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Lokhande, S. S., Dawande, N. A..  2015.  A Survey on Document Image Binarization Techniques. 2015 International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation. :742–746.

Document image binarization is performed to segment foreground text from background text in badly degraded documents. In this paper, a comprehensive survey has been conducted on some state-of-the-art document image binarization techniques. After describing these document images binarization techniques, their performance have been compared with the help of various evaluation performance metrics which are widely used for document image analysis and recognition. On the basis of this comparison, it has been found out that the adaptive contrast method is the best performing method. Accordingly, the partial results that we have obtained for the adaptive contrast method have been stated and also the mathematical model and block diagram of the adaptive contrast method has been described in detail.

Farias, F. d S., Waldir, S. S., Filho, E. B. de Lima, Melo, W. C..  2015.  Automated content detection on TVs and computer monitors. 2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE). :177–178.

In a system manufacturing process that use screens, for exemple, TVs, computer monitors, or notebook, the inspection images is one of the most important quality tests. Due to increasing complexity of these systems, manual inspection became complex and slow. Thus, automatic inspection is an attractive alternative. In this paper, we present an automatic inspection system images using edge and line detection algorithms, rectangles recognition and image comparison metrics. The experiments, performed to 504 images (TVs, computer monitors, and notebook) demonstrate that the system has good performance.

Ridel, D. A., Shinzato, P. Y., Wolf, D. F..  2015.  A Clustering-Based Obstacle Segmentation Approach for Urban Environments. 2015 12th Latin American Robotic Symposium and 2015 3rd Brazilian Symposium on Robotics (LARS-SBR). :265–270.

The detection of obstacles is a fundamental issue in autonomous navigation, as it is the main key for collision prevention. This paper presents a method for the segmentation of general obstacles by stereo vision with no need of dense disparity maps or assumptions about the scenario. A sparse set of points is selected according to a local spatial condition and then clustered in function of its neighborhood, disparity values and a cost associated with the possibility of each point being part of an obstacle. The method was evaluated in hand-labeled images from KITTI object detection benchmark and the precision and recall metrics were calculated. The quantitative and qualitative results showed satisfactory in scenarios with different types of objects.

Cook, B., Graceffo, S..  2015.  Semi-automated land/water segmentation of multi-spectral imagery. OCEANS 2015 - MTS/IEEE Washington. :1–7.

Segmentation of land and water regions is necessary in many applications involving analysis of remote sensing imagery. Not only is manual segmentation of these regions prone to considerable subjective variability, but the large volume of imagery collected by modern platforms makes manual segmentation extremely tedious to perform, particularly in applications that require frequent re-measurement. This paper examines a robust, semi-automated approach that utilizes simple and efficient machine learning algorithms to perform supervised classification of multi-spectral image data into land and water regions. By combining the four wavelength bands widely available in imaging platforms such as IKONOS, QuickBird, and GeoEye-1 with basic texture metrics, high quality segmentation can be achieved. An efficient workflow was created by constructing a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to these machine learning algorithms.

Nirmala, D. E., Vaidehi, V..  2015.  Non-subsampled contourlet based feature level fusion using fuzzy logic and golden section algorithm for multisensor imaging systems. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Graphics, Vision and Information Security (CGVIS). :110–115.

With the recent developments in the field of visual sensor technology, multiple imaging sensors are used in several applications such as surveillance, medical imaging and machine vision, in order to improve their capabilities. The goal of any efficient image fusion algorithm is to combine the visual information, obtained from a number of disparate imaging sensors, into a single fused image without the introduction of distortion or loss of information. The existing fusion algorithms employ either the mean or choose-max fusion rule for selecting the best features for fusion. The choose-max rule distorts constants background information whereas the mean rule blurs the edges. In this paper, Non-Subsampled Contourlet Transform (NSCT) based two feature-level fusion schemes are proposed and compared. In the first method Fuzzy logic is applied to determine the weights to be assigned to each segmented region using the salient region feature values computed. The second method employs Golden Section Algorithm (GSA) to achieve the optimal fusion weights of each region based on its Petrovic metric. The regions are merged adaptively using the weights determined. Experiments show that the proposed feature-level fusion methods provide better visual quality with clear edge information and objective quality metrics than individual multi-resolution-based methods such as Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform and NSCT.

Saurabh, A., Kumar, A., Anitha, U..  2015.  Performance analysis of various wavelet thresholding techniques for despeckiling of sonar images. 2015 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Networking (ICSCN). :1–7.

Image Denoising nowadays is a great Challenge in the field of image processing. Since Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is one of the powerful and perspective approaches in the area of image de noising. But fixing an optimal threshold is the key factor to determine the performance of denoising algorithm using (DWT). The optimal threshold can be estimated from the image statistics for getting better performance of denoising in terms of clarity or quality of the images. In this paper we analyzed various methods of denoising from the sonar image by using various thresholding methods (Vishnu Shrink, Bayes Shrink and Neigh Shrink) experimentally and compare the result in terms of various image quality parameters. (PSNR,MSE,SSIM and Entropy). The results of the proposed method show that there is an improvenment in the visual quality of sonar images by suppressing the speckle noise and retaining edge details.

Boykov, Y., Isack, H., Olsson, C., Ayed, I. B..  2015.  Volumetric Bias in Segmentation and Reconstruction: Secrets and Solutions. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). :1769–1777.

Many standard optimization methods for segmentation and reconstruction compute ML model estimates for appearance or geometry of segments, e.g. Zhu-Yuille [23], Torr [20], Chan-Vese [6], GrabCut [18], Delong et al. [8]. We observe that the standard likelihood term in these formu-lations corresponds to a generalized probabilistic K-means energy. In learning it is well known that this energy has a strong bias to clusters of equal size [11], which we express as a penalty for KL divergence from a uniform distribution of cardinalities. However, this volumetric bias has been mostly ignored in computer vision. We demonstrate signif- icant artifacts in standard segmentation and reconstruction methods due to this bias. Moreover, we propose binary and multi-label optimization techniques that either (a) remove this bias or (b) replace it by a KL divergence term for any given target volume distribution. Our general ideas apply to continuous or discrete energy formulations in segmenta- tion, stereo, and other reconstruction problems.

I. Mukherjee, R. Ganguly.  2015.  "Privacy preserving of two sixteen-segmented image using visual cryptography". 2015 IEEE International Conference on Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (ICRCICN). :417-422.

With the advancement of technology, the world has not only become a better place to live in but have also lost the privacy and security of shared data. Information in any form is never safe from the hands of unauthorized accessing individuals. Here, in our paper we propose an approach by which we can preserve data using visual cryptography. In this paper, two sixteen segment displayed text is broken into two shares that does not reveal any information about the original images. By this process we have obtained satisfactory results in statistical and structural testes.

A. Roy, S. P. Maity.  2015.  "On segmentation of CS reconstructed MR images". 2015 Eighth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR). :1-6.

This paper addresses the issue of magnetic resonance (MR) Image reconstruction at compressive sampling (or compressed sensing) paradigm followed by its segmentation. To improve image reconstruction problem at low measurement space, weighted linear prediction and random noise injection at unobserved space are done first, followed by spatial domain de-noising through adaptive recursive filtering. Reconstructed image, however, suffers from imprecise and/or missing edges, boundaries, lines, curvatures etc. and residual noise. Curvelet transform is purposely used for removal of noise and edge enhancement through hard thresholding and suppression of approximate sub-bands, respectively. Finally Genetic algorithms (GAs) based clustering is done for segmentation of sharpen MR Image using weighted contribution of variance and entropy values. Extensive simulation results are shown to highlight performance improvement of both image reconstruction and segmentation problems.

Trabelsi, W., Selmi, M.H..  2014.  Multi-signature robust video watermarking. Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP), 2014 1st International Conference on. :158-163.

Watermarking is a recently developed technique which is currently dominating the world of security and digital processing in order to ensure the protection of digitized trade. The purpose of this work is twofold. It is firstly to establish a state of the art that goes through the existing watermarking methods and their performances. And secondly to design, implement and evaluate a new watermarking solution that aims to optimize the compromise robustness-invisibility-capacity. The proposed approach consists on applying a frequency watermarking based on singular value decomposition (SVD) and exploiting the mosaic made from all video frames as well as inserting a double signature in order to increase watermarking algorithm capacity.

Voigt, S., Schoepfer, E., Fourie, C., Mager, A..  2014.  Towards semi-automated satellite mapping for humanitarian situational awareness. Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 2014 IEEE. :412-416.

Very high resolution satellite imagery used to be a rare commodity, with infrequent satellite pass-over times over a specific area-of-interest obviating many useful applications. Today, more and more such satellite systems are available, with visual analysis and interpretation of imagery still important to derive relevant features and changes from satellite data. In order to allow efficient, robust and routine image analysis for humanitarian purposes, semi-automated feature extraction is of increasing importance for operational emergency mapping tasks. In the frame of the European Earth Observation program COPERNICUS and related research activities under the European Union's Seventh Framework Program, substantial scientific developments and mapping services are dedicated to satellite based humanitarian mapping and monitoring. In this paper, recent results in methodological research and development of routine services in satellite mapping for humanitarian situational awareness are reviewed and discussed. Ethical aspects of sensitivity and security of humanitarian mapping are deliberated. Furthermore methods for monitoring and analysis of refugee/internally displaced persons camps in humanitarian settings are assessed. Advantages and limitations of object-based image analysis, sample supervised segmentation and feature extraction are presented and discussed.

Rafii, Z., Coover, B., Jinyu Han.  2014.  An audio fingerprinting system for live version identification using image processing techniques. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :644-648.

Suppose that you are at a music festival checking on an artist, and you would like to quickly know about the song that is being played (e.g., title, lyrics, album, etc.). If you have a smartphone, you could record a sample of the live performance and compare it against a database of existing recordings from the artist. Services such as Shazam or SoundHound will not work here, as this is not the typical framework for audio fingerprinting or query-by-humming systems, as a live performance is neither identical to its studio version (e.g., variations in instrumentation, key, tempo, etc.) nor it is a hummed or sung melody. We propose an audio fingerprinting system that can deal with live version identification by using image processing techniques. Compact fingerprints are derived using a log-frequency spectrogram and an adaptive thresholding method, and template matching is performed using the Hamming similarity and the Hough Transform.

Hong Jiang, Songqing Zhao, Zuowei Shen, Wei Deng, Wilford, P.A., Haimi-Cohen, R..  2014.  Surveillance video analysis using compressive sensing with low latency. Bell Labs Technical Journal. 18:63-74.

We propose a method for analysis of surveillance video by using low rank and sparse decomposition (LRSD) with low latency combined with compressive sensing to segment the background and extract moving objects in a surveillance video. Video is acquired by compressive measurements, and the measurements are used to analyze the video by a low rank and sparse decomposition of a matrix. The low rank component represents the background, and the sparse component, which is obtained in a tight wavelet frame domain, is used to identify moving objects in the surveillance video. An important feature of the proposed low latency method is that the decomposition can be performed with a small number of video frames, which reduces latency in the reconstruction and makes it possible for real time processing of surveillance video. The low latency method is both justified theoretically and validated experimentally.