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Liu, B., Jin, Y., Qu, G..  2015.  Hardware Design and Verification Techniques for Supply Chain Risk Mitigation. 2015 14th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics). :238–239.

We present a brief survey on the state-of-the-art design and verification techniques: IC obfuscation, watermarking, fingerprinting, metering, concurrent checking and verification, for mitigating supply chain security risks such as IC misusing, counterfeiting and overbuilding.

A. T. Erozan, A. S. Aydoğdu, B. Örs.  2015.  "Application specific processor design for DCT based applications". 2015 23nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). :2157-2160.

Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is used in JPEG compression, image encryption, image watermarking and channel estimation. In this paper, an Application Specific Processor (ASP) for DCT based applications is designed and implemented to Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). One dimensional DCT and IDCT hardwares which have fully parallel architecture have been implemented and connected to MicroBlaze softcore processer. To show a basic application of ASP, DCT based image watermarking example is studied in this system.

S. Parimi, A. SaiKrishna, N. R. Kumar, N. R. Raajan.  2015.  "An imperceptible watermarking technique for copyright content using discrete cosine transformation". 2015 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT-2015]. :1-5.

This paper is nominated for an image protection scheme in the area of government sectors based on discrete cosine transformation with digital watermarking scheme. A cover image has broken down into 8 × 8 non overlapped blocks and transformed from spatial domain into frequency domain. Apply DCT version II of the DCT family to each sub block of the original image. Then embed the watermarking image into the sub blocks. Apply IDCT of version II to send the image through communication channel with watermarked image. To recover the watermarked image, apply DCT and watermarking formula to the sub blocks. The experimental results show that the proposed watermarking procedure gives high security and watermarked image retrieved successfully.

Plesca, C., Morogan, L..  2014.  Efficient and robust perceptual hashing using log-polar image representation. Communications (COMM), 2014 10th International Conference on. :1-6.

Robust image hashing seeks to transform a given input image into a shorter hashed version using a key-dependent non-invertible transform. These hashes find extensive applications in content authentication, image indexing for database search and watermarking. Modern robust hashing algorithms consist of feature extraction, a randomization stage to introduce non-invertibility, followed by quantization and binary encoding to produce a binary hash. This paper describes a novel algorithm for generating an image hash based on Log-Polar transform features. The Log-Polar transform is a part of the Fourier-Mellin transformation, often used in image recognition and registration techniques due to its invariant properties to geometric operations. First, we show that the proposed perceptual hash is resistant to content-preserving operations like compression, noise addition, moderate geometric and filtering. Second, we illustrate the discriminative capability of our hash in order to rapidly distinguish between two perceptually different images. Third, we study the security of our method for image authentication purposes. Finally, we show that the proposed hashing method can provide both excellent security and robustness.

Eddeen, L.M.H.N., Saleh, E.M., Saadah, D..  2014.  Genetic Hash Algorithm. Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT), 2014 6th International Conference on. :23-26.

Security is becoming a major concern in computing. New techniques are evolving every day; one of these techniques is Hash Visualization. Hash Visualization uses complex random generated images for security, these images can be used to hide data (watermarking). This proposed new technique improves hash visualization by using genetic algorithms. Genetic algorithms are a search optimization technique that is based on the evolution of living creatures. The proposed technique uses genetic algorithms to improve hash visualization. The used genetic algorithm was away faster than traditional previous ones, and it improved hash visualization by evolving the tree that was used to generate the images, in order to obtain a better and larger tree that will generate images with higher security. The security was satisfied by calculating the fitness value for each chromosome based on a specifically designed algorithm.

Trabelsi, W., Selmi, M.H..  2014.  Multi-signature robust video watermarking. Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP), 2014 1st International Conference on. :158-163.

Watermarking is a recently developed technique which is currently dominating the world of security and digital processing in order to ensure the protection of digitized trade. The purpose of this work is twofold. It is firstly to establish a state of the art that goes through the existing watermarking methods and their performances. And secondly to design, implement and evaluate a new watermarking solution that aims to optimize the compromise robustness-invisibility-capacity. The proposed approach consists on applying a frequency watermarking based on singular value decomposition (SVD) and exploiting the mosaic made from all video frames as well as inserting a double signature in order to increase watermarking algorithm capacity.

Rrushi, J.L..  2014.  A Steganographic Approach to Localizing Botmasters. Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2014 28th International Conference on. :852-859.

Law enforcement employs an investigative approach based on marked money bills to track illegal drug dealers. In this paper we discuss research that aims at providing law enforcement with the cyber counterpart of that approach in order to track perpetrators that operate botnets. We have devised a novel steganographic approach that generates a watermark hidden within a honey token, i.e. A decoy Word document. The covert bits that comprise the watermark are carried via secret interpretation of object properties in the honey token. The encoding and decoding of object properties into covert bits follow a scheme based on bijective functions generated via a chaotic logistic map. The watermark is retrievable via a secret cryptographic key, which is generated and held by law enforcement. The honey token is leaked to a botmaster via a honey net. In the paper, we elaborate on possible means by which law enforcement can track the leaked honey token to the IP address of a botmaster's machine.

Bianchi, T., Piva, A..  2014.  TTP-free asymmetric fingerprinting protocol based on client side embedding. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :3987-3991.

In this paper, we propose a scheme to employ an asymmetric fingerprinting protocol within a client-side embedding distribution framework. The scheme is based on a novel client-side embedding technique that is able to transmit a binary fingerprint. This enables secure distribution of personalized decryption keys containing the Buyer's fingerprint by means of existing asymmetric protocols, without using a trusted third party. Simulation results show that the fingerprint can be reliably recovered by using non-blind decoding, and it is robust with respect to common attacks. The proposed scheme can be a valid solution to both customer's rights and scalability issues in multimedia content distribution.