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Leach, Kevin, Dougherty, Ryan, Spensky, Chad, Forrest, Stephanie, Weimer, Westley.  2019.  Evolutionary Computation for Improving Malware Analysis. 2019 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Genetic Improvement (GI). :18–19.
Research in genetic improvement (GI) conventionally focuses on the improvement of software, including the automated repair of bugs and vulnerabilities as well as the refinement of software to increase performance. Eliminating or reducing vulnerabilities using GI has improved the security of benign software, but the growing volume and complexity of malicious software necessitates better analysis techniques that may benefit from a GI-based approach. Rather than focus on the use of GI to improve individual software artifacts, we believe GI can be applied to the tools used to analyze malicious code for its behavior. First, malware analysis is critical to understanding the damage caused by an attacker, which GI-based bug repair does not currently address. Second, modern malware samples leverage complex vectors for infection that cannot currently be addressed by GI. In this paper, we discuss an application of genetic improvement to the realm of automated malware analysis through the use of variable-strength covering arrays.
Walker, Aaron, Sengupta, Shamik.  2019.  Insights into Malware Detection via Behavioral Frequency Analysis Using Machine Learning. MILCOM 2019 - 2019 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :1–6.
The most common defenses against malware threats involves the use of signatures derived from instances of known malware. However, the constant evolution of the malware threat landscape necessitates defense against unknown malware, making a signature catalog of known threats insufficient to prevent zero-day vulnerabilities from being exploited. Recent research has applied machine learning approaches to identify malware through artifacts of malicious activity as observed through dynamic behavioral analysis. We have seen that these approaches mimic common malware defenses by simply offering a method of detecting known malware. We contribute a new method of identifying software as malicious or benign through analysis of the frequency of Windows API system function calls. We show that this is a powerful technique for malware detection because it generates learning models which understand the difference between malicious and benign software, rather than producing a malware signature classifier. We contribute a method of systematically comparing machine learning models against different datasets to determine their efficacy in accurately distinguishing the difference between malicious and benign software.
Shafiq, Z., Liu, A..  2017.  A graph theoretic approach to fast and accurate malware detection. 2017 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops. :1–9.

Due to the unavailability of signatures for previously unknown malware, non-signature malware detection schemes typically rely on analyzing program behavior. Prior behavior based non-signature malware detection schemes are either easily evadable by obfuscation or are very inefficient in terms of storage space and detection time. In this paper, we propose GZero, a graph theoretic approach fast and accurate non-signature malware detection at end hosts. GZero it is effective while being efficient in terms of both storage space and detection time. We conducted experiments on a large set of both benign software and malware. Our results show that GZero achieves more than 99% detection rate and a false positive rate of less than 1%, with less than 1 second of average scan time per program and is relatively robust to obfuscation attacks. Due to its low overheads, GZero can complement existing malware detection solutions at end hosts.

Pal, S., Poornachandran, P., Krishnan, M. R., Au, P. S., Sasikala, P..  2017.  Malsign: Threat Analysis of Signed and Implicitly Trusted Malicious Code. 2017 International Conference on Public Key Infrastructure and Its Applications (PKIA). :23–27.

Code signing which at present is the only methodology of trusting a code that is distributed to others. It heavily relies on the security of the software providers private key. Attackers employ targeted attacks on the code signing infrastructure for stealing the signing keys which are used later for distributing malware in disguise of genuine software. Differentiating a malware from a benign software becomes extremely difficult once it gets signed by a trusted software providers private key as the operating systems implicitly trusts this signed code. In this paper, we analyze the growing menace of signed malware by examining several real world incidents and present a threat model for the current code signing infrastructure. We also propose a novel solution that prevents this issue of malicious code signing by requiring additional verification of the executable. We also present the serious threat it poses and it consequences. To our knowledge this is the first time this specific issue of Malicious code signing has been thoroughly studied and an implementable solution is proposed.