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Sendhil, R., Amuthan, A..  2020.  Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation in Fog Computing using Homomorphic Encryption: An Analysis. 2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI). :1–5.
In recent days the attention of the researchers has been grabbed by the advent of fog computing which is found to be a conservatory of cloud computing. The fog computing is found to be more advantageous and it solves mighty issues of the cloud namely higher delay and also no proper mobility awareness and location related awareness are found in the cloud environment. The IoT devices are connected to the fog nodes which support the cloud services to accumulate and process a component of data. The presence of Fog nodes not only reduces the demands of processing data, but it had improved the quality of service in real time scenarios. Nevertheless the fog node endures from challenges of false data injection, privacy violation in IoT devices and violating integrity of data. This paper is going to address the key issues related to homomorphic encryption algorithms which is used by various researchers for providing data integrity and authenticity of the devices with their merits and demerits.
Lai, Chengzhe, Du, Yangyang, Men, Jiawei, Zheng, Dong.  2019.  A Trust-based Real-time Map Updating Scheme. 2019 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :334—339.

The real-time map updating enables vehicles to obtain accurate and timely traffic information. Especially for driverless cars, real-time map updating can provide high-precision map service to assist the navigation, which requires vehicles to actively upload the latest road conditions. However, due to the untrusted network environment, it is difficult for the real-time map updating server to evaluate the authenticity of the road information from the vehicles. In order to prevent malicious vehicles from deliberately spreading false information and protect the privacy of vehicles from tracking attacks, this paper proposes a trust-based real-time map updating scheme. In this scheme, the public key is used as the identifier of the vehicle for anonymous communication with conditional anonymity. In addition, the blockchain is applied to provide the existence proof for the public key certificate of the vehicle. At the same time, to avoid the spread of false messages, a trust evaluation algorithm is designed. The fog node can validate the received massages from vehicles using Bayesian Inference Model. Based on the verification results, the road condition information is sent to the real-time map updating server so that the server can update the map in time and prevent the secondary traffic accident. In order to calculate the trust value offset for the vehicle, the fog node generates a rating for each message source vehicle, and finally adds the relevant data to the blockchain. According to the result of security analysis, this scheme can guarantee the anonymity and prevent the Sybil attack. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme is effective and accurate in terms of real-time map updating and trust values calculating.

Mowla, Nishat I, Doh, Inshil, Chae, Kijoon.  2019.  Binarized Multi-Factor Cognitive Detection of Bio-Modality Spoofing in Fog Based Medical Cyber-Physical System. 2019 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). :43–48.
Bio-modalities are ideal for user authentication in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems. Various forms of bio-modalities, such as the face, iris, fingerprint, are commonly used for secure user authentication. Concurrently, various spoofing approaches have also been developed over time which can fail traditional bio-modality detection systems. Image synthesis with play-doh, gelatin, ecoflex etc. are some of the ways used in spoofing bio-identifiable property. Since the bio-modality detection sensors are small and resource constrained, heavy-weight detection mechanisms are not suitable for these sensors. Recently, Fog based architectures are proposed to support sensor management in the Medical Cyber-Physical Systems (MCPS). A thin software client running in these resource-constrained sensors can enable communication with fog nodes for better management and analysis. Therefore, we propose a fog-based security application to detect bio-modality spoofing in a Fog based MCPS. In this regard, we propose a machine learning based security algorithm run as an application at the fog node using a binarized multi-factor boosted ensemble learner algorithm coupled with feature selection. Our proposal is verified on real datasets provided by the Replay Attack, Warsaw and LiveDet 2015 Crossmatch benchmark for face, iris and fingerprint modality spoofing detection used for authentication in an MCPS. The experimental analysis shows that our approach achieves significant performance gain over the state-of-the-art approaches.