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Immler, Vincent, Hennig, Maxim, Kürzinger, Ludwig, Sigl, Georg.  2016.  Practical Aspects of Quantization and Tamper-Sensitivity for Physically Obfuscated Keys. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems. :13–18.

This work deals with key generation based on Physically Obfuscated Keys (POKs), i.e., a certain type of tamper-evident Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) that can be used as protection against invasive physical attacks. To design a protected device, one must take attacks such as probing of data lines or penetration of the physical security boundary into consideration. For the implementation of a POK as a countermeasure, physical properties of a material – which covers all parts to be protected – are measured. After measuring these properties, i.e. analog values, they have to be quantized in order to derive a cryptographic key. This paper will present and discuss the impact of the quantization method with regard to three parameters: key quality, tamper-sensitivity, and reliability. Our contribution is the analysis of two different quantization schemes considering these parameters. Foremost, we propose a new approach to achieve improved tamper-sensitivity in the worst-case with no information leakage. We then analyze a previous solution and compare it to our scenario. Based on empirical data we demonstrate the advantages of our approach. This significantly improves the level of protection of a tamper-resistant cryptographic device compared to cases not benefiting from our scheme.

Xu, Hui, Zhou, Yangfan, Lyu, Michael.  2016.  N-version Obfuscation. Proceedings of the 2Nd ACM International Workshop on Cyber-Physical System Security. :22–33.

Although existing for decades, software tampering attack is still a main threat to systems, such as Android, and cyber physical systems. Many approaches have been proposed to thwart specific procedures of tampering, e.g., obfuscation and self-checksumming. However, none of them can achieve theoretically tamper-proof without the protection of hardware circuit. Rather than proposing new tricks against tampering attacks, we focus on impeding the replication of software tampering via program diversification, and thus pose a scalability barrier against the attacks. Our idea, namely N-version obfuscation (NVO), is to automatically generate and deliver same featured, but functionally nonequivalent software copies to different machines or users. In this paper, we investigate such an idea on Android platform. We carefully design a candidate NVO solution for networked apps, which leverages a Message Authentication Code (MAC) mechanism to generate the functionally nonequivalent diversities. Our evaluation result shows that the time required for breaking such a software system increases linearly with respect to the number of software versions. In this way, attackers would suffer great scalability issues, considering that an app can have millions of users. With minimal NVO costs, effective tamper-resistant security can therefore be established.

Wallrabenstein, J. R..  2016.  Practical and Secure IoT Device Authentication Using Physical Unclonable Functions. 2016 IEEE 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud). :99–106.

Devices in the internet of things (IoT) are frequently (i) resource-constrained, and (ii) deployed in unmonitored, physically unsecured environments. Securing these devices requires tractable cryptographic protocols, as well as cost effective tamper resistance solutions. We propose and evaluate cryptographic protocols that leverage physical unclonable functions (PUFs): circuits whose input to output mapping depends on the unique characteristics of the physical hardware on which it is executed. PUF-based protocols have the benefit of minimizing private key exposure, as well as providing cost-effective tamper resistance. We present and experimentally evaluate an elliptic curve based variant of a theoretical PUF-based authentication protocol proposed previously in the literature. Our work improves over an existing proof-of-concept implementation, which relied on the discrete logarithm problem as proposed in the original work. In contrast, our construction uses elliptic curve cryptography, which substantially reduces the computational and storage burden on the device. We describe PUF-based algorithms for device enrollment, authentication, decryption, and digital signature generation. The performance of each construction is experimentally evaluated on a resource-constrained device to demonstrate tractability in the IoT domain. We demonstrate that our implementation achieves practical performance results, while also providing realistic security. Our work demonstrates that PUF-based protocols may be practically and securely deployed on low-cost resource-constrained IoT devices.

Liu, R., Wu, H., Pang, Y., Qian, H., Yu, S..  2016.  A highly reliable and tamper-resistant RRAM PUF: Design and experimental validation. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :13–18.

This work presents a highly reliable and tamper-resistant design of Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) exploiting Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM). The RRAM PUF properties such as uniqueness and reliability are experimentally measured on 1 kb HfO2 based RRAM arrays. Firstly, our experimental results show that selection of the split reference and offset of the split sense amplifier (S/A) significantly affect the uniqueness. More dummy cells are able to generate a more accurate split reference, and relaxing transistor's sizes of the split S/A can reduce the offset, thus achieving better uniqueness. The average inter-Hamming distance (HD) of 40 RRAM PUF instances is 42%. Secondly, we propose using the sum of the read-out currents of multiple RRAM cells for generating one response bit, which statistically minimizes the risk of early retention failure of a single cell. The measurement results show that with 8 cells per bit, 0% intra-HD can maintain more than 50 hours at 150 °C or equivalently 10 years at 69 °C by 1/kT extrapolation. Finally, we propose a layout obfuscation scheme where all the S/A are randomly embedded into the RRAM array to improve the RRAM PUF's resistance against invasive tampering. The RRAM cells are uniformly placed between M4 and M5 across the array. If the adversary attempts to invasively probe the output of the S/A, he has to remove the top-level interconnect and destroy the RRAM cells between the interconnect layers. Therefore, the RRAM PUF has the “self-destructive” feature. The hardware overhead of the proposed design strategies is benchmarked in 64 × 128 RRAM PUF array at 65 nm, while these proposed optimization strategies increase latency, energy and area over a naive implementation, they significantly improve the performance and security.

Koch, R., Kühn, T., Odenwald, M., Rodosek, G. Dreo.  2016.  Dr. WATTson: Lightweight current-based Intrusion Detection (CBID). 2016 14th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST). :170–177.

Intrusion detection has been an active field of research for more than 35 years. Numerous systems had been built based on the two fundamental detection principles, knowledge-based and behavior-based detection. Anyway, having a look at day-to-day news about data breaches and successful attacks, detection effectiveness is still limited. Even more, heavy-weight intrusion detection systems cannot be installed in every endangered environment. For example, Industrial Control Systems are typically utilized for decades, charging off huge investments of companies. Thus, some of these systems have been in operation for years, but were designed afore without security in mind. Even worse, as systems often have connections to other networks and even the Internet nowadays, an adequate protection is mandatory, but integrating intrusion detection can be extremely difficult - or even impossible to date. We propose a new lightweight current-based IDS which is using a difficult to manipulate measurement base and verifiable ground truth. Focus of our system is providing intrusion detection for ICS and SCADA on a low-priced base, easy to integrate. Dr. WATTson, a prototype implemented based on our concept provides high detection and low false alarm rates.

Nozaki, Y., Ikezaki, Y., Yoshikawa, M..  2016.  Tamper resistance of IoT devices against electromagnnetic analysis. 2016 IEEE International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai (IMFEDK). :1–2.

Lightweight block ciphers, which are required for IoT devices, have attracted attention. Simeck, which is one of the most popular lightweight block ciphers, can be implemented on IoT devices in the smallest area. Regarding the hardware security, the threat of electromagnetic analysis has been reported. However, electromagnetic analysis of Simeck has not been reported. Therefore, this study proposes a dedicated electromagnetic analysis for a lightweight block cipher Simeck to ensure the safety of IoT devices in the future. To our knowledge, this is the first electromagnetic analysis for Simeck. Experiments using a FPGA prove the validity of the proposed method.

Yoshikawa, M., Nozaki, Y..  2016.  Tamper resistance evaluation of PUF in environmental variations. 2016 IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems (EDAPS). :119–121.

The damage caused by counterfeits of semiconductors has become a serious problem. Recently, a physical unclonable function (PUF) has attracted attention as a technique to prevent counterfeiting. The present study investigates an arbiter PUF, which is a typical PUF. The vulnerability of a PUF against machine-learning attacks has been revealed. It has also been indicated that the output of a PUF is inverted from its normal output owing to the difference in environmental variations, such as the changes in power supply voltage and temperature. The resistance of a PUF against machine-learning attacks due to the difference in environmental variation has seldom been evaluated. The present study evaluated the resistance of an arbiter PUF against machine-learning attacks due to the difference in environmental variation. By performing an evaluation experiment using a simulation, the present study revealed that the resistance of an arbiter PUF against machine-learning attacks due to environmental variation was slightly improved. However, the present study also successfully predicted more than 95% of the outputs by increasing the number of learning cycles. Therefore, an arbiter PUF was revealed to be vulnerable to machine-learning attacks even after environmental variation.

Haider, Ihtesham, Höberl, Michael, Rinner, Bernhard.  2016.  Trusted Sensors for Participatory Sensing and IoT Applications Based on Physically Unclonable Functions. Proceedings of the 2Nd ACM International Workshop on IoT Privacy, Trust, and Security. :14–21.

With the emergence of the internet of things (IoT) and participatory sensing (PS) paradigms trustworthiness of remotely sensed data has become a vital research question. In this work, we present the design of a trusted sensor, which uses physically unclonable functions (PUFs) as anchor to ensure integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation guarantees on the sensed data. We propose trusted sensors for mobile devices to address the problem of potential manipulation of mobile sensors' readings by exploiting vulnerabilities of mobile device OS in participatory sensing for IoT applications. Preliminary results from our implementation of trusted visual sensor node show that the proposed security solution can be realized without consuming significant amount of resources of the sensor node.

Yoshikawa, M., Goto, H., Asahi, K..  2014.  Error value driven fault analysis attack. Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD), 2014 15th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on. :1-4.

The advanced encryption standard (AES) has been sufficiently studied to confirm that its decryption is computationally impossible. However, its vulnerability against fault analysis attacks has been pointed out in recent years. To verify the vulnerability of electronic devices in the future, into which cryptographic circuits have been incorporated, fault Analysis attacks must be thoroughly studied. The present study proposes a new fault analysis attack method which utilizes the tendency of an operation error due to a glitch. The present study also verifies the validity of the proposed method by performing evaluation experiments using FPGA.