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De La Croix, Ntivuguruzwa Jean, Islamy, Chaidir Chalaf, Ahmad, Tohari.  2022.  Secret Message Protection using Fuzzy Logic and Difference Expansion in Digital Images. 2022 IEEE Nigeria 4th International Conference on Disruptive Technologies for Sustainable Development (NIGERCON). :1—5.

Secrete message protection has become a focal point of the network security domain due to the problems of violating the network use policies and unauthorized access of the public network. These problems have led to data protection techniques such as cryptography, and steganography. Cryptography consists of encrypting secrete message to a ciphertext format and steganography consists of concealing the secrete message in codes that make up a digital file, such as an image, audio, and video. Steganography, which is different from cryptography, ensures hiding a secret message for secure transmission over the public network. This paper presents a steganographic approach using digital images for data hiding that aims to providing higher performance by combining fuzzy logic type I to pre-process the cover image and difference expansion techniques. The previous methods have used the original cover image to embed the secrete message. This paper provides a new method that first identifies the edges of a cover image and then proceeds with a difference expansion to embed the secrete message. The experimental results of this work identified an improvement of 10% of the existing method based on increased payload capacity and the visibility of the stego image.

Avula, Himaja, R, Ranjith, S Pillai, Anju.  2022.  CNN based Recognition of Emotion and Speech from Gestures and Facial Expressions. 2022 6th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology. :1360—1365.
The major mode of communication between hearing-impaired or mute people and others is sign language. Prior, most of the recognition systems for sign language had been set simply to recognize hand signs and convey them as text. However, the proposed model tries to provide speech to the mute. Firstly, hand gestures for sign language recognition and facial emotions are trained using CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) and then by training the emotion to speech model. Finally combining hand gestures and facial emotions to realize the emotion and speech.
Gao, Xuefei, Yao, Chaoyu, Hu, Liqi, Zeng, Wei, Yin, Shengyang, Xiao, Junqiu.  2022.  Research and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Real-Time Recognition Method for Crack Edge Based on ZYNQ. 2022 2nd International Conference on Algorithms, High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AHPCAI). :460—465.
At present, pavement crack detection mainly depends on manual survey and semi-automatic detection. In the process of damage detection, it will inevitably be subject to the subjective influence of inspectors and require a lot of identification time. Therefore, this paper proposes the research and implementation of artificial intelligence real-time recognition method of crack edge based on zynq, which combines edge calculation technology with deep learning, The improved ipd-yolo target detection network is deployed on the zynq zu2cg edge computing development platform. The mobilenetv3 feature extraction network is used to replace the cspdarknet53 feature extraction network in yolov4, and the deep separable convolution is used to replace the conventional convolution. Combined with the advantages of the deep neural network in the cloud and edge computing, the rock fracture detection oriented to the edge computing scene is realized. The experimental results show that the accuracy of the network on the PID data set The recall rate and F1 score have been improved to better meet the requirements of real-time identification of rock fractures.
Elbasi, Ersin.  2022.  A Robust Information Hiding Scheme Using Third Decomposition Layer of Wavelet Against Universal Attacks. 2022 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT). :611–616.
Watermarking is one of the most common data hiding techniques for multimedia elements. Broadcasting, copy control, copyright protection and authentication are the most frequently used application areas of the watermarking. Secret data can be embedded into the cover image with changing the values of the pixels in spatial domain watermarking. In addition to this method, cover image can be converted into one of the transformation such as Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT), Discrete Cousin Transformation (DCT) and Discrete Fourier Transformation (DFT). Later on watermark can be embedded high frequencies of transformation coefficients. In this work, cover image transformed one, two and three level DWT decompositions. Binary watermark is hided into the low and high frequencies in each decomposition. Experimental results show that watermarked image is robust, secure and resist against several geometric attacks especially JPEG compression, Gaussian noise and histogram equalization. Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Similarity Ratio (SR) values show very optimal results when we compare the other frequency and spatial domain algorithms.
Yerima, Suleiman Y., Bashar, Abul.  2022.  Semi-supervised novelty detection with one class SVM for SMS spam detection. 2022 29th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP). CFP2255E-ART:1–4.
The volume of SMS messages sent on a daily basis globally has continued to grow significantly over the past years. Hence, mobile phones are becoming increasingly vulnerable to SMS spam messages, thereby exposing users to the risk of fraud and theft of personal data. Filtering of messages to detect and eliminate SMS spam is now a critical functionality for which different types of machine learning approaches are still being explored. In this paper, we propose a system for detecting SMS spam using a semi-supervised novelty detection approach based on one class SVM classifier. The system is built as an anomaly detector that learns only from normal SMS messages thus enabling detection models to be implemented in the absence of labelled SMS spam training examples. We evaluated our proposed system using a benchmark dataset consisting of 747 SMS spam and 4827 non-spam messages. The results show that our proposed method out-performed the traditional supervised machine learning approaches based on binary, frequency or TF-IDF bag-of-words. The overall accuracy was 98% with 100% SMS spam detection rate and only around 3% false positive rate.
ISSN: 2157-8702
Zhai, Di, Lu, Yang, Shi, Rui, Ji, Yuejie.  2022.  Large-Scale Micro-Power Sensors Access Scheme Based on Hybrid Mode in IoT Enabled Smart Grid. 2022 7th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP). :719—723.
In order to solve the problem of high data collision probability, high access delay and high-power consumption in random access process of power Internet of Things, an access scheme for large-scale micro-power wireless sensors based on slot-scheduling and hybrid mode is presented. This scheme divides time into different slots and designs a slot-scheduling algorithm according to network workload and power consumption. Sensors with different service priorities are arranged in different time slots for competitive access, using appropriate random-access mechanism. And rationally arrange the number of time slots and competing end-devices in different time slots. This scheme is able to meet the timeliness requirements of different services and reduce the overall network power consumption when dealing with random access scenarios of large-scale micro-power wireless sensor network. Based on the simulation results of actual scenarios, this access scheme can effectively reduce the overall power consumption of the network, and the high priority services can meet the timeliness requirements on the premise of lower power consumption, while the low priority services can further reduce power consumption.
Wu, Yue-hong, Zhuang, Shen, Sun, Qi.  2020.  A Steganography Algorithm Based on GM Model of optimized Parameters. 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Application (ICCEA). :384—387.
In order to improve the concealment of image steganography, a new method is proposed. The algorithm firstly adopted GM (1, 1) model to detect texture and edge points of carrier image, then embedded secret information in them. GM (1, 1) model of optimized parameters can make full use of pixels information. These pixels are the nearest to the detected point, so it improves the detection accuracy. The method is a kind of steganography based on human visual system. By testing the stegano images with different embedding capacities, the result indicates concealment and image quality of the proposed algorithm are better than BPCS (Bit-plane Complexity Segmentation) and PVD (Pixel-value Differencing), which are also based on visual characteristics.
Tiwari, Krishnakant, Gangurde, Sahil J..  2021.  LSB Steganography Using Pixel Locator Sequence with AES. 2021 2nd International Conference on Secure Cyber Computing and Communications (ICSCCC). :302—307.
Image steganography is a technique of hiding confidential data in the images. We do this by incorporating the LSB(Least Significant Bit) of the image pixels. LSB steganography has been there for a while, and much progress has been made in it. In this paper, we try to increase the security of the LSB steganography process by incorporating a random data distribution method which we call pixel locator sequence (PLS). This method scatters the data to be infused into the image by randomly picking up the pixels and changing their LSB value accordingly. This random distribution makes it difficult for unknowns to look for the data. This PLS file is also encrypted using AES and is key for the data encryption/decryption process between the two parties. This technique is not very space-efficient and involves sending meta-data (PLS), but that trade-off was necessary for the additional security. We evaluated the proposed approach using two criteria: change in image dynamics and robustness against steganalysis attacks. To assess change in image dynamics, we measured the MSE and PSNR values. To find the robustness of the proposed method, we used the tool StegExpose which uses the stego image produced from the proposed algorithm and analyzes them using the major steganalysis attacks such as Primary Sets, Chi-Square, Sample Pairs, and RS Analysis. Finally, we show that this method has good security metrics for best known LSB steganography detection tools and techniques.
Azhari Halim, Muhammad Arif, Othman, Mohd. Fairuz Iskandar, Abidin, Aa Zezen Zaenal, Hamid, Erman, Harum, Norharyati, Shah, Wahidah Md.  2021.  Face Recognition-based Door Locking System with Two-Factor Authentication Using OpenCV. 2021 Sixth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC). :1—7.

This project develops a face recognition-based door locking system with two-factor authentication using OpenCV. It uses Raspberry Pi 4 as the microcontroller. Face recognition-based door locking has been around for many years, but most of them only provide face recognition without any added security features, and they are costly. The design of this project is based on human face recognition and the sending of a One-Time Password (OTP) using the Twilio service. It will recognize the person at the front door. Only people who match the faces stored in its dataset and then inputs the correct OTP will have access to unlock the door. The Twilio service and image processing algorithm Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH) has been adopted for this system. Servo motor operates as a mechanism to access the door. Results show that LBPH takes a short time to recognize a face. Additionally, if an unknown face is detected, it will log this instance into a "Fail" file and an accompanying CSV sheet.

Jiang, Qingwei.  2021.  An Image Hiding Algorithm based on Bit Plane and Two-Dimensional Code. 2021 Third International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV). :851–854.
An image hiding algorithm based on bit plane and two-dimensional code is proposed in this paper. The main characteristic of information hiding is to use the information redundant data of the existing image, to embed the information into these redundant data by the information hiding algorithm, or to partially replace redundant information with information to be embedded to achieve a visual invisible purpose. We first analyze the color index usage frequency of the block index matrix in the algorithm, and calculate the distance between the color of the block index matrix with only one color and the other color in the palette that is closest to the color. Then, the QR model and the compression model are applied to improve the efficiency. We compare the proposed model with the stateof-the-art models.
Zhang, QianQian, Liu, Yazhou, Sun, Quansen.  2021.  Object Classification of Remote Sensing Images Based on Optimized Projection Supervised Discrete Hashing. 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). :9507–9513.
Recently, with the increasing number of large-scale remote sensing images, the demand for large-scale remote sensing image object classification is growing and attracting the interest of many researchers. Hashing, because of its low memory requirements and high time efficiency, has widely solve the problem of large-scale remote sensing image. Supervised hashing methods mainly leverage the label information of remote sensing image to learn hash function, however, the similarity of the original feature space cannot be well preserved, which can not meet the accurate requirements for object classification of remote sensing image. To solve the mentioned problem, we propose a novel method named Optimized Projection Supervised Discrete Hashing(OPSDH), which jointly learns a discrete binary codes generation and optimized projection constraint model. It uses an effective optimized projection method to further constraint the supervised hash learning and generated hash codes preserve the similarity based on the data label while retaining the similarity of the original feature space. The experimental results show that OPSDH reaches improved performance compared with the existing hash learning methods and demonstrate that the proposed method is more efficient for operational applications.
Zhang, Guangxin, Zhao, Liying, Qiao, Dongliang, Shang, Ziwen, Huang, Rui.  2021.  Design of transmission line safety early warning system based on big data variable analysis. 2021 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation, Big Data & Smart City (ICITBS). :90–93.
In order to improve the accuracy and efficiency of transmission line safety early warning, a transmission line safety early warning system based on big data variable analysis is proposed. Firstly, the overall architecture of the system is designed under the B / S architecture. Secondly, in the hardware part of the system, the security data real-time monitoring module, data transmission module and security warning module are designed to meet the functional requirements of the system. Finally, in the system software design part, the big data variable analysis method is used to calculate the hidden danger of transmission line safety, so as to improve the effectiveness of transmission safety early warning. The experimental results show that, compared with the traditional security early warning system, the early warning accuracy and efficiency of the designed system are significantly improved, which can ensure the safe operation of the transmission line.
Liu, Xutao, Li, Qixiang.  2021.  Asymmetric Analysis of Anti-Terrorist Operations and Demand for Light Weapons under the Condition of Informationization. 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC). :1152–1155.

Asymmetric warfare and anti-terrorist war have become a new style of military struggle in the new century, which will inevitably have an important impact on the military economy of various countries and catalyze the innovation climax of military logistics theory and practice. The war in the information age is the confrontation between systems, and “comprehensive integration” is not only the idea of information war ability construction, but also the idea of deterrence ability construction in the information age. Looking at the local wars under the conditions of modern informationization, it is not difficult to see that the status and role of light weapons and equipment have not decreased, on the contrary, higher demands have been put forward for their combat performance. From a forward-looking perspective, based on our army's preparation and logistics support for future asymmetric operations and anti-terrorist military struggle, this strategic issue is discussed in depth.

Al-Eidi, Shorouq, Darwish, Omar, Chen, Yuanzhu, Husari, Ghaith.  2021.  SnapCatch: Automatic Detection of Covert Timing Channels Using Image Processing and Machine Learning. IEEE Access. 9:177–191.
With the rapid growth of data exfiltration carried out by cyber attacks, Covert Timing Channels (CTC) have become an imminent network security risk that continues to grow in both sophistication and utilization. These types of channels utilize inter-arrival times to steal sensitive data from the targeted networks. CTC detection relies increasingly on machine learning techniques, which utilize statistical-based metrics to separate malicious (covert) traffic flows from the legitimate (overt) ones. However, given the efforts of cyber attacks to evade detection and the growing column of CTC, covert channels detection needs to improve in both performance and precision to detect and prevent CTCs and mitigate the reduction of the quality of service caused by the detection process. In this article, we present an innovative image-based solution for fully automated CTC detection and localization. Our approach is based on the observation that the covert channels generate traffic that can be converted to colored images. Leveraging this observation, our solution is designed to automatically detect and locate the malicious part (i.e., set of packets) within a traffic flow. By locating the covert parts within traffic flows, our approach reduces the drop of the quality of service caused by blocking the entire traffic flows in which covert channels are detected. We first convert traffic flows into colored images, and then we extract image-based features for detection covert traffic. We train a classifier using these features on a large data set of covert and overt traffic. This approach demonstrates a remarkable performance achieving a detection accuracy of 95.83% for cautious CTCs and a covert traffic accuracy of 97.83% for 8 bit covert messages, which is way beyond what the popular statistical-based solutions can achieve.
Conference Name: IEEE Access
Nashrudin, Muhamad Ridhwan Bin, Nasser, Abdullah B., Abdul-Qawy, Antar Shaddad H..  2021.  V-CRYPT: A Secure Visual Cryptography System. 2021 International Conference on Software Engineering Computer Systems and 4th International Conference on Computational Science and Information Management (ICSECS-ICOCSIM). :568–573.
Nowadays, peoples are very concerned about their data privacy. Hence, all the current security methods should be improved to stay relevant in this fast-growing technology world. Visual Cryptography (VC) is a cryptographic technique that using the image processing method. The implementation of VC can be varying and flexible to be applied to the system that requires an extra security precaution as it is one of the effective solutions in securing the data exchange between two or more parties. The main purpose of the development of V-CRYPT System is to improve the current VC technique and make it more complex in the encryption and decryption process. V-CRYPT system will let the user enter the key, then select the image that they want to encrypt, and the system will split the image into four shares: share0, share1, share2, share3. Each pixel of the image will be splatted into a smaller block of subpixels in each of the four shares and encrypted as two subpixels in each of the shares. The decryption will work only when the user selects all the shares, and the correct text key is entered. The system will superimpose all the shares and producing one perfect image. If the incorrect key is entered, the resulted image will be unidentified. The results show that V- CRYPT is a valuable alternative to existing methods where its security level is higher in terms of adding a secure key and complexity.
Gupta, Subhash Chand, Singh, Nidhi Raj, Sharma, Tulsi, Tyagi, Akshita, Majumdar, Rana.  2021.  Generating Image Captions using Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. 2021 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO). :1—4.
In today's world, there is rapid progress in the field of artificial intelligence and image captioning. It becomes a fascinating task that has saw widespread interest. The task of image captioning comprises image description engendered based on the hybrid combination of deep learning, natural language processing, and various approaches of machine learning and computer vision. In this work authors emphasize on how the model generates a short description as an output of the input image using the functionalities of Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing, for helping visually impaired people, and can also be cast-off in various web sites to automate the generation of captions reducing the task of recitation with great ease.
Yuhua, Lu, Wenqiang, Wang, Zhenjiang, Pang, Yan, Li, Binbin, Xue, Shan, Ba.  2021.  A Method and System for Program Management of Security Chip Production. 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC). :461–464.
This paper analyzes the current situation and shortcomings of traditional security chip production program management, then proposes a management approach of a chip issue program management method and develope a management system based on Webservice technology. The program management method and system of chip production proposed in this paper simplifies the program management process of chip production and improves the working efficiency of chip production management.
Minyan, Ma, Yingying, Ji, Li, Pengxiao.  2021.  Research of Android APP based on dynamic and static analysis Sensitive behavior detection. 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC). :670—672.
For a long time, there have been a number of malicious APP discovery and detection services in the Android security field. There are multiple and multiple sensitive actions in most malicious apps. This paper is based on the research of dynamic and static detection technology to analyze the sensitive behaviors in APP, combined with automated testing technology to achieve automated detection, which can improve the detection efficiency and accuracy of malicious APP.
Jinhui, Yuan, Hongwei, Zhou, Laishun, Zhang.  2021.  F-SGX: Next Generation SGX for Trusted Computing. 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC). :673–677.
The existing methods of constructing a trusted computing environment do not fully meet the requirements. Intel SGX provides a new hardware foundation for the construction of trusted computing environment. However, existing SGX still faces problems such as side channel attacks. To overcome it, this paper present F-SGX which is the future SGX for trusting computing. In our opinion, F-SGX hold stronger isolation than current SGX, and reduce the dependence of enclave on host operating system. Furthermore, F-SGX hold a private key for the attestation. We believe that F-SGX can further provide better support for trusting computing environments while there is a good balance between isolation and dependencies.
Li, Yanjie.  2021.  The Application Analysis of Artificial Intelligence in Computer Network Technology. 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC). :1126–1129.
In the information age, computer network technology has covered different areas of social life and involved various fields, and artificial intelligence, as an emerging technology with a very rapid development momentum in recent years, is important in promoting the development of computer network systems. This article explains the concept of artificial intelligence technology, describes the problems faced by computer networks, further analyses the advantages of artificial intelligence and the inevitability of application in network technology, and then studies the application of artificial intelligence in computer network technology.
Uy, Francis Aldrine A., Vea, Larry A., Binag, Matthew G., Diaz, Keith Anshilo L., Gallardo, Roy G., Navarro, Kevin Jorge A., Pulido, Maria Teresa R., Pinca, Ryan Christopher B., Rejuso, Billy John Rudolfh I., Santos, Carissa Jane R..  2020.  The Potential of New Data Sources in a Data-Driven Transportation, Operation, Management and Assessment System (TOMAS). 2020 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech). :1–8.
We present our journey in constructing the first integrated data warehouse for Philippine transportation research in the hopes of developing a Transportation Decision Support System for impact studies and policy making. We share how we collected data from diverse sources, processed them into a homogeneous format and applied them to our multimodal platform. We also list the challenges we encountered, including bureaucratic delays, data privacy concerns, lack of software, and overlapping datasets. The data warehouse shall serve as a public resource for researchers and professionals, and for government officials to make better-informed policies. The warehouse will also function within our multi-modal platform for measurement, modelling, and visualization of road transportation. This work is our contribution to improve the transportation situation in the Philippines, both in the local and national levels, to boost our economy and overall quality of life.
Brezinski, Kenneth, Ferens, Ken.  2020.  Complexity-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Malware Classification. 2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). :1–9.
Malware classification remains at the forefront of ongoing research as the prevalence of metamorphic malware introduces new challenges to anti-virus vendors and firms alike. One approach to malware classification is Static Analysis - a form of analysis which does not require malware to be executed before classification can be performed. For this reason, a lightweight classifier based on the features of a malware binary is preferred, with relatively low computational overhead. In this work a modified convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture was deployed which integrated a complexity-based evaluation based on box-counting. This was implemented by setting up max-pooling layers in parallel, and then extracting the fractal dimension using a polyscalar relationship based on the resolution of the measurement scale and the number of elements of a malware image covered in the measurement under consideration. To test the robustness and efficacy of our approach we trained and tested on over 9300 malware binaries from 25 unique malware families. This work was compared to other award-winning image recognition models, and results showed categorical accuracy in excess of 96.54%.
Masuduzzaman, Md, Islam, Anik, Rahim, Tariq, Young Shin, Soo.  2020.  Blockchain-Assisted UAV-Employed Casualty Detection Scheme in Search and Rescue Mission in the Internet of Battlefield Things. 2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :412–416.
As the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can play a vital role to collect information remotely in a military battlefield, researchers have shown great interest to reveal the domain of internet of battlefield Things (IoBT). In a rescue mission on a battlefield, UAV can collect data from different regions to identify the casualty of a soldier. One of the major challenges in IoBT is to identify the soldier in a complex environment. Image processing algorithm can be helpful if proper methodology can be applied to identify the victims. However, due to the limited hardware resources of a UAV, processing task can be handover to the nearby edge computing server for offloading the task as every second is very crucial in a battlefield. Furthermore, to avoid any third-party interaction in the network and to store the data securely, blockchain can help to create a trusted network as it forms a distributed ledger among the participants. This paper proposes a UAV assisted casualty detection scheme based on image processing algorithm where data is protected using blockchain technology. Result analysis has been conducted to identify the victims on the battlefield successfully using image processing algorithm and network issues like throughput and delay has been analyzed in details using public-key cryptography.
Peng, Ye, Fu, Guobin, Luo, Yingguang, Yu, Qi, Li, Bin, Hu, Jia.  2020.  A Two-Layer Moving Target Defense for Image Classification in Adversarial Environment. 2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :410—414.
Deep learning plays an increasingly important role in various fields due to its superior performance, and it also achieves advanced recognition performance in the field of image classification. However, the vulnerability of deep learning in the adversarial environment cannot be ignored, and the prediction result of the model is likely to be affected by the small perturbations added to the samples by the adversary. In this paper, we propose a two-layer dynamic defense method based on defensive techniques pool and retrained branch model pool. First, we randomly select defense methods from the defense pool to process the input. The perturbation ability of the adversarial samples preprocessed by different defense methods changed, which would produce different classification results. In addition, we conduct adversarial training based on the original model and dynamically generate multiple branch models. The classification results of these branch models for the same adversarial sample is inconsistent. We can detect the adversarial samples by using the inconsistencies in the output results of the two layers. The experimental results show that the two-layer dynamic defense method we designed achieves a good defense effect.
Sarabia-Lopez, Jaime, Nuñez-Ramirez, Diana, Mata-Mendoza, David, Fragoso-Navarro, Eduardo, Cedillo-Hernandez, Manuel, Nakano-Miyatake, Mariko.  2020.  Visible-Imperceptible Image Watermarking based on Reversible Data Hiding with Contrast Enhancement. 2020 International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering (ICMEAE). :29–34.
Currently the use and production of multimedia data such as digital images have increased due to its wide use within smart devices and open networks. Although this has some advantages, it has generated several issues related to the infraction of intellectual property. Digital image watermarking is a promissory solution to solve these issues. Considering the need to develop mechanisms to improve the information security as well as protect the intellectual property of the digital images, in this paper we propose a novel visible-imperceptible watermarking based on reversible data hiding with contrast enhancement. In this way, a watermark logo is embedded in the spatial domain of the original image imperceptibly, so that the logo is revealed applying reversible data hiding increasing the contrast of the watermarked image and the same time concealing a great amount of data bits, which are extracted and the watermarked image restored to its original conditions using the reversible functionality. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. A performance comparison with the current state-of-the-art is provided.