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Kar, N., Aman, M. A. A. A., Mandal, K., Bhattacharya, B..  2017.  Chaos-based video steganography. 2017 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT). :482–487.

In this paper a novel data hiding method has been proposed which is based on Non-Linear Feedback Shift Register and Tinkerbell 2D chaotic map. So far, the major work in Steganography using chaotic map has been confined to image steganography where significant restrictions are there to increase payload. In our work, 2D chaotic map and NLFSR are used to developed a video steganography mechanism where data will be embedded in the segregated frames. This will increase the data hiding limit exponentially. Also, embedding position of each frame will be different from others frames which will increase the overall security of the proposed mechanism. We have achieved this randomized data hiding points by using a chaotic map. Basically, Chaotic theory which is non-linear dynamics physics is using in this era in the field of Cryptography and Steganography and because of this theory, little bit changes in initial condition makes the output totally different. So, it is very hard to get embedding position of data without knowing the initial value of the chaotic map.

Althamary, I. A., El-Alfy, E. S. M..  2017.  A more secure scheme for CAPTCHA-based authentication in cloud environment. 2017 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT). :405–411.

Cloud computing is a remarkable model for permitting on-demand network access to an elastic collection of configurable adaptive resources and features including storage, software, infrastructure, and platform. However, there are major concerns about security-related issues. A very critical security function is user authentication using passwords. Although many flaws have been discovered in password-based authentication, it remains the most convenient approach that people continue to utilize. Several schemes have been proposed to strengthen its effectiveness such as salted hashes, one-time password (OTP), single-sign-on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA). This study proposes a new authentication mechanism by combining user's password and modified characters of CAPTCHA to generate a passkey. The modification of the CAPTCHA depends on a secret agreed upon between the cloud provider and the user to employ different characters for some characters in the CAPTCHA. This scheme prevents various attacks including short-password attack, dictionary attack, keylogger, phishing, and social engineering. Moreover, it can resolve the issue of password guessing and the use of a single password for different cloud providers.

Almehmadi, A., El-khatib, K..  2017.  On the Possibility of Insider Threat Prevention Using Intent-Based Access Control (IBAC). IEEE Systems Journal. 11:373–384.

Existing access control mechanisms are based on the concept of identity enrolment and recognition and assume that recognized identity is a synonym to ethical actions, yet statistics over the years show that the most severe security breaches are the results of trusted, identified, and legitimate users who turned into malicious insiders. Insider threat damages vary from intellectual property loss and fraud to information technology sabotage. As insider threat incidents evolve, there exist demands for a nonidentity-based authentication measure that rejects access to authorized individuals who have mal-intents of access. In this paper, we study the possibility of using the user's intention as an access control measure using the involuntary electroencephalogram reactions toward visual stimuli. We propose intent-based access control (IBAC) that detects the intentions of access based on the existence of knowledge about an intention. IBAC takes advantage of the robustness of the concealed information test to assess access risk. We use the intent and intent motivation level to compute the access risk. Based on the calculated risk and risk accepted threshold, the system makes the decision whether to grant or deny access requests. We assessed the model using experiments on 30 participants that proved the robustness of the proposed solution.

De La Peña Montero, Fabian, Hariri, Salim.  2017.  Autonomic and Integrated Management for Proactive Cyber Security (AIM-PSC). Companion Proceedings of the10th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. :107–112.

The complexity, multiplicity, and impact of cyber-attacks have been increasing at an alarming rate despite the significant research and development investment in cyber security products and tools. The current techniques to detect and protect cyber infrastructures from these smart and sophisticated attacks are mainly characterized as being ad hoc, manual intensive, and too slow. We present in this paper AIM-PSC that is developed jointly by researchers at AVIRTEK and The University of Arizona Center for Cloud and Autonomic Computing that is inspired by biological systems, which can efficiently handle complexity, dynamism and uncertainty. In AIM-PSC system, an online monitoring and multi-level analysis are used to analyze the anomalous behaviors of networks, software systems and applications. By combining the results of different types of analysis using a statistical decision fusion approach we can accurately detect any types of cyber-attacks with high detection and low false alarm rates and proactively respond with corrective actions to mitigate their impacts and stop their propagation.

Biswas, K., Muthukkumarasamy, V..  2016.  Securing Smart Cities Using Blockchain Technology. 2016 IEEE 18th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 14th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :1392–1393.

A smart city uses information technology to integrate and manage physical, social, and business infrastructures in order to provide better services to its dwellers while ensuring efficient and optimal utilization of available resources. With the proliferation of technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and interconnected networks, smart cities can deliver innovative solutions and more direct interaction and collaboration between citizens and the local government. Despite a number of potential benefits, digital disruption poses many challenges related to information security and privacy. This paper proposes a security framework that integrates the blockchain technology with smart devices to provide a secure communication platform in a smart city.

Mhana, Samer Attallah, Din, Jamilah Binti, Atan, Rodziah Binti.  2016.  Automatic generation of Content Security Policy to mitigate cross site scripting. 2016 2nd International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech). :324–328.

Content Security Policy (CSP) is powerful client-side security layer that helps in mitigating and detecting wide ranges of Web attacks including cross-site scripting (XSS). However, utilizing CSP by site administrators is a fallible process and may require significant changes in web application code. In this paper, we propose an approach to help site administers to overcome these limitations in order to utilize the full benefits of CSP mechanism which leads to more immune sites from XSS. The algorithm is implemented as a plugin. It does not interfere with the Web application original code. The plugin can be “installed” on any other web application with minimum efforts. The algorithm can be implemented as part of Web Server layer, not as part of the business logic layer. It can be extended to support generating CSP for contents that are modified by JavaScript after loading. Current approach inspects the static contents of URLs.

Tirumala, S. S., Sathu, H., Naidu, V..  2015.  Analysis and Prevention of Account Hijacking Based INCIDENTS in Cloud Environment. 2015 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT). :124–129.

Cloud computing is a technological breakthrough in computing. It has affected each and every part of the information technology, from infrastructure to the software deployment, from programming to the application maintenance. Cloud offers a wide array of solutions for the current day computing needs aided with benefits like elasticity, affordability and scalability. But at the same time, the incidence of malicious cyber activity is progressively increasing at an unprecedented rate posing critical threats to both government and enterprise IT infrastructure. Account or service hijacking is a kind of identity theft and has evolved to be one of the most rapidly increasing types of cyber-attack aimed at deceiving end users. This paper presents an in depth analysis of a cloud security incident that happened on The New York Times online using account hijacking. Further, we present incident prevention methods and detailed incident prevention plan to stop future occurrence of such incidents.

Namazifard, A., Amiri, B., Tousi, A., Aminilari, M., Hozhabri, A. A..  2015.  Literature review of different contention of E-commerce security and the purview of cyber law factors. 2015 9th International Conference on e-Commerce in Developing Countries: With focus on e-Business (ECDC). :1–14.

Today, by widely spread of information technology (IT) usage, E-commerce security and its related legislations are very critical issue in information technology and court law. There is a consensus that security matters are the significant foundation of e-commerce, electronic consumers, and firms' privacy. While e-commerce networks need a policy for security privacy, they should be prepared for a simple consumer friendly infrastructure. Hence it is necessary to review the theoretical models for revision. In This theory review, we embody a number of former articles that cover security of e-commerce and legislation ambit at the individual level by assessing five criteria. Whether data of articles provide an effective strategy for secure-protection challenges in e-commerce and e-consumers. Whether provisions clearly remedy precedents or they need to flourish? This paper focuses on analyzing the former discussion regarding e-commerce security and existence legislation toward cyber-crime activity of e-commerce the article also purports recommendation for subsequent research which is indicate that through secure factors of e-commerce we are able to fill the vacuum of its legislation.

Dou, Huijing, Bian, Tingting.  2015.  An effective information filtering method based on the LTE network. 2015 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology (ICCSNT). 01:1428–1432.

With the rapid development of the information technology, more and more high-speed networks came out. The 4G LTE network as a recently emerging network has gradually entered the mainstream of the communication network. This paper proposed an effective content-based information filtering based on the 4G LTE high-speed network by combing the content-based filter and traditional simple filter. Firstly, raw information is pre-processed by five-tuple filter. Secondly, we determine the topics and character of the source data by key nearest neighbor text classification after minimum-risk Bayesian classification. Finally, the improved AdaBoost algorithm achieves the four-level content-based information filtering. The experiments reveal that the effective information filtering method can be applied to the network security, big data analysis and other fields. It has high research value and market value.

H. K. Sharma, R. Tomar, J. C. Patni.  2015.  "HRJ_encryption: An ASCII code based encryption algorithm and its implementation". 2015 2nd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). :1024-1027.

The transmission of data over a common transmission media revolute the world of information sharing from personal desktop to cloud computing. But the risk of the information theft has increased in the same ratio by the third party working on the same channel. The risk can be avoided using the suitable encryption algorithm. Using the best suited algorithm the transmitted data will be encrypted before placing it on the common channel. Using the public key or the private key the encrypted data can be decrypted by the authenticated user. It will avoid the risk of information theft by the unauthenticated user. In this work we have proposed an encryption algorithm which uses the ASCII code to encrypt the plain text. The common key will be used by sender or receiver to encrypt and decrypt the text for secure communication.

Vegh, L., Miclea, L..  2014.  Enhancing security in cyber-physical systems through cryptographic and steganographic techniques. Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :1-6.

Information technology is continually changing, discoveries are made every other day. Cyber-physical systems consist of both physical and computational elements and are becoming more and more popular in today's society. They are complex systems, used in complex applications. Therefore, security is a critical and challenging aspect when developing cyber-physical systems. In this paper, we present a solution for ensuring data confidentiality and security by combining some of the most common methods in the area of security - cryptography and steganography. Furthermore, we use hierarchical access to information to ensure confidentiality and also increase the overall security of the cyber-physical system.

Al Barghuthi, N.B., Said, H..  2014.  Ethics behind Cyber Warfare: A study of Arab citizens awareness. Ethics in Science, Technology and Engineering, 2014 IEEE International Symposium on. :1-7.

Persisting to ignore the consequences of Cyber Warfare will bring severe concerns to all people. Hackers and governments alike should understand the barriers of which their methods take them. Governments use Cyber Warfare to give them a tactical advantage over other countries, defend themselves from their enemies or to inflict damage upon their adversaries. Hackers use Cyber Warfare to gain personal information, commit crimes, or to reveal sensitive and beneficial intelligence. Although both methods can provide ethical uses, the equivalent can be said at the other end of the spectrum. Knowing and comprehending these devices will not only strengthen the ability to detect these attacks and combat against them but will also provide means to divulge despotic government plans, as the outcome of Cyber Warfare can be worse than the outcome of conventional warfare. The paper discussed the concept of ethics and reasons that led to use information technology in military war, the effects of using cyber war on civilians, the legality of the cyber war and ways of controlling the use of information technology that may be used against civilians. This research uses a survey methodology to overlook the awareness of Arab citizens towards the idea of cyber war, provide findings and evidences of ethics behind the offensive cyber warfare. Detailed strategies and approaches should be developed in this aspect. The author recommended urging the scientific and technological research centers to improve the security and develop defending systems to prevent the use of technology in military war against civilians.

Quirolgico, Steve.  2014.  App vetting systems: Issues and challenges. IT Professional Conference (IT Pro), 2014. :1-13.

App vetting is the process of approving or rejecting an app prior to deployment on a mobile device. • The decision to approve or reject an app is based on the organization's security requirements and the type and severity of security vulnerabilities found in the app. • Security vulnerabilities including Cross Site Scripting (XSS), information leakage, authentication and authorization, session management, and SQL injection can be exploited to steal information or control a device.

Datta, E., Goyal, N..  2014.  Security attack mitigation framework for the cloud. Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2014 Annual. :1-6.

Cloud computing brings in a lot of advantages for enterprise IT infrastructure; virtualization technology, which is the backbone of cloud, provides easy consolidation of resources, reduction of cost, space and management efforts. However, security of critical and private data is a major concern which still keeps back a lot of customers from switching over from their traditional in-house IT infrastructure to a cloud service. Existence of techniques to physically locate a virtual machine in the cloud, proliferation of software vulnerability exploits and cross-channel attacks in-between virtual machines, all of these together increases the risk of business data leaks and privacy losses. This work proposes a framework to mitigate such risks and engineer customer trust towards enterprise cloud computing. Everyday new vulnerabilities are being discovered even in well-engineered software products and the hacking techniques are getting sophisticated over time. In this scenario, absolute guarantee of security in enterprise wide information processing system seems a remote possibility; software systems in the cloud are vulnerable to security attacks. Practical solution for the security problems lies in well-engineered attack mitigation plan. At the positive side, cloud computing has a collective infrastructure which can be effectively used to mitigate the attacks if an appropriate defense framework is in place. We propose such an attack mitigation framework for the cloud. Software vulnerabilities in the cloud have different severities and different impacts on the security parameters (confidentiality, integrity, and availability). By using Markov model, we continuously monitor and quantify the risk of compromise in different security parameters (e.g.: change in the potential to compromise the data confidentiality). Whenever, there is a significant change in risk, our framework would facilitate the tenants to calculate the Mean Time to Security Failure (MTTSF) cloud and allow them to adopt a dynamic mitigation plan. This framework is an add-on security layer in the cloud resource manager and it could improve the customer trust on enterprise cloud solutions.

Yongle Hao, Yizhen Jia, Baojiang Cui, Wei Xin, Dehu Meng.  2014.  OpenSSL HeartBleed: Security Management of Implements of Basic Protocols. P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC), 2014 Ninth International Conference on. :520-524.

With the rapid development of information technology, information security management is ever more important. OpenSSL security incident told us, there's distinct disadvantages of security management of current hierarchical structure, the software and hardware facilities are necessary to enforce security management on their implements of crucial basic protocols, in order to ease the security threats against the facilities in a certain extent. This article expounded cross-layer security management and enumerated 5 contributory factors for the core problems that management facing to.

[Anonymous].  2014.  ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard for Information technology – Telecommunications and information exchange between systems – Local and metropolitan area networks – Part 1AR: Secure device identity. ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E). :1-82.

A secure device identifier (DevID) is cryptographically bound to a device and supports authentication of the devices identity. Locally significant identities can be securely associated with an initial manufacturer-provisioned DevID and used in provisioning and authentication protocols toallow a network administrator to establish the trustworthiness of a device and select appropriate policies for transmission and reception of data and control protocols to and from the device.

Qingyi Chen, Hongwei Kang, Hua Zhou, Xingping Sun, Yong Shen, YunZhi Jin, Jun Yin.  2014.  Research on cloud computing complex adaptive agent. Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM), 2014 11th International Conference on. :1-4.

It has gradually realized in the industry that the increasing complexity of cloud computing under interaction of technology, business, society and the like, instead of being simply solved depending on research on information technology, shall be explained and researched from a systematic and scientific perspective on the basis of theory and method of a complex adaptive system (CAS). This article, for basic problems in CAS theoretical framework, makes research on definition of an active adaptive agent constituting the cloud computing system, and proposes a service agent concept and basic model through commonality abstraction from two basic levels: cloud computing technology and business, thus laying a foundation for further development of cloud computing complexity research as well as for multi-agent based cloud computing environment simulation.

Guizani, S..  2014.  Security applications challenges of RFID technology and possible countermeasures. Computing, Management and Telecommunications (ComManTel), 2014 International Conference on. :291-297.

Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) is a technique for speedy and proficient identification system, it has been around for more than 50 years and was initially developed for improving warfare machinery. RFID technology bridges two technologies in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), namely Product Code (PC) technology and Wireless technology. This broad-based rapidly expanding technology impacts business, environment and society. The operating principle of an RFID system is as follows. The reader starts a communication process by radiating an electromagnetic wave. This wave will be intercepted by the antenna of the RFID tag, placed on the item to be identified. An induced current will be created at the tag and will activate the integrated circuit, enabling it to send back a wave to the reader. The reader redirects information to the host where it will be processed. RFID is used for wide range of applications in almost every field (Health, education, industry, security, management ...). In this review paper, we will focus on agricultural and environmental applications.