Visible to the public A unified model for cherishing privacy in database system an approach to overhaul vulnerabilities

TitleA unified model for cherishing privacy in database system an approach to overhaul vulnerabilities
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsMyalapalli, V.K., Chakravarthy, A.S.N.
Conference NameNetworks Soft Computing (ICNSC), 2014 First International Conference on
Date PublishedAug
Keywordsdata privacy, database management systems, Database Security, Database Security Configurations, database static protection, database system privacy, Decision support systems, Handheld computers, Inference Detection, inference thwarting, Intrusion detection, intrusion thwarting, intrusion tolerance subsystem, privacy cherished database architecture model, security, security of data, security policy

Privacy is the most anticipated aspect in many perspectives especially with sensitive data and the database is being targeted incessantly for vulnerability. The database must be persistently monitored for ensuring comprehensive security. The proposed model is intended to cherish the database privacy by thwarting intrusions and inferences. The Database Static protection and Intrusion Tolerance Subsystem proposed in the architecture bolster this practice. This paper enunciates Privacy Cherished Database architecture model and how it achieves security under sundry circumstances.

Citation Key6906658