Visible to the public A graph theoretic approach to fast and accurate malware detection

TitleA graph theoretic approach to fast and accurate malware detection
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsShafiq, Z., Liu, A.
Conference Name2017 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops
Date Publishedjun
Keywordsbenign software, Complexity theory, Databases, detection time, false positive rate, feature extraction, graph theoretic approach, graph theory, GZero, Human Behavior, invasive software, Malware, malware analysis, Markov processes, Metrics, nonsignature malware detection schemes, obfuscation attacks, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Robustness, storage management, storage space, unknown malware

Due to the unavailability of signatures for previously unknown malware, non-signature malware detection schemes typically rely on analyzing program behavior. Prior behavior based non-signature malware detection schemes are either easily evadable by obfuscation or are very inefficient in terms of storage space and detection time. In this paper, we propose GZero, a graph theoretic approach fast and accurate non-signature malware detection at end hosts. GZero it is effective while being efficient in terms of both storage space and detection time. We conducted experiments on a large set of both benign software and malware. Our results show that GZero achieves more than 99% detection rate and a false positive rate of less than 1%, with less than 1 second of average scan time per program and is relatively robust to obfuscation attacks. Due to its low overheads, GZero can complement existing malware detection solutions at end hosts.

Citation Keyshafiq_graph_2017