Furutani, S., Shibahara, T., Hato, K., Akiyama, M., Aida, M..
Sybil Detection as Graph Filtering. GLOBECOM 2020 - 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :1–6.
Sybils are users created for carrying out nefarious actions in online social networks (OSNs) and threaten the security of OSNs. Therefore, Sybil detection is an urgent security task, and various detection methods have been proposed. Existing Sybil detection methods are based on the relationship (i.e., graph structure) of users in OSNs. Structure-based methods can be classified into two categories: Random Walk (RW)-based and Belief Propagation (BP)-based. However, although almost all methods have been experimentally evaluated in terms of their performance and robustness to noise, the theoretical understanding of them is insufficient. In this paper, we interpret the Sybil detection problem from the viewpoint of graph signal processing and provide a framework to formulate RW- and BPbased methods as low-pass filtering. This framework enables us to theoretically compare RW- and BP-based methods and explain why BP-based methods perform well for scale-free graphs, unlike RW-based methods. Furthermore, by this framework, we relate RW- and BP-based methods and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and discuss the difference among these methods. Finally, we evaluate the validity of this framework through numerical experiments.
Ma, C., Wang, L., Gai, C., Yang, D., Zhang, P., Zhang, H., Li, C..
Frequency Security Assessment for Receiving-end System Based on Deep Learning Method. 2020 IEEE/IAS Industrial and Commercial Power System Asia (I CPS Asia). :831–836.
For hours-ahead assessment of power systems with a high penetration level of renewable generation, a large number of uncertain scenarios should be checked to ensure the frequency security of the system after the severe power disturbance following HVDC blocking. In this situation, the full time-domain simulation is unsuitable as a result of the heavy calculation burden. To fulfill the quick assessment of the frequency security, the online frequency security assessment framework based on deep learning is proposed in this paper. The Deep Belief Network (DBN) method is used to establish the framework. The sample generation method is researched to generate representative samples for the purposed of higher assessment accuracy. A large-scale AC-DC interconnected power grid is adopted to verify the validity of the proposed assessment method.
Matthews, I., Mace, J., Soudjani, S., Moorsel, A. van.
Cyclic Bayesian Attack Graphs: A Systematic Computational Approach. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :129–136.
Attack graphs are commonly used to analyse the security of medium-sized to large networks. Based on a scan of the network and likelihood information of vulnerabilities, attack graphs can be transformed into Bayesian Attack Graphs (BAGs). These BAGs are used to evaluate how security controls affect a network and how changes in topology affect security. A challenge with these automatically generated BAGs is that cycles arise naturally, which make it impossible to use Bayesian network theory to calculate state probabilities. In this paper we provide a systematic approach to analyse and perform computations over cyclic Bayesian attack graphs. We present an interpretation of Bayesian attack graphs based on combinational logic circuits, which facilitates an intuitively attractive systematic treatment of cycles. We prove properties of the associated logic circuit and present an algorithm that computes state probabilities without altering the attack graphs (e.g., remove an arc to remove a cycle). Moreover, our algorithm deals seamlessly with any cycle without the need to identify their type. A set of experiments demonstrates the scalability of the algorithm on computer networks with hundreds of machines, each with multiple vulnerabilities.
Javorník, M., Komárková, J., Sadlek, L., Husak, M..
Decision Support for Mission-Centric Network Security Management. NOMS 2020 - 2020 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. :1–6.
In this paper, we propose a decision support process that is designed to help network and security operators in understanding the complexity of a current security situation and decision making concerning ongoing cyber-attacks and threats. The process focuses on enterprise missions and uses a graph-based mission decomposition model that captures the missions, underlying hosts and services in the network, and functional and security requirements between them. Knowing the vulnerabilities and attacker's position in the network, the process employs logical attack graphs and Bayesian network to infer the probability of the disruption of the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the missions. Based on the probabilities of disruptions, the process suggests the most resilient mission configuration that would withstand the current security situation.
Yermalovich, P., Mejri, M..
Information security risk assessment based on decomposition probability via Bayesian Network. 2020 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC). :1–8.
Well-known approaches to risk analysis suggest considering the level of an information system risk as one frame in a film. This means that we only can perform a risk assessment for the current point in time. This article explores the idea of risk assessment in a future period, as a prediction of what we will see in the film later. In other words, the article presents an approach to predicting a potential future risk and suggests the idea of relying on forecasting the likelihood of an attack on information system assets. To establish the risk level at a selected time interval in the future, one has to perform a mathematical decomposition. To do this, we need to select the required information system parameters for the predictions and their statistical data for risk assessment. This method can be used to ensure more detailed budget planning when ensuring the protection of the information system. It can be also applied in case of a change of the information protection configuration to satisfy the accepted level of risk associated with projected threats and vulnerabilities.
Marchisio, A., Nanfa, G., Khalid, F., Hanif, M. A., Martina, M., Shafique, M..
Is Spiking Secure? A Comparative Study on the Security Vulnerabilities of Spiking and Deep Neural Networks 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1–8.
Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) claim to present many advantages in terms of biological plausibility and energy efficiency compared to standard Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Recent works have shown that DNNs are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, i.e., small perturbations added to the input data can lead to targeted or random misclassifications. In this paper, we aim at investigating the key research question: "Are SNNs secure?" Towards this, we perform a comparative study of the security vulnerabilities in SNNs and DNNs w.r.t. the adversarial noise. Afterwards, we propose a novel black-box attack methodology, i.e., without the knowledge of the internal structure of the SNN, which employs a greedy heuristic to automatically generate imperceptible and robust adversarial examples (i.e., attack images) for the given SNN. We perform an in-depth evaluation for a Spiking Deep Belief Network (SDBN) and a DNN having the same number of layers and neurons (to obtain a fair comparison), in order to study the efficiency of our methodology and to understand the differences between SNNs and DNNs w.r.t. the adversarial examples. Our work opens new avenues of research towards the robustness of the SNNs, considering their similarities to the human brain's functionality.
Xie, J., She, H., Chen, X., Zhang, H., Niu, Y..
Test Method for Automatic Detection Capability of Civil Aviation Security Equipment Using Bayesian Estimation. 2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Civil Aviation Safety and Information Technology (ICCASIT. :831–835.
There are a lot of emerging security equipment required to be tested on detection rate (DR) and false alarm rate (FAR) for prohibited items. This article imports Bayesian approach to accept or reject DR and FAR. The detailed quantitative predictions can be made through the posterior distribution obtained by Markov chain Monte Carlo method. Based on this, HDI + ROPE decision rule is established. For the tests that need to make early decision, HDI + ROPE stopping rule is presented with biased estimate value, and criterial precision rule is presented with unbiased estimate value. Choosing the stopping rule according to the test purpose can achieve the balance of efficiency and accuracy.
Li, Y., Zhou, Y., Hu, K., Sun, N., Ke, K..
A Security Situation Prediction Method Based on Improved Deep Belief Network. 2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Civil Aviation Safety and Information Technology (ICCASIT. :594–598.
With the rapid development of smart grids and the continuous deepening of informatization, while realizing remote telemetry and remote control of massive data-based grid operation, electricity information network security problems have become more serious and prominent. A method for electricity information network security situation prediction method based on improved deep belief network is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the affinity propagation clustering algorithm is used to determine the depth of the deep belief network and the number of hidden layer nodes based on sample parameters. Secondly, continuously adjust the scaling factor and crossover probability in the differential evolution algorithm according to the population similarity. Finally, a chaotic search method is used to perform a second search for the best individuals and similarity centers of each generation of the population. Simulation experiments show that the proposed algorithm not only enhances the generalization ability of electricity information network security situation prediction, but also has higher prediction accuracy.
Yu, X., Li, T., Hu, A..
Time-series Network Anomaly Detection Based on Behaviour Characteristics. 2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :568–572.
In the application scenarios of cloud computing, big data, and mobile Internet, covert and diverse network attacks have become a serious problem that threatens the security of enterprises and personal information assets. Abnormal network behaviour detection based on network behaviour characteristics has become an important means to protect network security. However, existing frameworks do not make full use of the characteristics of the correlation between continuous network behaviours, and do not use an algorithm that can process time-series data or process the original feature set into time-series data to match the algorithm. This paper proposes a time-series abnormal network behaviour detection framework. The framework consists of two parts: an algorithm model (DBN-BiGRU) that combines Deep Belief Network (DBN) and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BiGRU), and a pre-processing scheme that processes the original feature analysis files of CICIDS2017 to good time-series data. This detection framework uses past and future behaviour information to determine current behaviours, which can improve accuracy, and can adapt to the large amount of existing network traffic and high-dimensional characteristics. Finally, this paper completes the training of the algorithm model and gets the test results. Experimental results show that the prediction accuracy of this framework is as high as 99.82%, which is better than the traditional frameworks that do not use time-series information.