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Khunchai, Seree, Kruekaew, Adool, Getvongsa, Natthapong.  2022.  A Fuzzy Logic-Based System of Abnormal Behavior Detection Using PoseNet for Smart Security System. 2022 37th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC). :912—915.
This paper aims to contribute towards creating ambient abnormal behavior detection for smart security system from real-time human pose estimation using fuzzy-based systems. Human poses from keypoint detected by pose estimation model are transformed to as angle positions of the axis between human bodies joints comparing to reference point in the axis x to deal with problem of the position change occurred when an individual move in the image. Also, the article attempts to resolve the problem of the ambiguity interpreting the poses with triangular fuzzy logic-based system that determines the detected individual behavior and compares to the poses previously learnt, trained, and recorded by the system. The experiment reveals that the accuracy of the system ranges between 90.75% (maximum) and 84% (minimum). This means that if the accuracy of the system at 85%. The system can be applied to guide future research for designing automatic visual human behavior detection systems.
Xu, Qichao, Zhao, Lifeng, Su, Zhou.  2021.  UAV-assisted Abnormal Vehicle Behavior Detection in Internet of Vehicles. 2021 40th Chinese Control Conference (CCC). :7500–7505.
With advantages of low cost, high mobility, and flexible deployment, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) are employed to efficiently detect abnormal vehicle behaviors (AVBs) in the internet of vehicles (IoVs). However, due to limited resources including battery, computing, and communication, UAVs are selfish to work cooperatively. To solve the above problem, in this paper, a game theoretical UAV incentive scheme in IoVs is proposed. Specifically, the abnormal behavior model is first constructed, where three model categories are defined: velocity abnormality, distance abnormality, and overtaking abnormality. Then, the barging pricing framework is designed to model the interactions between UAVs and IoVs, where the transaction prices are determined with the abnormal behavior category detected by UAVs. At last, simulations are conducted to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of our proposed scheme.
Tian, Zheng, Wu, Weidong, Li, Shu, Li, Xi, Sun, Yizhen, Chen, Zhongwei.  2019.  Industrial Control Intrusion Detection Model Based on S7 Protocol. 2019 IEEE 3rd Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2). :2647—2652.

With the proposal of the national industrial 4.0 strategy, the integration of industrial control network and Internet technology is getting higher and higher. At the same time, the closeness of industrial control networks has been broken to a certain extent, making the problem of industrial control network security increasingly serious. S7 protocol is a private protocol of Siemens Company in Germany, which is widely used in the communication process of industrial control network. In this paper, an industrial control intrusion detection model based on S7 protocol is proposed. Traditional protocol parsing technology cannot resolve private industrial control protocols, so, this model uses deep analysis algorithm to realize the analysis of S7 data packets. At the same time, in order to overcome the complexity and portability of static white list configuration, this model dynamically builds a white list through white list self-learning algorithm. Finally, a composite intrusion detection method combining white list detection and abnormal behavior detection is used to detect anomalies. The experiment proves that the method can effectively detect the abnormal S7 protocol packet in the industrial control network.

Rasheed, N., Khan, S.A., Khalid, A..  2014.  Tracking and Abnormal Behavior Detection in Video Surveillance Using Optical Flow and Neural Networks. Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2014 28th International Conference on. :61-66.

An abnormal behavior detection algorithm for surveillance is required to correctly identify the targets as being in a normal or chaotic movement. A model is developed here for this purpose. The uniqueness of this algorithm is the use of foreground detection with Gaussian mixture (FGMM) model before passing the video frames to optical flow model using Lucas-Kanade approach. Information of horizontal and vertical displacements and directions associated with each pixel for object of interest is extracted. These features are then fed to feed forward neural network for classification and simulation. The study is being conducted on the real time videos and some synthesized videos. Accuracy of method has been calculated by using the performance parameters for Neural Networks. In comparison of plain optical flow with this model, improved results have been obtained without noise. Classes are correctly identified with an overall performance equal to 3.4e-02 with & error percentage of 2.5.