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Shamshad, Salman, Obaidat, Mohammad S., Minahil, Shamshad, Usman, Noor, Sahar, Mahmood, Khalid.  2021.  On the Security of Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme for Fog-driven IoT Healthcare System. 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS). :1760—1765.
The convergence of Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing is due to the practical necessity for providing broader services to extensive user in distinct environments. However, cloud computing has numerous constraints for applications that require high-mobility and high latency, notably in adversarial situations (e.g. battlefields). These limitations can be elevated to some extent, in a fog computing model because it covers the gap between remote data-center and edge device. Since, the fog nodes are usually installed in remote areas, therefore, they impose the design of fool proof safety solution for a fog-based setting. Thus, to ensure the security and privacy of fog-based environment, numerous schemes have been developed by researchers. In the recent past, Jia et al. (Wireless Networks, DOI: 10.1007/s11276-018-1759-3) designed a fog-based three-party scheme for healthcare system using bilinear. They claim that their scheme can withstand common security attacks. However, in this work we investigated their scheme and show that their scheme has different susceptibilities such as revealing of secret parameters, and fog node impersonation attack. Moreover, it lacks the anonymity of user anonymity and has inefficient login phase. Consequently, we have suggestion with some necessary guidelines for attack resilience that are unheeded by Jia et al.
Shamshad, Salman, Obaidat, Mohammad S., Minahil, Saleem, Muhammad Asad, Shamshad, Usman, Mahmood, Khalid.  2021.  Security Analysis on an Efficient and Provably Secure Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Fog-Based Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS). :1754–1759.
The maturity of intelligent transportation system, cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) technology has encouraged the rapid growth of vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs). Currently, vehicles are supposed to carry relatively more storage, on board computing facilities, increased sensing power and communication systems. In order to cope with real world demands such as low latency, low storage cost, mobility, etc., for the deployment of VANETs, numerous attempts have been taken to integrate fog-computing with VANETs. In the recent past, Ma et al. (IEEE Internet of Things, pp 2327-4662, 10. 1109/JIOT.2019.2902840) designed “An Efficient and Provably Secure Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Fog-Based Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks”. Ma et al. claimed that their protocol offers secure communication in fog-based VANETs and is resilient against several security attacks. However, this comment demonstrates that their scheme is defenseless against vehicle-user impersonation attack and reveals secret keys of vehicle-user and fog-node. Moreover, it fails to offer vehicle-user anonymity and has inefficient login phase. This paper also gives some essential suggestions on strengthening resilience of the scheme, which are overlooked by Ma et al.
Chen, Jichang, Lu, Zhixiang, Zhu, Xueping.  2020.  A Lightweight Dual Authentication Protocol for the Internet of Vehicles. 2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Aided Education (ICISCAE). :17—22.
With the development of 5G communication technology, the status of the Internet of Vehicles in people's lives is greatly improved in the general trend of intelligent transportation. The combination of vehicles and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) makes the application prospects of vehicle networking gradually expand. However, the wireless network of the Internet of Vehicles is open and mobile, so it can be easily stolen or tampered with by attackers. Moreover, it will cause serious traffic security problems and even threat people's lives. In this paper, we propose a lightweight authentication protocol for the Internet of Vehicles based on a mobile RFID system and give corresponding security requirements for modeling potential attacks. The protocol is based on the three-party mutual authentication, and uses bit-operated left-cycle shift operations and hetero-oriented operations to generate encrypted data. The simultaneous inclusion of triparty shared key information and random numbers makes the protocol resistant to counterfeit attacks, violent attacks, replay attacks and desynchronization attacks. Finally, a simulation analysis of the security protocol using the ProVerif tool shows that the protocol secures is not accessible to attackers during the data transfer, and achieve the three-party authentication between sensor nodes (SN), vehicle nodes (Veh) and backend servers.
Farahmandian, S., Hoang, D. B..  2020.  A Policy-based Interaction Protocol between Software Defined Security Controller and Virtual Security Functions. 2020 4th Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet). :1—8.

Cloud, Software-Defined Networking (SDN), and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) technologies have introduced a new era of cybersecurity threats and challenges. To protect cloud infrastructure, in our earlier work, we proposed Software Defined Security Service (SDS2) to tackle security challenges centered around a new policy-based interaction model. The security architecture consists of three main components: a Security Controller, Virtual Security Functions (VSF), and a Sec-Manage Protocol. However, the security architecture requires an agile and specific protocol to transfer interaction parameters and security messages between its components where OpenFlow considers mainly as network routing protocol. So, The Sec-Manage protocol has been designed specifically for obtaining policy-based interaction parameters among cloud entities between the security controller and its VSFs. This paper focuses on the design and the implementation of the Sec-Manage protocol and demonstrates its use in setting, monitoring, and conveying relevant policy-based interaction security parameters.

Rashid, N. A. M., Zukri, N. H. A., Zulkifli, Z. A., Awang, N., Buja, A. G..  2020.  A Multi Agent-Based Security Protocol for Securing Password Management Application. 2020 10th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE). :42—45.
Password-based authentication is the most common authentication method for either online or offline system. Password composition policies become too burdensome and put the user in a state of struggle to remember their password. Thus, most of the user save their password on the browser or even list it down in their personal gadgets. Therefore, a multi agent-based password management application have been developed to helps user in keeping their password safely. However, multi-agent system facing security issues such as man in the middle attack, data modification and eavesdropping. This paper proposed a security protocol for multi agent-based architecture in order to reduce potential threats. The security protocol focuess on the authentication of mobile agents, data transmission and the data local protection. The communication channels are secured using cryptography techniques.
Bodhe, A., Sangale, A..  2020.  Network Parameter Analysis; ad hoc WSN for Security Protocol with Fuzzy Logic. 2020 Second International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA). :960—963.

The wireless communication has become very vast, important and easy to access nowadays because of less cost associated and easily available mobile devices. It creates a potential threat for the community while accessing some secure information like banking passwords on the unsecured network. This proposed research work expose such a potential threat such as Rogue Access Point (RAP) detection using soft computing prediction tool. Fuzzy logic is used to implement the proposed model to identify the presence of RAP existence in the network.

Hyunki-Kim, Jinhyeok-Oh, Changuk-Jang, Okyeon-Yi, Juhong-Han, Hansaem-Wi, Chanil-Park.  2019.  Analysis of the Noise Source Entropy Used in OpenSSL’s Random Number Generation Mechanism. 2019 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :59–62.
OpenSSL is an open source library that implements the Secure Socket Layer (SSL), a security protocol used by the TCP/IP layer. All cryptographic systems require random number generation for many reasons, such as cryptographic key generation and protocol challenge/response, OpenSSL is also the same. OpenSSL can be run on a variety of operating systems. especially when generating random numbers on Unix-like operating systems, it can use /dev /(u)random [6], as a seed to add randomness. In this paper, we analyze the process provided by OpenSSL when random number generation is required. We also provide considerations for application developers and OpenSSL users to use /dev/urandom and real-time clock (nanoseconds of timespec structure) as a seed to generate cryptographic random numbers in the Unix family.
Adomnicai, A., Fournier, J. J. A., Masson, L..  2018.  Hardware Security Threats Against Bluetooth Mesh Networks. 2018 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1–9.
Because major smartphone platforms are equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) capabilities, more and more smart devices have adopted BLE technologies to communicate with smartphones. In order to support the mesh topology in BLE networks, several proposals have been designed. Among them, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) recently released a specification for Bluetooth mesh networks based upon BLE technology. This paper focuses on this standard solution and analyses its security protocol with hardware security in mind. As it is expected that internet of things (IoT) devices will be deployed everywhere, the risk of physical attacks must be assessed. First, we provide a comprehensive survey of the security features involved in Bluetooth mesh. Then, we introduce some physical attacks identified as serious threats for the IoT and discuss their relevance in the case of Bluetooth mesh networks. Finally, we briefly discuss possible countermeasures to reach a secure implementation.
Wei, B., Liao, G., Li, W., Gong, Z..  2017.  A Practical One-Time File Encryption Protocol for IoT Devices. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC). 2:114–119.

Security and privacy issues of the Internet of Things (IoT in short, hereafter) attracts the hot topic of researches through these years. As the relationship between user and server become more complicated than before, the existing security solutions might not provide exhaustive securities in IoT environment and novel solutions become new research challenges, e.g., the solutions based on symmetric cryptosystems are unsuited to handle with the occasion that decryption is only allowed in specific time range. In this paper, a new scalable one-time file encryption scheme combines reliable cryptographic techniques, which is named OTFEP, is proposed to satisfy specialized security requirements. One of OTFEP's key features is that it offers a mechanism to protect files in the database from arbitrary visiting from system manager or third-party auditors. OTFEP uses two different approaches to deal with relatively small file and stream file. Moreover, OTFEP supports good node scalability and secure key distribution mechanism. Based on its practical security and performance, OTFEP can be considered in specific IoT devices where one-time file encryption is necessary.

Zheng, L., Xue, Y., Zhang, L., Zhang, R..  2017.  Mutual Authentication Protocol for RFID Based on ECC. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC). 2:320–323.

In this paper, a mutual authentication protocol based on ECC is designed for RFID systems. This protocol is described in detail and the performance of this protocol is analyzed. The results show that the protocol has many advantages, such as mutual authentication, confidentiality, anonymity, availability, forward security, scalability and so on, which can resist camouflage attacks, tracking attacks, denial of service attacks, system internal attack.

Junguo Liao, Mingyan Wang.  2014.  A new dynamic updating key strategy based on EMSA in wireless mesh networks. Information and Communications Technologies (ICT 2014), 2014 International Conference on. :1-5.

In the security protocols of Efficient Mesh Security Association(EMSA), the key updating strategy is an effective method to ensure the security of communication. For the existing strategy of periodic automatic key updating, the PTK(Pairwise Transit Key) is updated through the complex 4-way handshake to produce each time. Once the update frequency of the PTK is faster, it will have a greater impact on throughput and delay of the network. On this basis, we propose a new strategy of dynamic key updating to ensure the safety and performance of wireless mesh networks. In the new strategy, mesh point(MP) and mesh authenticator(MA) negotiate a random function at the initial certification, and use the PTK which is generated by the 4-way handshake as the initial seed. When the PTK updating cycle comes, both sides generate the new keys using the random function, which do not have to generate a new PTK by complex 4-way handshake. The analysis of performance compared with existing strategies showed that the dynamic key updating strategy proposed in this paper have a larger increase in delay and throughput of the network.