nodes at the edge of the network faces a direct attack of external threats. In order to improve the security of the storage of fog nodes in FCS, in this paper, we proposed a data security storage model for fog computing (FCDSSM) to realize the integration of storage and security management in large-scale IoT application. We designed a detail of the FCDSSM system architecture, gave a design of the multi-level trusted domain, cooperative working mechanism, data synchronization and key management strategy for the FCDSSM. Experimental results show that the loss of computing and communication performance caused by data security storage in the FCDSSM is within the acceptable range, and the FCDSSM has good scalability. It can be adapted to big data security storage in large-scale IoT application.

Shen, Y., Wang, H..  2017.  Enhancing data security of iOS client by encryption algorithm. 2017 IEEE 2nd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). :366–370.

iOS devices are steadily obtaining popularity of the majority of users because of its some unique advantages in recent years. They can do many things that have been done on a desktop computer or laptop. With the increase in the use of mobile devices by individuals, organizations and government, there are many problems with information security especially some sensitive data related to users. As we all known, encryption algorithm play a significant role in data security. In order to prevent data being intercepted and being leaked during communication, in this paper, we adopted DES encryption algorithm that is fast, simple and suitable for large amounts of data of encryption to encrypt the data of iOS client and adopted the ECC encryption algorithms that was used to overcome the shortcoming of exchanging keys in a securing way before communications. In addition, we should also consider the application isolation and security mechanism of iOS that these features also protect the data securing to some extent. Namely, we propose an encryption algorithm combined the strengths of DES and ECC and make full use of the advantages of hybrid algorithm. Then, we tested and evaluated the performances of the suggested cryptography mechanism within the mobile platform of iOS. The results show that the algorithm has fairly efficiency in practical applications and strong anti-attack ability and it also improves the security and efficiency in data transmission.

Ren, H., Jiang, F., Wang, H..  2017.  Resource allocation based on clustering algorithm for hybrid device-to-device networks. 2017 9th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP). :1–6.
In order to improve the spectrum utilization rate of Device-to-Device (D2D) communication, we study the hybrid resource allocation problem, which allows both the resource reuse and resource dedicated mode to work simultaneously. Meanwhile, multiple D2D devices are permitted to share uplink cellular resources with some designated cellular user equipment (CUE). Combined with the transmission requirement of different users, the optimized resource allocation problem is built which is a NP-hard problem. A heuristic greedy throughput maximization (HGTM) based on clustering algorithm is then proposed to solve the above problem. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed HGTM outperforms existing algorithms in the sum throughput, CUEs SINR performance and the number of accessed D2D deceives.
Qin, Y., Wang, H., Jia, Z., Xia, H..  2016.  A flexible and scalable implementation of elliptic curve cryptography over GF(p) based on ASIP. 2016 IEEE 35th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC). :1–8.

Public-key cryptography schemes are widely used due to their high level of security. As a very efficient one among public-key cryptosystems, elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) has been studied for years. Researchers used to improve the efficiency of ECC through point multiplication, which is the most important and complex operation of ECC. In our research, we use special families of curves and prime fields which have special properties. After that, we introduce the instruction set architecture (ISA) extension method to accelerate this algorithm (192-bit private key) and build an ECC\_ASIP model with six new ECC custom instructions. Finally, the ECC\_ASIP model is implemented in a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) platform. The persuasive experiments have been conducted to evaluate the performance of our new model in the aspects of the performance, the code storage space and hardware resources. Experimental results show that our processor improves 69.6% in the execution efficiency and requires only 6.2% more hardware resources.

Wang, H..  2015.  Identity-Based Distributed Provable Data Possession in Multicloud Storage. Services Computing, IEEE Transactions on. 8:328-340.

Remote data integrity checking is of crucial importance in cloud storage. It can make the clients verify whether their outsourced data is kept intact without downloading the whole data. In some application scenarios, the clients have to store their data on multicloud servers. At the same time, the integrity checking protocol must be efficient in order to save the verifier's cost. From the two points, we propose a novel remote data integrity checking model: ID-DPDP (identity-based distributed provable data possession) in multicloud storage. The formal system model and security model are given. Based on the bilinear pairings, a concrete ID-DPDP protocol is designed. The proposed ID-DPDP protocol is provably secure under the hardness assumption of the standard CDH (computational Diffie-Hellman) problem. In addition to the structural advantage of elimination of certificate management, our ID-DPDP protocol is also efficient and flexible. Based on the client's authorization, the proposed ID-DPDP protocol can realize private verification, delegated verification, and public verification.