Visible to the public Efficient and robust perceptual hashing using log-polar image representation

TitleEfficient and robust perceptual hashing using log-polar image representation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsPlesca, C., Morogan, L.
Conference NameCommunications (COMM), 2014 10th International Conference on
Date PublishedMay
Keywordscontent authentication, cryptography, database search, feature extraction, Fourier transforms, Fourier-Mellin transforms, Hamming distance, image authentication, Image coding, image indexing, image processing, image recognition technique, key dependent noninvertible transform, log polar image representation, Log-Polar transform feature, log-polar transformation, multimedia security, perceptual hashing, registration technique, robust image hashing, robust perceptual hashing, Robustness, Transforms, Vectors, Watermarking

Robust image hashing seeks to transform a given input image into a shorter hashed version using a key-dependent non-invertible transform. These hashes find extensive applications in content authentication, image indexing for database search and watermarking. Modern robust hashing algorithms consist of feature extraction, a randomization stage to introduce non-invertibility, followed by quantization and binary encoding to produce a binary hash. This paper describes a novel algorithm for generating an image hash based on Log-Polar transform features. The Log-Polar transform is a part of the Fourier-Mellin transformation, often used in image recognition and registration techniques due to its invariant properties to geometric operations. First, we show that the proposed perceptual hash is resistant to content-preserving operations like compression, noise addition, moderate geometric and filtering. Second, we illustrate the discriminative capability of our hash in order to rapidly distinguish between two perceptually different images. Third, we study the security of our method for image authentication purposes. Finally, we show that the proposed hashing method can provide both excellent security and robustness.

Citation Key6866755