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Maksutov, A. A., Morozov, V. O., Lavrenov, A. A., Smirnov, A. S..  2020.  Methods of Deepfake Detection Based on Machine Learning. 2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). :408—411.
Nowadays, people faced an emerging problem of AI-synthesized face swapping videos, widely known as the DeepFakes. This kind of videos can be created to cause threats to privacy, fraudulence and so on. Sometimes good quality DeepFake videos recognition could be hard to distinguish with people eyes. That's why researchers need to develop algorithms to detect them. In this work, we present overview of indicators that can tell us about the fact that face swapping algorithms were used on photos. Main purpose of this paper is to find algorithm or technology that can decide whether photo was changed with DeepFake technology or not with good accuracy.
Marrone, Stefano, Sansone, Carlo.  2019.  An Adversarial Perturbation Approach Against CNN-based Soft Biometrics Detection. 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1–8.
The use of biometric-based authentication systems spread over daily life consumer electronics. Over the years, researchers' interest shifted from hard (such as fingerprints, voice and keystroke dynamics) to soft biometrics (such as age, ethnicity and gender), mainly by using the latter to improve the authentication systems effectiveness. While newer approaches are constantly being proposed by domain experts, in the last years Deep Learning has raised in many computer vision tasks, also becoming the current state-of-art for several biometric approaches. However, since the automatic processing of data rich in sensitive information could expose users to privacy threats associated to their unfair use (i.e. gender or ethnicity), in the last years researchers started to focus on the development of defensive strategies in the view of a more secure and private AI. The aim of this work is to exploit Adversarial Perturbation, namely approaches able to mislead state-of-the-art CNNs by injecting a suitable small perturbation over the input image, to protect subjects against unwanted soft biometrics-based identification by automatic means. In particular, since ethnicity is one of the most critical soft biometrics, as a case of study we will focus on the generation of adversarial stickers that, once printed, can hide subjects ethnicity in a real-world scenario.
Abie, Habtamu.  2019.  Cognitive Cybersecurity for CPS-IoT Enabled Healthcare Ecosystems. 2019 13th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT). :1–6.

Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)-Internet of Things (IoT) enabled healthcare services and infrastructures improve human life, but are vulnerable to a variety of emerging cyber-attacks. Cybersecurity specialists are finding it hard to keep pace of the increasingly sophisticated attack methods. There is a critical need for innovative cognitive cybersecurity for CPS-IoT enabled healthcare ecosystem. This paper presents a cognitive cybersecurity framework for simulating the human cognitive behaviour to anticipate and respond to new and emerging cybersecurity and privacy threats to CPS-IoT and critical infrastructure systems. It includes the conceptualisation and description of a layered architecture which combines Artificial Intelligence, cognitive methods and innovative security mechanisms.

Gu, Bruce, Wang, Xiaodong, Qu, Youyang, Jin, Jiong, Xiang, Yong, Gao, Longxiang.  2019.  Context-Aware Privacy Preservation in a Hierarchical Fog Computing System. ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–6.
Fog computing faces various security and privacy threats. Internet of Things (IoTs) devices have limited computing, storage, and other resources. They are vulnerable to attack by adversaries. Although the existing privacy-preserving solutions in fog computing can be migrated to address some privacy issues, specific privacy challenges still exist because of the unique features of fog computing, such as the decentralized and hierarchical infrastructure, mobility, location and content-aware applications. Unfortunately, privacy-preserving issues and resources in fog computing have not been systematically identified, especially the privacy preservation in multiple fog node communication with end users. In this paper, we propose a dynamic MDP-based privacy-preserving model in zero-sum game to identify the efficiency of the privacy loss and payoff changes to preserve sensitive content in a fog computing environment. First, we develop a new dynamic model with MDP-based comprehensive algorithms. Then, extensive experimental results identify the significance of the proposed model compared with others in more effectively and feasibly solving the discussed issues.
Nejatifar, Abbas, Hadavi, Mohammad Ali.  2019.  Threat Extraction in IoT-Based Systems Focusing on Smart Cities. 2019 16th International ISC (Iranian Society of Cryptology) Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC). :92–98.
IoT-based services are widely increasing due to their advantages such as economy, automation, and comfort. Smart cities are among major applications of IoT-based systems. However, security and privacy threats are vital issues challenging the utilization of such services. Connectivity nature, variety of data technology, and volume of data maintained through these systems make their security analysis a difficult process. Threat modeling is one the best practices for security analysis, especially for complex systems. This paper proposes a threat extraction method for IoT-based systems. We elaborate on a smart city scenario with three services including lighting, car parking, and waste management. Investigating on these services, firstly, we identify thirty-two distinct threat types. Secondly, we distinguish threat root causes by associating a threat to constituent parts of the IoT-based system. In this way, threat instances can be extracted using the proposed derivation rules. Finally, we evaluate our method on a smart car parking scenario as well as on an E-Health system and identify more than 50 threat instances in each cases to show that the method can be easily generalized for other IoT-based systems whose constituent parts are known.
Salehie, Mazeiar, Pasquale, Liliana, Omoronyia, Inah, Nuseibeh, Bashar.  2012.  Adaptive Security and Privacy in Smart Grids: A Software Engineering Vision. 2012 First International Workshop on Software Engineering Challenges for the Smart Grid (SE-SmartGrids). :46–49.

Despite the benefits offered by smart grids, energy producers, distributors and consumers are increasingly concerned about possible security and privacy threats. These threats typically manifest themselves at runtime as new usage scenarios arise and vulnerabilities are discovered. Adaptive security and privacy promise to address these threats by increasing awareness and automating prevention, detection and recovery from security and privacy requirements' failures at runtime by re-configuring system controls and perhaps even changing requirements. This paper discusses the need for adaptive security and privacy in smart grids by presenting some motivating scenarios. We then outline some research issues that arise in engineering adaptive security. We particularly scrutinize published reports by NIST on smart grid security and privacy as the basis for our discussions.

Cui, Hongyan, Chen, Zunming, Xi, Yu, Chen, Hao, Hao, Jiawang.  2019.  IoT Data Management and Lineage Traceability: A Blockchain-based Solution. 2019 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications Workshops in China (ICCC Workshops). :239–244.

The Internet of Things is stepping out of its infancy into full maturity, requiring massive data processing and storage. Unfortunately, because of the unique characteristics of resource constraints, short-range communication, and self-organization in IoT, it always resorts to the cloud or fog nodes for outsourced computation and storage, which has brought about a series of novel challenging security and privacy threats. For this reason, one of the critical challenges of having numerous IoT devices is the capacity to manage them and their data. A specific concern is from which devices or Edge clouds to accept join requests or interaction requests. This paper discusses a design concept for developing the IoT data management platform, along with a data management and lineage traceability implementation of the platform based on blockchain and smart contracts, which approaches the two major challenges: how to implement effective data management and enrich rational interoperability for trusted groups of linked Things; And how to settle conflicts between untrusted IoT devices and its requests taking into account security and privacy preserving. Experimental results show that the system scales well with the loss of computing and communication performance maintaining within the acceptable range, works well to effectively defend against unauthorized access and empower data provenance and transparency, which verifies the feasibility and efficiency of the design concept to provide privacy, fine-grained, and integrity data management over the IoT devices by introducing the blockchain-based data management platform.

Al-Hasnawi, Abduljaleel, Mohammed, Ihab, Al-Gburi, Ahmed.  2018.  Performance Evaluation of the Policy Enforcement Fog Module for Protecting Privacy of IoT Data. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT). :0951–0957.
The rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) results in generating massive amounts of data. Significant portions of these data are sensitive since they reflect (directly or indirectly) peoples' behaviors, interests, lifestyles, etc. Protecting sensitive IoT data from privacy violations is a challenge since these data need to be communicated, processed, analyzed, and stored by public networks, servers, and clouds; most of them are untrusted parties for data owners. We propose a solution for protecting sensitive IoT data called Policy Enforcement Fog Module (PEFM). The major task of the PEFM solution is mandatory enforcement of privacy policies for sensitive IoT data-wherever these data are accessed throughout their entire lifecycle. The key feature of PEFM is its placement within the fog computing infrastructure, which assures that PEFM operates as closely as possible to data sources within the edge. PEFM enforces policies directly for local IoT applications. In contrast, for remote applications, PEFM provides a self-protecting mechanism based on creating and disseminating Active Data Bundles (ADBs). ADBs are software constructs bundling inseparably sensitive data, their privacy policies, and an execution engine able to enforce privacy policies. To prove effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed module, we developed a smart home proof-of-concept scenario. We investigate privacy threats for sensitive IoT data. We run simulation experiments, based on network calculus, for testing performance of the PEFM controls for different network configurations. The results of the simulation show that-even with using from 1 to 5 additional privacy policies for improved data privacy-penalties in terms of execution time and delay are reasonable (approx. 12-15% and 13-19%, respectively). The results also show that PEFM is scalable regarding the number of the real-time constraints for real-time IoT applications.
Abubaker, N., Dervishi, L., Ayday, E..  2017.  Privacy-preserving fog computing paradigm. 2017 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :502–509.

As an extension of cloud computing, fog computing is proving itself more and more potentially useful nowadays. Fog computing is introduced to overcome the shortcomings of cloud computing paradigm in handling the massive amount of traffic caused by the enormous number of Internet of Things devices being increasingly connected to the Internet on daily basis. Despite its advantages, fog architecture introduces new security and privacy threats that need to be studied and solved as soon as possible. In this work, we explore two privacy issues posed by the fog computing architecture and we define privacy challenges according to them. The first challenge is related to the fog's design purposes of reducing the latency and improving the bandwidth, where the existing privacy-preserving methods violate these design purposed. The other challenge is related to the proximity of fog nodes to the end-users or IoT devices. We discuss the importance of addressing these challenges by putting them in the context of real-life scenarios. Finally, we propose a privacy-preserving fog computing paradigm that solves these challenges and we assess the security and efficiency of our solution.