A prioritized cyber defense remediation plan is critical for effective risk management in cyber-physical systems (CPS). The increased integration of Information Technology (IT)/Operational Technology (OT) in CPS has to lead to the need to identify the critical assets which, when affected, will impact resilience and safety. In this work, we propose a methodology for prioritized cyber risk remediation plan that balances operational resilience and economic loss (safety impacts) in CPS. We present a platform for modeling and analysis of the effect of cyber threats and random system faults on the safety of CPS that could lead to catastrophic damages. We propose to develop a data-driven attack graph and fault graph-based model to characterize the exploitability and impact of threats in CPS. We develop an operational impact assessment to quantify the damages. Finally, we propose the development of a strategic response decision capability that proposes optimal mitigation actions and policies that balances the trade-off between operational resilience (Tactical Risk) and Strategic Risk.
This exploratory investigation aims to discuss current status and challenges, especially in aspect of security and trust problems, of digital supply chain management system with applying some advanced information technologies, such as Internet of Things, cloud computing and blockchain, for improving various system performance and properties, i.e. transparency, visibility, accountability, traceability and reliability. This paper introduces the general histories and definitions, in terms of information science, of the supply chain and relevant technologies which have been applied or are potential to be applied on supply chain with purpose of lowering cost, facilitating its security and convenience. It provides a comprehensive review of current relative research work and industrial cases from several famous companies. It also illustrates requirements or performance of digital supply chain system, security management and trust issues. Finally, this paper concludes several potential or existing security issues and challenges which supply chain management is facing.
Disaster is an unexpected event in a system lifetime, which can be made by nature or even human errors. Disaster recovery of information technology is an area of information security for protecting data against unsatisfactory events. It involves a set of procedures and tools for returning an organization to a state of normality after an occurrence of a disastrous event. So the organizations need to have a good plan in place for disaster recovery. There are many strategies for traditional disaster recovery and also for cloud-based disaster recovery. This paper focuses on using cloud-based disaster recovery strategies instead of the traditional techniques, since the cloud-based disaster recovery has proved its efficiency in providing the continuity of services faster and in less cost than the traditional ones. The paper introduces a proposed model for virtual private disaster recovery on cloud by using two metrics, which comprise a recovery time objective and a recovery point objective. The proposed model has been evaluated by experts in the field of information technology and the results show that the model has ensured the security and business continuity issues, as well as the faster recovery of a disaster that could face an organization. The paper also highlights the cloud computing services and illustrates the most benefits of cloud-based disaster recovery.
The growing trend toward information technology increases the amount of data travelling over the network links. The problem of detecting anomalies in data streams has increased with the growth of internet connectivity. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a new concept of computer networking that can adapt and support these growing trends. However, the centralized nature of the SDN design is challenged by the need for an efficient method for traffic monitoring against traffic anomalies caused by misconfigured devices or ongoing attacks. In this paper, we propose a new model for traffic behavior monitoring that aims to ensure trusted communication links between the network devices. The main objective of this model is to confirm that the behavior of the traffic streams matches the instructions provided by the SDN controller, which can help to increase the trust between the SDN controller and its covered infrastructure components. According to our preliminary implementation, the behavior monitoring unit is able to read all traffic information and perform a validation process that reports any mismatching traffic to the controller.
Steganography is defined as the art of hiding secret data in a non-secret digital carrier called cover media. Trading delicate data without assurance against intruders that may intrude on this data is a lethal. In this manner, transmitting delicate information and privileged insights must not rely on upon just the current communications channels insurance advancements. Likewise should make more strides towards information insurance. This article proposes an improved approach for video steganography. The improvement made by searching for exact matching between the secret text and the video frames RGB channels and Random Key -Dependent Data, achieving steganography performance criteria, invisibility, payload/capacity and robustness.
Aiming at the incomplete and incomplete security mechanism of wireless access system in emergency communication network, this paper proposes a security mechanism requirement construction method for wireless access system based on security evaluation standard. This paper discusses the requirements of security mechanism construction in wireless access system from three aspects: the definition of security issues, the construction of security functional components and security assurance components. This method can comprehensively analyze the security threats and security requirements of wireless access system in emergency communication network, and can provide correct and reasonable guidance and reference for the establishment of security mechanism.
With the advent of the big data era, information systems have exhibited some new features, including boundary obfuscation, system virtualization, unstructured and diversification of data types, and low coupling among function and data. These features not only lead to a big difference between big data technology (DT) and information technology (IT), but also promote the upgrading and evolution of network security technology. In response to these changes, in this paper we compare the characteristics between IT era and DT era, and then propose four DT security principles: privacy, integrity, traceability, and controllability, as well as active and dynamic defense strategy based on "propagation prediction, audit prediction, dynamic management and control". We further discuss the security challenges faced by DT and the corresponding assurance strategies. On this basis, the big data security technologies can be divided into four levels: elimination, continuation, improvement, and innovation. These technologies are analyzed, combed and explained according to six categories: access control, identification and authentication, data encryption, data privacy, intrusion prevention, security audit and disaster recovery. The results will support the evolution of security technologies in the DT era, the construction of big data platforms, the designation of security assurance strategies, and security technology choices suitable for big data.
The ever rising attacks on IT infrastructure, especially on networks has become the cause of anxiety for the IT professionals and the people venturing in the cyber-world. There are numerous instances wherein the vulnerabilities in the network has been exploited by the attackers leading to huge financial loss. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) is one of the most indirect security attack on computer networks. Many active computer bots or zombies start flooding the servers with requests, but due to its distributed nature throughout the Internet, it cannot simply be terminated at server side. Once the DDoS attack initiates, it causes huge overhead to the servers in terms of its processing capability and service delivery. Though, the study and analysis of request packets may help in distinguishing the legitimate users from among the malicious attackers but such detection becomes non-viable due to continuous flooding of packets on servers and eventually leads to denial of service to the authorized users. In the present research, we propose traffic flow and flow count variable based prevention mechanism with the difference in homogeneity. Its simplicity and practical approach facilitates the detection of DDoS attack at the early stage which helps in prevention of the attack and the subsequent damage. Further, simulation result based on different instances of time has been shown on T-value including generation of simple and harmonic homogeneity for observing the real time request difference and gaps.
A key exchange protocol is an important primitive in the field of information and network security and is used to exchange a common secret key among various parties. A number of key exchange protocols exist in the literature and most of them are based on the Diffie-Hellman (DH) problem. But, these DH type protocols cannot resist to the modern computing technologies like quantum computing, grid computing etc. Therefore, a more powerful non-DH type key exchange protocol is required which could resist the quantum and exponential attacks. In the year 2013, Lei and Liao, thus proposed a lattice-based key exchange protocol. Their protocol was related to the NTRU-ENCRYPT and NTRU-SIGN and so, was referred as NTRU-KE. In this paper, we identify that NTRU-KE lacks the authentication mechanism and suffers from the man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack. This attack may lead to the forging the authenticated users and exchanging the wrong key.
With the rapid development of information technology, video surveillance system has become a key part in the security and protection system of modern cities. Especially in prisons, surveillance cameras could be found almost everywhere. However, with the continuous expansion of the surveillance network, surveillance cameras not only bring convenience, but also produce a massive amount of monitoring data, which poses huge challenges to storage, analytics and retrieval. The smart monitoring system equipped with intelligent video analytics technology can monitor as well as pre-alarm abnormal events or behaviours, which is a hot research direction in the field of surveillance. This paper combines deep learning methods, using the state-of-the-art framework for instance segmentation, called Mask R-CNN, to train the fine-tuning network on our datasets, which can efficiently detect objects in a video image while simultaneously generating a high-quality segmentation mask for each instance. The experiment show that our network is simple to train and easy to generalize to other datasets, and the mask average precision is nearly up to 98.5% on our own datasets.
We present an intelligent system that focus on how to ensure the stability of ZigBee network automatically. First, we discussed on the character of ZigBee compared with WIFI. Pointed out advantage of ZigBee resides in security, stability, low power consumption and better expandability. Second, figuring out the shortcomings of ZigBee on application is that physical limitation of the frequency band and weak ability on diffraction, especially coming across a wall or a door in the actual environment of home. The third, to put forward a method which can be used to ensure the strength of ZigBee signal. The method is to detect the strength of ZigBee relay in advance. And then, to compare it with the threshold value which had been defined in previous. The threshold value of strength of ZigBee is the minimal and tolerable value which can ensure stable transmission of ZigBee. If the detected value is out of the range of threshold, system will prompt up warning message which can be used to hint user to add ZigBee reply between the original ZigBee node and ZigBee gateway.
Nowadays, Information Technology is one of the important parts of human life and also of organizations. Organizations face problems such as IT problems. To solve these problems, they have to improve their security sections. Thus there is a need for security assessments within organizations to ensure security conditions. The use of security standards and general metric can be useful for measuring the safety of an organization; however, it should be noted that the general metric which are applied to businesses in general cannot be effective in this particular situation. Thus it's important to select metric standards for different businesses to improve both cost and organizational security. The selection of suitable security measures lies in the use of an efficient way to identify them. Due to the numerous complexities of these metric and the extent to which they are defined, in this paper that is based on comparative study and the benchmarking method, taxonomy for security measures is considered to be helpful for a business to choose metric tailored to their needs and conditions.
Now a day's cloud technology is a new example of computing that pays attention to more computer user, government agencies and business. Cloud technology brought more advantages particularly in every-present services where everyone can have a right to access cloud computing services by internet. With use of cloud computing, there is no requirement for physical servers or hardware that will help the computer system of company, networks and internet services. One of center services offered by cloud technology is storing the data in remote storage space. In the last few years, storage of data has been realized as important problems in information technology. In cloud computing data storage technology, there are some set of significant policy issues that includes privacy issues, anonymity, security, government surveillance, telecommunication capacity, liability, reliability and among others. Although cloud technology provides a lot of benefits, security is the significant issues between customer and cloud. Normally cloud computing technology has more customers like as academia, enterprises, and normal users who have various incentives to go to cloud. If the clients of cloud are academia, security result on computing performance and for this types of clients cloud provider's needs to discover a method to combine performance and security. In this research paper the more significant issue is security but with diverse vision. High performance might be not as dangerous for them as academia. In our paper, we design an efficient secure and verifiable outsourcing protocol for outsourcing data. We develop extended QP problem protocol for storing and outsourcing a data securely. To achieve the data security correctness, we validate the result returned through the cloud by Karush\_Kuhn\_Tucker conditions that are sufficient and necessary for the most favorable solution.
Internet of Things (IoT) will be emerged over many of devices that are dynamically networked. Because of distributed and dynamic nature of IoT, designing a recommender system for them is a challenging problem. Recently, cognitive systems are used to design modern frameworks in different types of computer applications such as cognitive radio networks and cognitive peer-to-peer networks. A cognitive system can learn to improve its performance while operating under its unknown environment. In this paper, we propose a framework for cognitive recommender systems in IoT. To the best of our knowledge, there is no recommender system based on cognitive systems in the IoT. The proposed algorithm is compared with the existing recommender systems.
Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging paradigm in information technology (IT) that integrates advancements in sensing, computing and communication to offer enhanced services in everyday life. IoTs are vulnerable to sybil attacks wherein an adversary fabricates fictitious identities or steals the identities of legitimate nodes. In this paper, we model sybil attacks in IoT and evaluate its impact on performance. We also develop a defense mechanism based on behavioural profiling of nodes. We develop an enhanced AODV (EAODV) protocol by using the behaviour approach to obtain the optimal routes. In EAODV, the routes are selected based on the trust value and hop count. Sybil nodes are identified and discarded based on the feedback from neighbouring nodes. Evaluation of our protocol in ns-2 simulator demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach in identifying and detecting sybil nodes in IoT network.
Used by both information systems designers and security personnel, the Attack Tree method provides a graphical analysis of the ways in which an entity (a computer system or network, an entire organization, etc.) can be attacked and indicates the countermeasures that can be taken to prevent the attackers to reach their objective. In this paper, we built an Attack Tree focused on the goal “compromising the security of a Web platform”, considering the most common vulnerabilities of the WordPress platform identified by CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures), a global reference system for recording information regarding computer security threats. Finally, based on the likelihood of the attacks, we made a quantitative analysis of the probability that the security of the Web platform can be compromised.
The data accessibility anytime and anywhere is nowadays the key feature for information technology enabled by the ubiquitous network system for huge applications. However, security and privacy are perceived as primary obstacles to its wide adoption when it is applied to the end user application. When sharing sensitive information, personal s' data protection is the paramount requirement for the security and privacy to ensure the trustworthiness of the service provider. To this end, this paper proposes communication security protocol to achieve data protection when a user is sending his sensitive data to the network through gateway. We design a cipher content and key exchange computation process. Finally, the performance analysis of the proposed scheme ensure the honesty of the gateway service provider, since the user has the ability to control who has access to his data by issuing a cryptographic access credential to data users.
Cloud computing presents unlimited prospects for Information Technology (IT) industry and business enterprises alike. Rapid advancement brings a dark underbelly of new vulnerabilities and challenges unfolding with alarming regularity. Although cloud technology provides a ubiquitous environment facilitating business enterprises to conduct business across disparate locations, security effectiveness of this platform interspersed with threats which can bring everything that subscribes to the cloud, to a halt raises questions. However advantages of cloud platforms far outweighs drawbacks and study of new challenges helps overcome drawbacks of this technology. One such emerging security threat is of ransomware attack on the cloud which threatens to hold systems and data on cloud network to ransom with widespread damaging implications. This provides huge scope for IT security specialists to sharpen their skillset to overcome this new challenge. This paper covers the broad cloud architecture, current inherent cloud threat mechanisms, ransomware vulnerabilities posed and suggested methods to mitigate it.