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Bašić, B., Udovičić, P., Orel, O..  2021.  In-database Auditing Subsystem for Security Enhancement. 2021 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO). :1642—1647.
Many information systems have been around for several decades, and most of them have their underlying databases. The data accumulated in those databases over the years could be a very valuable asset, which must be protected. The first role of database auditing is to ensure and confirm that security measures are set correctly. However, tracing user behavior and collecting a rich audit trail enables us to use that trail in a more proactive ways. As an example, audit trail could be analyzed ad hoc and used to prevent intrusion, or analyzed afterwards, to detect user behavior patterns, forecast workloads, etc. In this paper, we present a simple, secure, configurable, role-separated, and effective in-database auditing subsystem, which can be used as a base for access control, intrusion detection, fraud detection and other security-related analyses and procedures. It consists of a management relations, code and data object generators and several administrative tools. This auditing subsystem, implemented in several information systems, is capable of keeping the entire audit trail (data history) of a database, as well as all the executed SQL statements, which enables different security applications, from ad hoc intrusion prevention to complex a posteriori security analyses.
Radhakrishnan, Sangeetha, Akila, A..  2021.  Securing Distributed Database Using Elongated RSA Algorithm. 2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). 1:1931–1936.
Securing data, management of the authorised access of the user and maintaining the privacy of the data are some of the problems relating with the stored data in the database. The security of the data stored is considered as the major concern which is to be managed in a very serious manner as the users are sensitive about their shared data. The user's data can be protected by the process of cryptography which is considered as the conventional method. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Data Encryption Standard(DES), Two Fish, Rivest Shamir Adleman Algorithm (RSA), Attribute Based Encryption (ABE), Blowfish algorithms are considered as some of the cryptographic algorithms. These algorithms are classified into symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. Same key is used for the encryption and decoding technique in symmetric key cryptographic algorithm whereas two keys are used for the asymmetric ones. In this paper, the implementation of one of the asymmetric algorithm RSA with the educational dataset is done. To secure the distributed database, the extended version of the RSA algorithm is implemented as the proposed work.
EVINA, P. A., AYACHI, F. LABBENE, JAIDI, F., Bouhoula, A..  2019.  Enforcing a Risk Assessment Approach in Access Control Policies Management: Analysis, Correlation Study and Model Enhancement. 2019 15th International Wireless Communications Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC). :1866—1871.
Nowadays, the domain of Information System (IS) security is closely related to that of Risk Management (RM). As an immediate consequence, talking about and tackling the security of IS imply the implementation of a set of mechanisms that aim to reduce or eliminate the risk of IS degradations. Also, the high cadence of IS evolution requires careful consideration of corresponding measures to prevent or mitigate security risks that may cause the degradation of these systems. From this perspective, an access control service is subjected to a number of rules established to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the handled data. During their lifecycle, the use or manipulation of Access Control Policies (ACP) is accompanied with several defects that are made intentionally or not. For many years, these defects have been the subject of numerous studies either for their detection or for the analysis of the risks incurred by IS to their recurrence and complexity. In our research works, we focus on the analysis and risk assessment of noncompliance anomalies in concrete instances of access control policies. We complete our analysis by studying and assessing the risks associated with the correlation that may exist between different anomalies. Indeed, taking into account possible correlations can make a significant contribution to the reliability of IS. Identifying correlation links between anomalies in concrete instances of ACP contributes in discovering or detecting new scenarios of alterations and attacks. Therefore, once done, this study mainly contributes in the improvement of our risk assessment model.
Zaw, Than Myo, Thant, Min, Bezzateev, S. V..  2019.  Database Security with AES Encryption, Elliptic Curve Encryption and Signature. 2019 Wave Electronics and its Application in Information and Telecommunication Systems (WECONF). :1–6.

A database is an organized collection of data. Though a number of techniques, such as encryption and electronic signatures, are currently available for the protection of data when transmitted across sites. Database security refers to the collective measures used to protect and secure a database or database management software from illegitimate use and malicious threats and attacks. In this paper, we create 6 types of method for more secure ways to store and retrieve database information that is both convenient and efficient. Confidentiality, integrity, and availability, also known as the CIA triad, is a model designed to guide policies for information security within the database. There are many cryptography techniques available among them, ECC is one of the most powerful techniques. A user wants to the data stores or request, the user needs to authenticate. When a user who is authenticated, he will get key from a key generator and then he must be data encrypt or decrypt within the database. Every keys store in a key generator and retrieve from the key generator. We use 256 bits of AES encryption for rows level encryption, columns level encryption, and elements level encryption for the database. Next two method is encrypted AES 256 bits random key by using 521 bits of ECC encryption and signature for rows level encryption and column level encryption. Last method is most secure method in this paper, which method is element level encryption with AES and ECC encryption for confidentiality and ECC signature use for every element within the database for integrity. As well as encrypting data at rest, it's also important to ensure confidential data are encrypted in motion over our network to protect against database signature security. The advantages of elements level are difficult for attack because the attacker gets a key that is lose only one element. The disadvantages need to thousands or millions of keys to manage.

Gupta, Himanshu, Mondal, Subhash, Ray, Srayan, Giri, Biswajit, Majumdar, Rana, Mishra, Ved P.  2019.  Impact of SQL Injection in Database Security. 2019 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Knowledge Economy (ICCIKE). :296–299.
In today's world web applications have become an instant means for information broadcasting. At present, man has become so dependent on web applications that everything done through electronic means like e-banking, e-shopping, online payment of bills etc. Due to an unauthorized admittance might threat customer's or user's confidentiality, integrity and authority. SQL injection considered as most Spartan dangerous coercions to the databases of web applications. current scenario databases are highly susceptible to SQL Injection[4] . SQL Injection is one of the most popular and dangerous hacking or cracking technique . In this work authors projected a novel approach to mitigate SQL Injection Attacks in a database. We have illustrated a technique or method prevent SQLIA by incorporating a hybrid encryption in form of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC) [5]. In this research paper integrated approach of encryption method is followed to prevent the databases of the web applications against SQL Injection Attack. Incidentally if an invader gains access to the database, then it can cause severe damage and ends up with retrieves data or information. So to prevent these type of attacks a combined approach is projected , Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) at login phase to prevent the unauthorized access to databases and on the other hand Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC) to encode the database so that without the key no one can access the database information [3]. This research paper illustrates the technique to prevent SQL Injection Attack.
Flores, Denys A., Jhumka, Arshad.  2019.  Hybrid Logical Clocks for Database Forensics: Filling the Gap between Chain of Custody and Database Auditing. 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :224–231.
Database audit records are important for investigating suspicious actions against transactional databases. Their admissibility as digital evidence depends on satisfying Chain of Custody (CoC) properties during their generation, collection and preservation in order to prevent their modification, guarantee action accountability, and allow third-party verification. However, their production has relied on auditing capabilities provided by commercial database systems which may not be effective if malicious users (or insiders) misuse their privileges to disable audit controls, and compromise their admissibility. Hence, in this paper, we propose a forensically-aware distributed database architecture that implements CoC properties as functional requirements to produce admissible audit records. The novelty of our proposal is the use of hybrid logical clocks, which compared with a previous centralised vector-clock architecture, has evident advantages as it (i) allows for more accurate provenance and causality tracking of insider actions, (ii) is more scalable in terms of system size, and (iii) although latency is higher (as expected in distributed environments), 70 per cent of user transactions are executed within acceptable latency intervals.
Nomura, Komei, Rikitake, Kenji, Matsumoto, Ryosuke.  2019.  Automatic Whitelist Generation for SQL Queries Using Web Application Tests. 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 2:465–470.

Stealing confidential information from a database has become a severe vulnerability issue for web applications. The attacks can be prevented by defining a whitelist of SQL queries issued by web applications and detecting queries not in list. For large-scale web applications, automated generation of the whitelist is conducted because manually defining numerous query patterns is impractical for developers. Conventional methods for automated generation are unable to detect attacks immediately because of the long time required for collecting legitimate queries. Moreover, they require application-specific implementations that reduce the versatility of the methods. As described herein, we propose a method to generate a whitelist automatically using queries issued during web application tests. Our proposed method uses the queries generated during application tests. It is independent of specific applications, which yields improved timeliness against attacks and versatility for multiple applications.

Hasan, Musaab, Balbahaith, Zayed, Tarique, Mohammed.  2019.  Detection of SQL Injection Attacks: A Machine Learning Approach. 2019 International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications (ICECTA). :1–6.
With the rapid growth in online services, hacking (alternatively attacking) on online database applications has become a grave concern now. Attacks on online database application are being frequently reported. Among these attacks, the SQL injection attack is at the top of the list. The hackers alter the SQL query sent by the user and inject malicious code therein. Hence, they access the database and manipulate the data. It is reported in the literature that the traditional SQL injection detection algorithms fail to prevent this type of attack. In this paper, we propose a machine learning based heuristic algorithm to prevent the SQL injection attack. We use a dataset of 616 SQL statements to train and test 23 different machine learning classifiers. Among these classifiers, we select the best five classifiers based on their detection accuracy and develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) application based on these five classifiers. We test our proposed algorithm and the results show that our algorithm is able to detect the SQL injection attack with a high accuracy (93.8%).
Karvelas, Nikolaos P., Treiber, Amos, Katzenbeisser, Stefan.  2018.  Examining Leakage of Access Counts in ORAM Constructions. Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society. :66-70.

Oblivious RAM is a cryptographic primitive that embodies one of the cornerstones of privacy-preserving technologies for database protection. While any Oblivious RAM (ORAM) construction offers access pattern hiding, there does not seem to be a construction that is safe against the potential leakage due to knowledge about the number of accesses performed by a client. Such leakage constitutes a privacy violation, as client data may be stored in a domain specific fashion. In this work, we examine this leakage by considering an adversary that can probe the server that stores an ORAM database, and who takes regular snapshots of it. We show that even against such a weak adversary, no major ORAM architecture is resilient, except for the trivial case, where the client scans the whole database in order to access a single element. In fact, we argue that constructing a non-trivial ORAM that is formally resilient seems impossible. Moreover, we quantify the leakage of different constructions to show which architecture offers the best privacy in practice.

Ba-Hutair, M. N., Kamel, I..  2016.  A New Scheme for Protecting the Privacy and Integrity of Spatial Data on the Cloud. 2016 IEEE Second International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM). :394–397.

As the amount of spatial data gets bigger, organizations realized that it is cheaper and more flexible to keep their data on the Cloud rather than to establish and maintain in-house huge data centers. Though this saves a lot for IT costs, organizations are still concerned about the privacy and security of their data. Encrypting the whole database before uploading it to the Cloud solves the security issue. But querying the database requires downloading and decrypting the data set, which is impractical. In this paper, we propose a new scheme for protecting the privacy and integrity of spatial data stored in the Cloud while being able to execute range queries efficiently. The proposed technique suggests a new index structure to support answering range query over encrypted data set. The proposed indexing scheme is based on the Z-curve. The paper describes a distributed algorithm for answering range queries over spatial data stored on the Cloud. We carried many simulation experiments to measure the performance of the proposed scheme. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the most recent schemes by Kim et al. in terms of data redundancy.

Mallaiah, Kurra, Gandhi, Rishi Kumar, Ramachandram, S..  2016.  Word and Phrase Proximity Searchable Encryption Protocols for Cloud Based Relational Databases. Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing. :42:1–42:12.

In this paper, we propose a practical and efficient word and phrase proximity searchable encryption protocols for cloud based relational databases. The proposed advanced searchable encryption protocols are provably secure. We formalize the security assurance with cryptographic security definitions and prove the security of our searchable encryption protocols under Shannon's perfect secrecy assumption. We have tested the proposed protocols comprehensively on Amazon's high performance computing server using mysql database and presented the results. The proposed protocols ensure that there is zero overhead of space and communication because cipher text size being equal to plaintext size. For the same reason, the database schema also does not change for existing applications. In this paper, we also present results of comprehensive analysis for Song, Wagner, and Perrig scheme.

Pathan, A.C., Potey, M.A..  2014.  Detection of Malicious Transaction in Database Using Log Mining Approach. Electronic Systems, Signal Processing and Computing Technologies (ICESC), 2014 International Conference on. :262-265.

Data mining is the process of finding correlations in the relational databases. There are different techniques for identifying malicious database transactions. Many existing approaches which profile is SQL query structures and database user activities to detect intrusion, the log mining approach is the automatic discovery for identifying anomalous database transactions. Mining of the Data is very helpful to end users for extracting useful business information from large database. Multi-level and multi-dimensional data mining are employed to discover data item dependency rules, data sequence rules, domain dependency rules, and domain sequence rules from the database log containing legitimate transactions. Database transactions that do not comply with the rules are identified as malicious transactions. The log mining approach can achieve desired true and false positive rates when the confidence and support are set up appropriately. The implemented system incrementally maintain the data dependency rule sets and optimize the performance of the intrusion detection process.

Zahid, A., Masood, R., Shibli, M.A..  2014.  Security of sharded NoSQL databases: A comparative analysis. Information Assurance and Cyber Security (CIACS), 2014 Conference on. :1-8.

NoSQL databases are easy to scale-out because of their flexible schema and support for BASE (Basically Available, Soft State and Eventually Consistent) properties. The process of scaling-out in most of these databases is supported by sharding which is considered as the key feature in providing faster reads and writes to the database. However, securing the data sharded over various servers is a challenging problem because of the data being distributedly processed and transmitted over the unsecured network. Though, extensive research has been performed on NoSQL sharding mechanisms but no specific criterion has been defined to analyze the security of sharded architecture. This paper proposes an assessment criterion comprising various security features for the analysis of sharded NoSQL databases. It presents a detailed view of the security features offered by NoSQL databases and analyzes them with respect to proposed assessment criteria. The presented analysis helps various organizations in the selection of appropriate and reliable database in accordance with their preferences and security requirements.

Myalapalli, V.K., Chakravarthy, A.S.N..  2014.  A unified model for cherishing privacy in database system an approach to overhaul vulnerabilities. Networks Soft Computing (ICNSC), 2014 First International Conference on. :263-266.

Privacy is the most anticipated aspect in many perspectives especially with sensitive data and the database is being targeted incessantly for vulnerability. The database must be persistently monitored for ensuring comprehensive security. The proposed model is intended to cherish the database privacy by thwarting intrusions and inferences. The Database Static protection and Intrusion Tolerance Subsystem proposed in the architecture bolster this practice. This paper enunciates Privacy Cherished Database architecture model and how it achieves security under sundry circumstances.

Myalapalli, V.K., Chakravarthy, A.S.N..  2014.  A unified model for cherishing privacy in database system an approach to overhaul vulnerabilities. Networks Soft Computing (ICNSC), 2014 First International Conference on. :263-266.

Privacy is the most anticipated aspect in many perspectives especially with sensitive data and the database is being targeted incessantly for vulnerability. The database must be persistently monitored for ensuring comprehensive security. The proposed model is intended to cherish the database privacy by thwarting intrusions and inferences. The Database Static protection and Intrusion Tolerance Subsystem proposed in the architecture bolster this practice. This paper enunciates Privacy Cherished Database architecture model and how it achieves security under sundry circumstances.

Myalapalli, V.K., Chakravarthy, A.S.N..  2014.  A unified model for cherishing privacy in database system an approach to overhaul vulnerabilities. Networks Soft Computing (ICNSC), 2014 First International Conference on. :263-266.

Privacy is the most anticipated aspect in many perspectives especially with sensitive data and the database is being targeted incessantly for vulnerability. The database must be persistently monitored for ensuring comprehensive security. The proposed model is intended to cherish the database privacy by thwarting intrusions and inferences. The Database Static protection and Intrusion Tolerance Subsystem proposed in the architecture bolster this practice. This paper enunciates Privacy Cherished Database architecture model and how it achieves security under sundry circumstances.